not a day that went by
did the lull become dull.
every waking moment that passed,
only deepened the ache
that roared within
these weary bones.
every atom
every cell
every heart beat
every inhale
every exhale
and with every fiber
of my being,
do i still want you.
i wanted you then
i want you now
will you want me too?
every moment
every memory
every glance
every touch
you live inside of me now,
from the moment our
souls collided
like the inevitability
of the thrashing navy waves
crashing upon the rocks at shore.
"i had all
and then most of you,
some, and now none of you..."
i find you in the gold sunrises,
i find you in the pink sunsets.
i find you in the california poppies,
and among the ripe sweet figs.
i find you between the branches and rained-on leaves,
park benches and hearts on sleeves.
i find you in the supermarket flowers,
i find you in the browning pages between my fingers . . .
mostly, i find you in the words.
the words between the soft melodies
and heavy harmonies . . .
the songs i used to throw myself into
i consciously avoid,
like a wound you are too afraid to rip
the bandage off too soon in case it hasn't
healed fully . . .
yet it's all i feel i have left of you . . .
you never called me by my name
darling . . .
don't leave me,
not now
not ever . . .
the time,
abandoning ship
as it uncontrollably
tears through all
sense and space.
the time . . .
the time we lost,
never saved . . .
time we had,
never made . . .
the time we made,
never had . . .
never paused,
never tamed . . .
not reclaimed,
just replayed . . .