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Daan Dec 2021
Laatst las ik in mijn eigen hoofd
gedachten die me deden
sidderen en beven.
Hetgeen ik had bekokstoofd,
beloofde me een beter leven.

Ik ging draaien aan de molen,
scheppen, graaien in de kolen,
bellen, spelen, doen alsof het telt.
En dat allemaal voor net iets meer van geld.

Ik kocht de gekste dingen.
Het moest maar op een scherm verschijnen
of 't deed m'n handjes in m'n beurs verdwijnen.

Eerst die spanningscurves in de positieve zin,
gevolgd door de terugslag, emoties in de min.
Begrijp me wel, emoties mogen, gehoord, zijn.
Maar dit specifieke mechanisme vind ik iets minder fijn.

Ik schrijf dit nu, midden in het groot verdriet.
Later zal ik nog wat laten horen, wanneer mijn ik
in mijn gedachten
er een oplossing voor ziet.
Weet jij *** ik kan vermijden promocode #SPD te gebruiken om iets te kopen wat ik niet nodig heb?
Daan Jan 2017
Be there for me
this is bound to blow over
my judging ways
her unheard prayers
oh I'll be gone, doll,
dear puppeteer,
help me steer clear.

No strings left to keep us attached
your legacy remains unmatched.
But I don't want to read your face
I need to keep running, keep up my pace.
It won't be like this for ever.
There will be better things, man.
Keep it up.
December 27 2016

Little ways down the road, a month later
Reading this now while wandering through privates and I feel great.
So I decided to publish
Daan Mar 2014
I drowned, the sea was only regrouping
to return with an even bigger wave to
flush my mood, making tears invisible.

Soaked I will return, I'll hunt you down and
haunt you in your dreams, you'll think of me.
I just know you won't forget, I'm not crazy.

My last soldier ran to the battlefield, held up
against a massive army, he died, but not heroically.
A fractured spear pierced through his collarbone.

This final deed was one too much, of such I
may not overcome. I was allright, she rekindled,
I had to fight, lost, died, at least I tried, I'm done now
Daan Apr 2019
Je ben nog jong nu,
van simpelere dingen
leer je genieten.
Rust en wind.
Daan Nov 2020
Ok, ja, er zijn veel opgesloten mensen.
Maar weet je wat echt triestig is?
Geen reactie krijgen op je versverstuurde,
welgemeende facebookverjaardagswensen.
Sadness intensifies
Daan Jun 2014
How can one give love without receiving
why does a part of me keep believing
you are perfect for me
Even when we're sure we'll never be

Is it the latching on to just have something,
instead of nothing
Is it because maybe this part is right
I worry and I stay awake at night

I think I'm sick
It is harsh when only
one is pained by this question
I don't know how long it wil stick

The part of me is wrong
If you don't want to hear me complain,
then leave me.
Because I am to weak to overcome
the part of me that does.
Do it right
Even if it's simple,
I am always afraid.
Daan Sep 2021
Diploma, werk en rijbewijs,
gewonnen in gevangenissen.
Allemaal op de molen en
allemaal vijzen missen.

We fabriceren, prakkeseren tot
we met moeite nog onze eigen
onzin kunnen verteren.

Tot het stopt,
dan is het plots gedaan,
vertrouwen uit de deur
en wederom er achteraan.
Misschien moet ik een boot kopen.
Daan Feb 2014
What is it coming to, when a village
can't have useless buildings, for how
long has it been tense and did she pillage
his time and attention, up until now.

It has passed the third beginning, close
to it's final end. Things he does not
decide himself go wrong, and a lot
goes wrong, the less he really knows

the better cause it hurts, every letter
every word in every sentence, makes
its way straight through his center, let her
be, let it all flow and pass instead of cutting

it out or tearing it loose, it's all decided, awakes
from a different dream, he starts shutting.
I want to be alone right now. Sleep for three days straight and wake up from this sick dream.
Wake up as me 7 years ago, happy with a bike and new games for some console nobody uses anymore.
Daan Jun 2020
The origins of joy have shifted.
As if there's winters in summers
and previous sparkers of joy
now elicit bummers.

Snow's been building up for days
and there's not enough salt
for all the ways unclear.

The bad is worse, the good is grey
and I wonder if I'll ever have a say
again in how I feel. I wonder when
the sun will once again feel real.
It's a pretty down time
Daan Feb 2014
The meadows can't ease my mind, if
all else makes me noisy, why is your
effect the opposite, empathic misery.

Leave me alone, run off with your perfect life
but don't rub it in my face, it harshly
even tells me



I want to stay alive and be enough for someone,
recurring goals, repeating songs,

Self-centered, hypocrite,
but don't be too judging
doors won't budge, in greatly developed

I'm just an empty house.
less of a man
less of a human being
not less than the next
but less than before.
Daan Dec 2016
I'm soft and unable to handle all you do
and are done to.
You are just too much, too good,
I misunderstood
When you said you were coming over.

I don't want to feel like this whenever
you are out and dazzled.
Whenever you do what you were meant to be doing.

I wouldn't want to hold you back
but I'm struggling to let go.
Daan Nov 2013
I have all my materials, a bathingsuit and
everything my tutor gave me. I love
to dip my leg in the water up to my
knees to check if the fluids are good.

But last week, when I knew I would
have to jump, I sabotaged myself, o why,
did I have to climb the ladder of
that springboard, I could not hand

myself some help, now I could not
feel the water. I had to jump without
the checking, it felt rather nerve-racking.
So I took the leap of no return, only south.

I went in head first, lessons didn't help a lot.
It was never the brightest idea, selftuition.
At least I climbed the ladder with succes.
Daan May 2019
Via leven, ene van de velen,
monden, stemmen, kelen
door elkaar te weven
in een wirwar boel Berlijn
en wenen, dankzij diegenen
die nog altijd zijn,
nog altijd lachen, stralen
daar blijf ik het geven halen.

Da's waardoor en om
ik 's ochtends uit mijn bedje kom,
gedreven, mijn pantoffels kus
met jus d'orange en bonjour zeg,
goedemorgen in het Frans.
Daan Feb 2022
Klassiekers die ik lees raken
vaak niet aan pagina zeven.
Stoppen kan ik ook niet maken
want boeken lezen is mijn leven.

Ik lees al zeker zo'n vijf jaar
intensief hetzelfde boek.
'k Ben zelfs bezig in twee paar
en de vijfde die is zoek.

Voor kerst kreeg ik twee dikke krakers,
bij m'n verjaardag 'n kleinfijn boekie.
Wat enig, drie eeuwige kastbewakers
om te verzamelen in dat grijze hoekie.

De letters vroegen me het op te geven.
Eindscore versus de prentjes: nul tegen zeven.
Last but not leest
Daan May 2019
Het gebeurt dat ik van paling droom.
Ik keer woord na woord,
zie *** de kok zijn lepel plooit, vermoordt
uit woede en de redder, zonder schroom,
in zijn racecar van de radar
vertrekt. Tot ik wakker word en zie
dat mijn koorts op het meetsysteem
duidelijk een strook te ver trekt,
verder dan ik zou willen lezen.
Neem een pil, lip, neem een
libellebil, dan zal je genezen.
De geniezing van een fever dream. Ah en LEGOVOGEL!
Daan Apr 2019
Liefs aan alle mama's die leven bieden
en soms fijne dingen verbieden
voor ons eigen goed.

Liefs aan alle moeders die met zorg
*** kindje dragen, bedankt aan
alle vrouwen die mijn hart
kunnen behagen.

Maar ook bedankt aan alle voorbeelden,
zij die voor zichzelf opstaan of
berekende gokjes wagen.

Bovenal merci aan het rolmodel
van het verhaaltje dat ik hier vertel.
Dankje mama
Daan Oct 2019
Wetenschap vertelt
dat blij zijn gezond
en goed is voor je motivatie
op het werk.

Maar, wetenschap, ***
doe je dat, blij zijn?

Wat als je geen zin hebt,
moe bent of je in het rond mept
zonder iets te raken?
Wat als je je makkelijk laat kraken,
je weent, verdriet en het vandaag
allemaal echt niet meer ziet?

Moet je dan forceren
of even iets anders leren?
Moet je dan tevreden
of mag je wel eens naar beneden?
Mag je tonen kermen
en werken op je eigen termen?

Van mij mogen jullie alles,
ik moet even aan mezelf denken.
Misschien dat ik daarna kan helpen.
Daan Mar 2015
Whether it was his words
or the cold flake of wind, sent
to make a chill his spine descend.
His mind got divided in two different worlds.

As bumps arose upon his skin
he took the time to let the view in.
He looked too closely, too refined
in a way that every difference properly aligned.

Two friends in pink and red rehearsed
what they had read before he even had discovered
how this image of perfection frantically hovered
so far from his yawn and written cursed.

The cold did not emerge at once. The breath he throws
is visible and harmful though the proces slows.
no one takes me serious anymore, not even I do.
Daan May 2019
Toen ik vanmorgen wakker werd,
ben ik in een dichtbundel getuimeld.
Zo begon de dag met het dessert
en heb ik 's avonds pas het brood gekruimeld.

Ik schreef me een maand geleden in,
was het bijna vergeten,
het zou zelfs nog kunnen dat ik win.
Dat wordt nog even, geduldig uitzweten.

Vanmorgen ben ik opgestaan als dichter,
Gister, gaan slapen als een amateur,
Ik voel me een negen op de schaal van richter,
Een cultureel en literair provocateur.

Wakker worden met zo’n straf bericht
Werd plotsklaps mijn lievelingsgedicht.
Ik heb deelgenomen aan een wedstrijd en mijn inzending is opgenomen in *** dichtbundel.
Dat was het eerste dat ik las vanmorgen en ik ben extatisch!
Daan May 2019
Ik heb besloten dat ik je niet meer haat,
dat ik je niet meer niet meer fijn vind.
Ik ben gesloten en 't is tijd dat ik het laat,
dat ik meer kijk naar wat ons bindt.

We hangen aan elkaar, wij zijn delen
wij zijn één. Ik heb eigenlijk niet te klagen,
wil leren houden van alle lagen,
alle rollen die je spelen kan.

Ongetwijfeld zal ik me wederom draaien
in mijn bed, dan deze keer met laaien
de positiviteit, de dagen ingezet.
Leed en ge leeft!
Daan Jan 2023
Je hele zijn doet gekke dingen
met het mijne. Mijn tenen zingen
van de allerdikste tot de kleine.
Jij bent alle beste liedjes in de mix.
Als ik de playlist van het leven
bij kon sturen, aan jou veranderde
ik niks.
Daan Jan 2017
Take it all in.
Try to hold on
but let it go,
there's so much more to know,
nothing wrong with alleys,
backstreets or rallies.

Take it in
and let it go.
You might even become a pro.
Selfe awareness
And something about this fight,
Mais tout va bien en de rest komt goed,
all that we share, het komt goed.
Daan Nov 2016
Vaguely I remember how and when
she got infected. She was sleeping,
disconnected from the world, heaping
inconsistencies onto a pile and then
breathing softly, laid to rest beside me.
Her chest was acting like the tides, see
how easily she fell into security.

In trust we slept,
though I could not help but stare.
Her nose kept
me infatuated, as if she didn't even care.

She's like a sheep in wolves clothing.
A lobster in lukewarm water,
the footprint of her father.

I wouldn't mind losing space and sleep in bed
if it would mean she meant the words she never said.
Remarkable how I always need another shot

Happy birthday, Lob
Daan Jun 2014
A grip as firm as a pretty girl's stare,
he will demolish he will take care

He picks his victim, tells her to go,
she doesn't mind, the guy, left behind.

Starting to doubt, why even stay kind,
it doesn't help, it doesn't bother.
She doesn't want me, why would another.

Neglect a message, sit at home, call
something off, carelessly roam.

He only gets stronger, whatever you do
whatever you try, it will not work,
he will make you die.

Once I was happy, once I had hope,
once I told everyone with what I did cope,
I wish to not care, but I feel loneliness' stare
and gripping me tight, not enough strenght,
not enough muscles,
too weak to fight.

I adore you,
I couldn't care less,
when I am alone,
I am a mess,
and useless too,
heartless as stone
I reclimb the throne

I am not lonely, I am
to be insecure and to be confident,
it's useless, they all want something different
stop caring.
Daan Jul 2014
The more I get surrounded by
people with a weak connection,
the more I let myself feel lonely,
separated from the strongly felt
desires. A little longer, a little stronger,
a little warmer as my pieces melt.
I am the only, yet a fraction of my
realistic potential, though I am an
idealist. Losing you made me lose
Used to living in a family

We need a little time to heal
too much time makes me think too much
I need time in which I have no time to think
in no time, my wounds would heal.
Daan Mar 2019
Alleen thuiskomen,
je televisie kussen
overschotjes eten,
bijna vergeten
dat je ooit dromen
had die ondertussen
zijn versleten.
naar de maan
Daan Feb 2020
Ever so often do I slightly dwell.
No matter my tries, attempting to quell,
no matter the present, the past
you can tell, is written, engraved,
I misbehaved.

I mistook my fright for inconvenience,
aware of the scary's worthiness of lenience.
I spoke in excess of affection and love.
Yet was too weak to express when push came to shove.

I regret causing harm, though I never met her,
believe she has grown, is stronger somehow.
She knows like I do, she deserved someone better,
or at least someone longer, who'll never regret her.

I hope you forgive me, consider me a friend
and in that act allow my dwelling to end.
It's more of a letter to the past. I've made many mistakes. Sometimes I struggle to forgive myself.
It's been some time though and rumination is unhealthy.
Consider this a peace offering.
Daan May 2019
Nog maar net begonnen
en al twijfels
en al zweten.
Zijn dat nu duizend zonnen
die mijn huid brandmerken
of is mijn lijf vergeten
*** spieren horen te werken?

In de helft,
buitenshuis en buiten adem.
Waarom kijkt zij nu zo raar?
Lijkt het maar of gaat het langzaam,
hijgt het luid of schort iets aan mijn slik?
Terug thuis schiet mij te binnen:
****, dat meisje kende ik.
Nog meer pijn om te overwinnen.
Wanhopig mijn zomerlichaam achterna.
Daan Feb 2017
She handed me life in a glass of wine,
I took a sip, gave it a try
as if I fired my personal spy
and everything seemed fine.

It took a while to take the time,
stand still, think and fill
the glass right up again,
it's nice to loosen up
I think next time
I'll drink
it will be from a larger cup.
let your expectations float
let them live alongside each other
you'll see them bother
you less and less.
Daan Aug 2014
She is like a well known city,
a mountain river, shivergiving pretty.
When words savour on those lips
my ears go blind as my tongue trips
and fails to explain how everytime she sips
on wine, coloured like her fingertips
when cold, she makes me gritty, fearless
of all else, except to tell her that, as my
word melts before her eyes, beauty is
a cruel disguise for guys less wise,
like me.
I wish I had the money to visit
Daan Feb 2014
Switching rails, close ways of metal bars,
mails another, tension building, starting wars,
not intended, tendency to, trips extended
others ended. I can choose, pick a path

or walk aside it, I don't care, as long as
I get where I want to be,
with someone equally in trance,
both willing to commence,

I'll write for it instead of her,
in search of me.
Daan Dec 2014
The more I know you
the more I don't.
The woodworks might is fading
in dust and cracks bading.
How I wish I could revive.
God, I would do anything to keep
this embodiment alive.

But change is inevitable and all
I can do is confess my love for you
and hope for the best.
Daan Feb 2017
Nudge, shove, turns into push,
words gush, a silent rush
yet no reaction.

Retreat, react, relapse, repeat,
never in the same place,
not even able to meet,
running some platonic race.

Decisions ruin, picking one makes and breaks,
Rice was right yet one solution,
tear apart instead of up,
run away for both your sakes,
run away from this pollution,
this toxic hurricane.

Go home, be safe and sane,
letting outside's air in will only cause more pain.
I over and under but I'm never really right.
That's why we will never see this work.
We're different yet both insecure,
only our love was pure,
all else was toxic.
Daan Mar 2013
Love is when you start wearing clothes more often
because she said they looked good on you.

It's when you wash your hair with the same
shampoo everyday, she said it smelled good

When you leave a seat open, next to you,
you know, just in case.

It's never the case.

I'd rather keep losing the battles for love
Than never be able to love at all.

I like to be the dreamer, gathering hope
from a certain distance, it soothes me

It suits me.
Daan Jul 2024
zwevend aan de horizon.
Blij dat ik gedanst heb
toen ik nog dansen kon.

Verdriet en machteloosheid,
angst en pijn en straf.
Gevaarlijke plekken, boosheid,
galop en stap en draf.

Een wereld zonder
kan nog alle kanten op
voor elk klein wonder
een eigen krantenkop

Maar het is er, groen,
en wat gaat ge daaraan doen.
Machteloosheid voelt met als er controle werd verwacht
zoek controle waar ze is, oefen ze uit
accepteer waar ze niet is
*** pijnlijk dat ook kan zijn.
Daan Jun 2019
Op vaste uren stijgen,
wel al eens te laat
en zwijgen,
ik wil niet dat je daar over praat.

Vlieg op, bol af,
geen passagier aan boord
en laf,
ik weet dat jij niet spoort.
Straf he
Daan Jun 2015
It's not a matter of being able
I know I could, if I chose to so.
When the ways you love, though
seemingly doubtful or unstable,
are so attractive, you would not part
them. Don't let them mislead the heart.

As it is known to hand in mysterious roads
to you the knowledge but not insight.
As you search for perfection, you might
just see the the air escape her nose, up close
you'll notice the ways are written in codes.
Love is a labyrinth you know nothing about
The joy lies in escaping
but exiting the labyrinth is just pure luck.
Do enjoy its beauty as you walk through.
Daan May 2019
Iedereen rond mij heeft pijn
mensen ten einde
raad en klein van hoop.
Ik hoop dat ik kan helpen,
dat ik ook een beetje nut heb.
Weet dat ik niet opschep
als ik zeg dat ik niet veel
heb meegemaakt.
Daan May 2014
Her smell is stuck, my nostrils flare,
the clothes she will always wear,
the closed kindness to scare,
not a friend spare,
Oh where?

When will I?
Who would want to?
How will something be
just quite different but the same,
so I can start off yet another game,
Daan Sep 2020
Enkel de kamer genoot
toen nummer drie
het kot te groot achtte,
gasten verwachtte,
zorgend voor miserie.

's Ochtends zat zittend
op de zetel, 's middags,
prikkelbaar als versgeplukte netel en
's avonds voorbereiden op de ochtend.

Ik heb gewoon geen woorden meer.
Daan Jan 19
Het mag niet zijn dat eten,
Tegen beter weten in,
't is geen honger
Het is zin.

Zin om vol te zitten, de rust
van te rollen zijn,
Onbewust schrokken
Tot pupillen grote bollen
En het hartje klein.

Omtrek wegen, kilo's meten
Zien waar wie zijn mosterd haalt
Het mag niet zijn dat eten
Zoveel van mijn zelf bepaalt.
Daan Jul 2020
Grijsgevlochten haren in een roze strik.
Het leven heeft jaren naar mij gelachen
en ik,
ik durfde niet eens op te kijken,
bang niet ver genoeg te reiken.

De vlammen waren talrijk, rood
en overal. Mensen lazen de krant
op televisie en keken naar de zon voor brood.
De nood naar moed was groot
en liep stilaan uit de hand.
De vlammen werden blauw,
de tranen waren liefdevol,
geschonken in een ring van veren.

Lieve goochelaar, ik heb van jou nog
zo veel te leren. Help me kijken, op en langs,
de kleine dingen. Help me zingen op een druilerige morgen of een slapeloze avond, ondergedompeld in zorgen over dag. Help mij mijn hart te vinden en zo de vleugels
die de oorlog laten stoppen, uit te slaan.

Waar dan ook jouw huis naar toe beweegt,
is waar ik het allerliefst wil gaan.
Een krabbeltje na het kijken van Howl's moving castle. Ik denk dat ik meer te delen heb. Houd moed.
Daan Jan 2017
Broken glass spread around,
cold skins, frozen fur and puppy eyes,
cages with the name of the pound
written on them, the tags and the ties.
She never lies, she never expresses,
never blesses those who wait
not even when it's too late.

When all we have is what could
have been something great,
you're left with what would
not deserve to be called anything,
you sting and poke.

It's about the time I woke,
the time I sat there silently
wishing you had something to add.
It's leaving,
what we had, what's left or over,
the perfect disease, someone
who had the guts to drive you
I don't want to be mad anymore.
Letting go is not the same
as pushing someone else away.
Concluded by wasps and webs.
Daan Aug 2014
A spot in the ice
no one knows how
or even why,
it did not suffice
or break or crack,
it just disappeared,
and I feel the lack
of love in my soul
as big as that hole.
Not exactly do I
remember you leaving
but I keep believing
somehow we belong
together and split
platonic or not
I've loved you a lot
you forced me to quit
it all was for naught
on the graves I spit
how macabre
Daan Sep 2015
Asleep they slither through these streets
as sheep they seem to sleep when their sneaky
snaking threat retreats.

Useless in a way, like ants yet not per se.
Souls have fled the circular pattern, almost
all of them need glasses, to see, to grow blind.
It's a miracle how one does not lose his mind.

It's a hunt, a search, adventure for the lonely,
routine to bands of others. For treasure not a single
one will find if not a change occurs.

My chair is comfort, a zone I will not leave today,
tonight, I may.
Daan Jun 2017
Less indifferent, less feels different,
as familiar as insistent.
The cold wind gripped my arms and shoulders,
the lights surrounding one place
made all else seem darker.

Uncharted territory, mapped by my discovery,
leading my recovery
in a revolution, instead of towards solutions.

In growth we see, what it meant to be
together, assessing, analyzing the
lost familiarity.

I saw you multiple times before,
now, all I need has become to see you more.
Enjoy the knowledge, friend.
Goals change, as does our range,
enjoy the knowledge, friend, with thirst
however strange it all may seem at first.
Daan Aug 2015
Instantaneously it fell apart
as if there was no future from the start,
gone so fast it seemed unreal,
life and death had made a deal.

Your passage was too short, potentially
one of the greatest. Eventually still.
We'll have trouble defining what it is
we're missing. Your name is the only thing

that seems to fit.
Other words don't even come near the amount of meaning your name has left us with. Have a good one up there. Even though we only shared a couple of nights. Everyone still cares. I'd say cedric but it's just not right.
Daan Jun 2013
What if I had never looked at you
in that particular way, would
you not have stared back, hoping
that my eyes would stay, maybe

What if I had never told you with
what my head was filled, would
you have been disinterested or just
slightly less thrilled, maybe

What if I had never mentioned that
I liked that band you like so much,
would you then not have lit my heart
up with your gentle touch, maybe

What if, what if, what if, maybe
sometimes it's not up to us to decide.
Daan May 2017
These flames too far to lend me warmth,
my heart too cold to stay unharmed.
We were ripped apart
as the target of a dart,
thrown with similar audacity.
I pity myself
for being driven
for letting go of the wheel,
for losing touch with
what should have been
kept real.

We feel these things we cannot see,
we aim to become what we cannot be,
grasping, clawing, endlessly,
feasting, gnawing on
Mere men, only one
Mere ducklings, not a swan
Daan Aug 2014
Once surrounded, slowly fading
I was once the center now I am
the edge.

In times of empty days, in which
you find too much space,
so much it haunts you.

Talk about, adress your long lost
friend and speak and tell and pronounce
the words: I love you.

Before you fade, before you turn into
me. The last thing I sometimes want to be.
It burns when I ***
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