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Daan Jul 2019
Ik wil beter worden,
genezen, waar kan ik het lezen,
*** word ik een onwijs wijs wezen.

Nooit iedereen,
nooit niet niemand,
altijd iemand.

Het is nog altijd onmogelijk
iedereen tevreden

Dus beperk jezelf tot wie het meest
jammer jammer maar helaas
mijn kritisch denken zit nog steeds vol fouten
Bestaat foutloos? Ik denk dat niemand foutloos is
alleen dat sommigen het beter verbergen.
Daan Mar 2019
De ruiten zijn besmeurd,
de huiden zijn gekleurd.

Mensen hebben andere mensen pijn gedaan.
Het doet verdriet om dan
voor de spiegel te
beseffen dat
wij zomaar door het leven gaan
zonder daar bij stil te staan.
Mensen hebben andere mensen pijn gedaan.

*** kan dat toch? Waarom gebeurt dat nog?
Zijn wij, de mens, nu nog niet oud genoeg
om geleerd te hebben, te weten,
als we zo door doen,
zonder meer fatsoen,
het hier rap zal zijn versleten.
Daan Feb 5
Ondanks overuren voortdurend
over de kuren turen.
Tot dan plotsklaps knal,
een schokgolf in mijn heelal.

Ijsberg niet gezien.
Kan ik best het roer verlaten?
Wie is het die ik dien
te zijn, te doen, te laten.

*** meer ik niet teleur wil stellen,
bewijzen, preken en vertellen,
*** minder ik bereik wat ik bedoel.
Aangekondigd, zet u, pak een stoel.

De opdracht is onmogelijk te halen,
aanvaard de pijn onder dat malen.
Ik doe mijn best maar dat betekent niks.
Wat is dan wel zinvol om te doen?

Ik hoef geen goedkeuring en niemand te veranderen.
Kies en wees dankbaar waar het kan.
Daan Jan 2017
As written by the eyes of friends,
as the broken toy our glue mends,
warning signs, it all aligns

words you said, you meant,
as needles, pinches, letters sent,
ripped apart by unclean hands.

We stared into darkness
wishing there were lights
deluded by our sights,
took steps in bismal directions.

We'll fade as our connections,
receive returned letters untouched.
As the time we dreaded, clutched,
we chase,
hoping it would not escape,
hoping it would show its face.

Embracing the lessons learned,
I've lost my will to be concerned
Museums aren't everything but I'll finish what you couldn't.
She was water
soft enough to offer life
just not tough enough to drown it all away.
Daan Jan 2017
Temporary friends, travelling in the same
direction, seated on the floor of a train
that did not pass inspection, heated
in arguments, chilled by the outdoors
but thrilled, had never felt the pain
others carried deep within their cores.

As they smoked inside and lied
about succes and achieved goals,
as the roaring fire charred coals,
they searched for a place to hide,
a place to look up at the sky at night
and still feel safe.

By day they read books
and faced exchanging looks
as the rusty train paced
across this barren land
that'd gripped them in it's clutch.

Some drank too much,
were overmanned, forgot to stand.

Its final destination was a meadow
dark and pure, the only light
came from up above as if it meant to lure
our strangers closer to endure
the shinings our moon reflected.

Even if these people weren't to be trusted
even if their skin was scarred, lip busted
and they made decisions with a coin to flip,
why or how they came up with the trip,
if they were classy, sketchy or messy,
no one got rejected. They made this,
the least ignorant form of bliss.
Trans Siberian express
I'll explain it all very nicely
even if I have no clue.

I don't know the rules, man.
Daan Aug 2021
Graphs are going up but I
am still feeling down.
My license is high and dry
yet it is as if I drown

in anxious waiting, pressure
plating, above sharks and crocodiles,
under the gun of cabinets and files.

I have everything I wished
for myself in the past.
Now I wish the accomplished
feeling had the guts to last.
I'd like to report a bug in the system.
Daan May 2019
Geroep op straat
van twijfelachtige figuren,
te mager als een graat
of walvis in de luren.
Het gaat van katten bellen
naar afgewezen,
oneerbiedige voorstellen.
Soms loopt het uit de hand
en is de schuld te lezen
op een te mooie achterkant.
Hallucinant van de tong.
Ze draaien zo snel om als je nee zegt.
Daan Jan 2015
Divergent gabor patches,
now go and find the snake.
I bet you'll never search
as much as I did.

I know you will never
understand how a simple snake
kan raise the stakes.
When they search it never takes
that long before they break.

And when you think the line is done,
there is yet another patch
to make you reconsider.
Daan May 2014
Supplementary beauty, outside of
what we call our home, inside of
what we call our working space.
We can't stay here forever, it pays
to travel, it works out to change,
it helps to work and improve our ways.

Talents, oddities, special equipment,
all additions to the perfect creatures,
imperfect perfection is so perfect.

So if you ever find a mark in your book,
or a number in your phone, a name in
the back of your head. Don't hesitate,
reconnect with that addition,
it just might have been an imperfect
Daan Jun 2015
I'd never doubt you, not at all,
you're lame but it's your call
you are and chose, you were but arose
and now you can't keep your cute little nose
away from me.

It's admirable.
don't be offended slsfete
Daan Feb 2020
Snippets often overrule,
like droplets do the pool
and you sometimes my past.
I know we wouldn't last.

I took the L, the letter never boring,
equally skilled at hate as it is at adoring.
Don't forget our remembrance of hurry
is also often hazey and blurry.

As lightbulbs they guide,
shine bright with pride
but they also throw shade
on the promises made.

Don't beat yourself up for the details you missed.
Give yourself praise for the present you kiss.
The pitfalls of writing history
Daan Dec 2022
While feeling slow, life goes so fast.
From tucking coats to looking down,
I thought I left my fears back there in the past but now I see them in your eyes, your frown, the hiding behind legs,
the begs for not having to go without your bags of marbles.

I hope,
I hope you're happy in relief,
the lesson: fear is only brief,
as life, temporary,
the wary feeling passes.

Have courage, brave young puzzling kid,
you already have more courage
than your uncle ever did.
Don't lose your marbles.
Daan Jun 2019
Ik wil je slikken
iets duwt
waar heb jij zo leren mikken
blijven gieten
blijven kappen
en hard
tot ik als de nacht
en even niet meer op
Daan Apr 2013
I am sitting, alone, on a chair in a lonely room.
The walls are brown, the ground is grey.
Every time I hear something, I quickly try to
find, searching, where the sound came from.

The sound was nothing but a movement of
the building, changed, affected by the wind.
The sound returns more frequently as I make
my way, walking towards the door without a handle.

Suddenly I cannot hear it anymore, I'm sure it's there
So very sure, but I guess I am finally used to it.
My mind is at ease and everything seems better than before.

I tried ramming, knocking, bashing even beating and
pounding but this door just will not budge. It is not
that I am too weak, deep inside, I just don't want to leave.
Daan Sep 2021
Ik kan bevestiging geven
dat jij het hebt verneukt,
alles opgefuckt in 't leven
en overal in gebeukt.

Spiegels breken, castrolletjes
met tomatensoep
vallen op de houten vloer.
Je gooide al je vieze doekjes
naast de vuilbak en nu geeft niemand nog een moer.

Ik heb nooit in jou geloofd.
Je hebt geen bevestiging nodig
maar een tik tegen je hoofd.
Wat een opluchting.

Relax man, neem een biertje
Daan Oct 2020
Ik maak me zorgen om de zorgers,
de sociale levers en droom-opgeborgers.
Iedereen strijdt nu in of buitenshuis
in koude stilte voor het feestgeruis.

Probeer het niet te zien als gekneveld wachten
maar met eigen leed, ander verzachten.
Ookal begrijp ik dat dat heel moeilijk is.
Wij geven samen heel veel af, nu, omdat we weten dat men in de toekomst dit ook voor ons zal doen. #samensterk
Daan May 2019
Schommel, wip, een touw aan banden,
als ik spring, mag ik dan
naast jou landen,
kan jij mij dan toevertrouwen
dat ik dichterbij de gauwe
afschriften mag zien
en voelen
of dit nu is wat ze bedoelen
als ze zeggen, liften
gaan niet heen en weer
en wij gaan al een tijdje
niet meer op en neer.
Da's klote.
Daan Jan 2015
On the first of every
we will meet again
and again.

We discuss, walking
or cycling, whatever it is
that keeps us going.
Whatever it is that keeps us sane.

Acceptance is underrated,
to accept one another
for this, so long I waited.
At last, an agreement.
Daan Jun 2014
He is an ugly man,
hard to
connect with.

he gets neglected,
or plain rejected,
he doesn't see
what really matters

He is a catcher, angry at batters.

A man to avoid, a man who is better,
he does not fulfill any need, hopeless by
greed and troubled by green.
The last day he was seen,
he carried a stone, to resemble his heart
when he fell apart.
I wonder who will miss him when he's gone.
Daan Apr 2020
Everyday it matters less,
we walk around, clap at eight,
we work and sleep, digress
or try to lose the latest weight.

At night, we drink, at day
we only shower when
we stink. We look the part
and can't remember how exactly
it did start.

For forty days, lives end on one
decay on the other. We mock,
why even bother setting up
the alarm clock.
What is accomplishment to me?
Daan Sep 2020
Heimwee naar het echte werk,
een vergadering gemist.
Het team maakt ons sterk
zelfs als je naast het complimentennetje vist.

Ik wil een potlood in mijn neus
en dansen op de tafel, een bureau
met chocolades op de wafel, eau
de toilette op de muren en in mijn handen buren
die niet op het vliegtuig durven.
Ik wil de dagen turven, zolen kussen
en prutsen met ideeën, zinken in de zeeën
van tijd
komt het er wel van.
Want het werkt niet.
Zo zot zonder, hé.
Daan Apr 2014
With every loss he builds another wall
with every downbeat he beats himself up
with every song he adds he cries and lies all
will be fine.

He says he will not, knows he isn't, heard she doesn't,
the glass through which you look at me is made of pity,
the shoes I wear are less witty, my comments on ways.

I could walk an eternity of infinities, times ahead of
plans, working, divided by the times I've mocked myself,
nothing left.
Daan Feb 2014
Why should I keep writing, when
there is no one to write for.
All that I have written, made me
less attractive, made me hopeless

Chanceless, I feel so stupid, sad
and mistaken, does nobody
not a single girl, think I'm cute enough
to help me out of this sightless hole

Tell me I'm not useless, tell me there is
someone out there, tell me it's you.

I'd write about you, for you, with you, metaphores come automatically
Words arrange themselves when you bring them to me.
It's not necessary to like my writings, just be flattered that I'd do it for you.

Isn't that what really counts, counting the days till I see you
meet you, recognizing, each other, missing piece, long lost feelings

Join me in my journey, escape the nets of fishers, escape the cages of the zoo
escape the reservoirs. Together we could be unique creatures. Loved and hated
Adored, adore me like a cold sundae on a hot sunday.
just let me sleep, please
Daan Apr 2015
Teach me, singer.
Teach me, lover.
Teach me, teacher.
Teach me, clover.

To sing about love,
to learn about luck.
Teach me to be
whoever I wish to.
However not to be alone...

I'll learn that on my own.
Daan Sep 2022
Als ik jou zie, zie ik niets anders dan jou.
Niet meer, niet minder, jij, jezelf.
*** je lief bent voor de hond,
*** je in je eigen mooi-zijn secondelijks bestond.
En elke dag bestaat.
Dat je echt bent, ten aanzien mijn insziens, is
soms aanzienlijk onecht om in te zien.

Als ik jou knuffel, voel ik vliegende flodderende
fladderaars overal rond en in mijn buik.
Ik voel dan verse thee en broodjes met kaneel
en glunderende oorbellen die nog net niet je mondhoeken

Ik doe mijn best om er te zijn, hopelijk niet te veel,
hopelijk nog fijn,
nog lang nog fijn,
nog lang dat schort met dat konijn, kokerellend
met mijn hart.

Als ik te binnen schiet
dat jij echt bij mij bent,
in dit leven, dan geloof ik niet
hoeveel apen in de ruimte hebben neergetypt om dit prachtige verhaal te schrijven. God en ja
en dan kan het me beklijven
als een natte regen plakboes, klevend door een windvlaag.
Je bent erin geslaagd, je vliegt en bent gevlaagd en
mijn raamkleppen kletteren, klappen en applaudiseren nog.

Ik krijg jou niet meer uit.
En vroeger was dat angstaanjagend
En nu,
als ik daar nu aan denk
dan wil ik nooit meer andersoms.
Soms soms soms
Daan May 2020
I have dabbled in creative writing,
I have tried to play guitar,
I have smelled the exciting
smell of greatness
on the toes of those whose work
I can enjoy.

I am part of the crowd,
raising glasses,
I am part of the masses
and I sing along so loud.

As long as I don't ever get cocky,
in my humblest regards,
I'm allowed to keep quoting rocky
or choose whether I show my cards.
I could have ended it with something cocky, as means of joking,
but that would have been beneath me.

Daan Aug 2014
Over a thousand questions float.
But I'm too high-and-mighty
to search and ask for the light he
lost. I know some answers, quote:
"You are not who I thought you were,
a dissapointing wimp, not more than mere
explaining words around the bush."

Hush, my darling, why cry over
something you thought would be better too.
Be the bigger man, don't crawl back with what they would not
Daan Jan 2013
When you hold on to that one girl you've met
in life and you thought you loved but not quite sure,
you forget everything else and it puzzles you if you let
it, you start to stop looking around for another thing so pure.

I have known that one thing, never ever so quite unsure it seemed.
what if I let, but not let it puzzle, no, let it go. Will I then finally be redeemed
not searching every moment for something that might be.
Will it then, at that very brief period of time, set me free?

That is all that I believed but never was anything defined
It's like everything and everyone just plays the role that is assigned.
Daan Jan 2014
People will always gaze upon the
stars in need of hope refreshment.
Not much is literally timeless,
nothing actually, but I like to believe

this is.
Daan Sep 2016
We drink, we lie and we sleep.
In our best moments we sit and we think and we weep.

Pointlessly or aimlessly, we yet have to decide,
to divide.

And we choose and we pick and our decisions stick
with us.
The smoke will never return to its cigarette
and in failure we'll always seem to regret
the choice we made.
Be proud you made it to the urn
Daan Dec 2016
Your dreams were filled with little parting gifts
even though I never wanted you to leave.
As I am awake and you are not my mind drifts
away, to say you never noticed your own heave.

You're the cause of my heaves too
in mood, in breathing and in beating
anything and anyone to get through
and get a seating
next to you.

But my mind yells torture and my feet get motionless
whenever the distance grows.
I've noticed I've been reaching different lows
now I understand the notion less.
Don't toy with me, woman.
Daan Mar 2022
I was hoping
I'd be slaying
bears for gold
at twenty-six years old.

I'm still playing cardboard
swords on socks with stubs and
watching cartoons on saturday,

You told me we'd be able
to do anything, no fear.
With heads on kitchen tables,
we all just want to disappear.
I'm hardly helping anyone right now.
Daan Dec 2014
Change is fluent,
after a while
your passion turns truant.
Like your smile
when you recognize
the persuant:
Doubling the amount of water
did not double this plants size.

A revolutionary type of slaughter.
Haah, the power of influences.
Makes you wonder.
Daan Apr 2020
Het is allemaal niet zo vernieuwend,
het is allemaal gedoe,
zever zoals dat maakt mij kijkrichting splitsend moe,

Kheb het zelf wel ook nooit gedaan en toch

gaat het nie om werken, niet om wennen,
allez, jawel, ook, maar
ge moet iemand kennen.
Als ge iets wilt maken van uzelf moet ge Mark Strong mailen.
Als ge integriteit wilt behouden, moogt ge niet populair worden.
Daan May 2019
I spilled some words
and they came rushing
as horses, knights in hordes,
as blood, gushing.
I should clean up more often.
Daan Mar 2019
Acht keer nee,
ocharm die mensen
die dat allemaal moeten lezen.
Doe ze de beste wensen,
de groetjes aan Theresa may.
Daan Dec 2014
My mind is mapped, regretful
were you trapped
in regions with less much ado
therefore I say goodbye to you.
Weak links fade
Daan Jan 2015
Floating foam like memories,
your eyes they roam,
the rest is perfectly still.
A breeze, so chill,
your breath,
focus, inhale, exhale,
hands and feet are pale.
The melody lingers in the back,
the tension is a code to crack.

It requires skill to feel,
deeply, real, carefully
open the seal, reel
off. Off course and sail
away from todays tale,
like foam, floating, like memories.
I could have used clouds.
But i couldn't help taking a bath.
Daan Dec 2016
Three months time lapse
movies, parties, roofs and sleep,
all natural drugs collapse.

Effort and elation
loss of concentration
tumbling into my core

It could have worked, you know?
Our lack of patience goes to show
neither of us could take a blow.

It is now december
when I so fondly remember
how you came over without reason.

I sought validition
the one thing you refused to give
you've chosen, picked a different life to live.

You'll miss me too, you see
you'll regret it so so deeply.

Because no one else will ever
dare to care, blinded by their lust,
to accept the things they must
to make you actually feel loved.
Daan Oct 2014
derived from mountain tops
turning down precalculated flops
being true all of a sudden
releases all your fears at once,
and now you have to choose,
what will you do first
how deep is this one hidden under sea level
enough to quench your thirst,
sometimes life is hauntingly beautiful,
most of the time it's not

why do I live, selfish
when I could share?
because I'm scared and not prepared.
Yesterday, people stared and they never
Daan Jun 2019
Alles afgestemd op ochtendtypes,
afgedaan als oneerlijke offday-hypes.
Ik ben een avond mens, wring me
in krochten, bochten naar de wens
van het vroege diertje, de vogel
die de wormen krijgt, die
de raaf van de nacht
overtreft in kleur
en verwijtend lacht
wanneer ik over kleine oogjes en het opstaan zeur.
Daan Jan 2015
A daydream at night
love at the very first sight
sinking, making home
wherever wildly I can roam.
The change itself gets your attention,
attached and gone.
It's greedy to keep the road
your own. Passing lives like
days and loving until it pays.
With effort and a will
you won't get anywhere still.
you can increase the chance, but you'll never be sure.
Daan Sep 2016
Unreal it seemed, I'd do the same
just to see their affection. They came,
lined up as friends or family. I went,
when others weren't looking.

Little dots of light and energy, ready
to be little dots in some place new,
spreading their light and energy
and dottiness and the love they grew.

I wish to be a dot one day
but I have years to come.
Daan Sep 2016
Remove your shirt
And take my skirt

Dancing *****,
I bet Patrick's very girthy.
Alternative title: Frances
Daan Feb 2020
Writers, professors, journalists and hairdressers,
students, athletes, baristas and deadbeats,
no one knows it all.

The theory of mind has not been kind
to anyone who dares to search
for an appropriate belief they can get behind.

Horace was right to say, I say this
and if I may, I will retreat,
we can discuss, but do not necessarily have to meet
each other halfway.

Down the line I'd like to be
firm in my two cents. (even if cents are soon to be abolished)
I'll keep them in my pocket, polished, and
if someone wants to throw me more,
I'll happily inspect their core.

If they don't bend, my pocket grows,
if they do, they'll fly into the fountain's lows,
where no one has to ever see
those coins again, especially not me.
You can have your own opinion, just not
the one for all.

People tweeting may just be
our generation's downfall.

Please don't get so blindsighted by your own words, me.
Daan Feb 2016
It's been so long, my love, since
I have longed for love like I did with you.
As lonely as the dog that guards the sheep
as shallow as myself, I weep.

For distant times and future rhymes.
My life is nothing more than just another
and I'm scared it'll turn out to be true.

I took you off the pedestal where you lived
I want you back but you're too heavy to lift.
Daan Aug 2020
I think I now remember why I gave it up
last time. There's no use in making hobby's
work for money and a rhyme.
Keep the passion flowing,
just enjoy your fruits offline.
Your joy is not less valuable if no one else notices it.
Daan Jul 2017
She's up there somewhere,
's been there for quite some hours,
quite some time. What I'd give and do
to be able to climb in next to you.

I jumped from branch to branch,
broke twigs, snapping, gazed at leaves, trapping
eyes, gliding through the air beneath our tree.
I made it to the hanging swing.

We sat there, for days it seemed,
we went back and forth,
forever, I had dreamed,
for always I wished.

I walked back through our backyard,
head tilted downwards, staring at the card
I once forgot to mail, it read:
You may be the one I want to wed.
She dozed off in our hammock,
as I noticed how much I do care.
Daan May 2014
I have eaten all your flesh,
left with only fat and bone,
forced to dethrone,
I long to refresh.
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