My fingers twitch
My eyes are wide
As though I can see
the other side
The side of pain
The place where dark
surrounds your soul
muffles the spark
The spark of life
of hope and light
that shines through day
and blinks through night
Nurture the spark
Keep it alive
Let the inferno
Fuel up your drive
Let hope inspire you
Never to cease
When all else is lost
Hope will release
Fight through the pain
for when it is gone,
life will still be there
for you to lean on.
Yes, this is a re-post, however I feel that now that everything is going just fine, it's time to post this poem once more to represent how far we've come.
I wrote this during a time of great trauma for my family, and now I feel that life is so much better. Everything's better.
So I hope you enjoy this poem, and take the message it carries to heart.
All the best,
- Cailey