I ****** up in the past,
I ruined what we had.
Yet here I tried again,
Perhaps I am just Mad.
I thought that it would work,
I expected something new,
I tried so very hard,
Fueled by thoughts of you.
I know you have your faults,
And things you think are flaws.
Yet you're beautiful to me,
But I can't do it anymore, because...
You lie when it's convenient,
Your guilt trips hurt, you see.
You sit and watch as I try,
yet the only one trying is me.
I put my hand out to you,
Begged you not to walk away,
Yet you made up your mine, left.
Not caring what I had to say.
I said things out of anger,
Some things I do regret.
Let things get out of hand.
Perhaps unfixable, but yet...
You're still beautiful to me.
Even if you're gone for good.
As hard as I tried to make you smile,
Maybe I just never really understood.
I'm not the man you need,
Nor the one you wanted.
Maybe I'm just not good enough,
such thoughts, I'm constantly haunted.
And now I don't know how to fix it.
I don't even know if I can.
Most likely I've already lost you
To a much better man.
I don't know what to do now.
And I don't know how to do it.
I thought it was going so well.
Now happiness turns to ****.
Disappointment and Pain,
knowing now you're gone forever.
I thought we could pull through it,
but now you've become my Never.