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Daan Jan 2017
Things I deemed irreplaceable,
choices, acts, unexplainable,
words and sightings,
breath taking lightings
on a statue under cloth.
My sloth got the best
of me, my eyes the rest.

I took you in and let you touch me
get me, see me, you were holding
every string, pulling ever so slightly,
making me dance, making me sing.

I forgot how we were equally the same
I removed the drapes much too late,
the statue had gotten into a rotten state,
decayed, nothing stayed except its frame.

Pedestals, forged without a sound,
rose and carried you up towards the stars,
where you belonged, where all could see.
Yet as you went, I frowned,
my dreams fought wars
with the harsh reality.
And I begged of you to show your face,
return to the ground or leave no trace
behind, my mind devoured beauty
as if it was breakfast, as if it was his duty
to make things up and mourn the loss
of any unimagined creature to come across
this lonesome land.

With a rope in hand
we seek perfection,
instead of growing,
fill the void with thought
to end up throwing
art in bins, for nought.
When we get caught
for all our sins
that's when actual love begins.
We all do it
we all make mistakes.
It's the fraud, the pride,
all to make our pupils wide.

I should have known better
than to let her see
things that aren't me,
things I'd never want to be
Daan Jan 2017
Someday somewhere in France
We'll dance, oh wonder,
No need for a second chance,
We ponder the same question
The name

I'm tamer, softer, carefully
Thinking, linking in,
Taking time
Baby steps and books and coffee
The second magic takes me whole
Not about a goal,
Not about reaching,
Nor teaching me what had to be learned
Not about being concerned.

Flowing, floating, no boasting, roasting
Or even coasting, steadily reaching
I have time
Daan Jan 2017
I wonder when
We never got to see the sun
I wonder how long
It's pathetic
It's wrong

I wonder when it's gone
You're done
I know
I may be letting go
of my affection

For a reason
Call it treason
It was real
I had no control
Only goals
To reach before winter

I know it will
It's the when I worry
No one needs this
Middle nor end
No beginning
Close to winning
The world, the parting

I remember when we exchanged our dreams
It seems so long ago
Since you went your way
Did I really do enough
To chase the thoughts away
Did I really try to make you stay

All there is to believe
Useless drama
To make you leave
To make it easier
I wonder why I grieve
I must have been crazy
Turning lemonade into lemons
while all I really need are oranges.
Daan Jan 2017
Desire, hardwired into my construction
easily misunderstood,
causing blatant, fierce destruction,
forcing things I otherwise never would,
deluded as in rain.
Yet in the end, only bringing pain.
Compromising in any way for highs
or to be sure these weren't lies,
to be sure I wasn't losing ground,
lending jackets, touching thighs
or just putting my arms around
any thing you'd like.

We took a hike in dangerous mountains
returned with stories
untelled fountains,
unlived truth.

I wasn't sure about anything for a certain while,
except for this small, precious dose of overlap
that may leave you wondering how I'm able to smile.

My dishonesty turned you into a trap,
together, whether anyone has to take the blame,
things will never be the same.
You were right to take shelter.
I said I've changed too many times.
But once again I'm honest now.
Daan Jan 2017
Anticipatory sensations
ahead of preparations,
all I wanted was to feel secure.

It didn't matter with who
back then it had to be now.
It's one thing I will not redo.

I'm clean,
I hope you're too.
It was not my intention to be mean
and now I have my cure.

All I wanted was to feel secure.
I'm sorry if my learning process was a waste of time for you.
Too much too soon made me a doubtful perfectionistic maniac.
The cruelty, driven by delusion, never to be restored.
I had to learn it first hand
to get the message through,
to understand.
Daan Jan 2017
This was yesterday,
this was punctuality,
this was all I had left to say,
projected insanity.

Numbed or overdosed,
this case is closed,
overwritten, surplus.
There never was a thing called us.

We got what we needed, nothing more,
we got what we deserved, a saddening bore.
Daan Jan 2017
She lived right across the street
I imagined it was fate for us to meet

She sat next to me in class
another one I had to pass

She was in the distant corner of a playground
I thought it was treasure, what I had found.

She walked around in the same halls
as it turned out I never took her calls

She was in the same place
but I figured she was lacking grace

This girl lives close to my home town
I'd never want to see her frown
because of me.
Ahh, the girls I've seen
I wouldn't want it any different as what it all has been.
what would change if people lived closer
I'm done with thinking like that
for now.
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