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Daan Jan 2017
I just couldn't wait to,
wanted to spend all my
efforts and time on you,
the one who kept wondering why.

I've read this before
in some place where I turned into a bore
or was being too fast
to make the growing last.

I'm getting better every time
growing richer with every dime
gaining knowledge, reaching prime.
I feel like I want to sing.
Oh, I just can't wait to be king.
It's like playing darts.
Well, at least some parts.
Make sure you do a little dance
when you hit that final double.
Daan Jan 2017
Barely breathing, barely alive,
you strive to keep me going.
My hands reached out
and yours did too
while hers did not.

Different lobsters fighting in my head,
one is dead
the other didn't have to fight
she is now my favourite light.

She's pulling me
out of my misery
carrying me
to my safe place
a new and healthy trace
to follow in the sand
while the other banned
and left me understandably.
I'll wear this while yours is being washed
Because of symbolism.

I thought of descriptions
but I know they're of no use
Daan Jan 2017
They had to end
but why like this
My care is never
something I pretend
I wish I was clever
and hadn't pressed send
My care was in some way pretended
I just didn't know it back then
Daan Jan 2017
Black and white do not exist
I can only try to catch the gist
of what hides inside
the parts I get to see
should be the only facts to me
The fact that I care too much about others
I can only offer help what bothers
me is my judgementality

Sleep tight
you deserve to
Daan Jan 2017
Clean as chalk parts on the ground
wiped away without a sound
except the crunching friction,
both our minds indulged in fiction.
engulfed by cities far away
farewell we say.

Clear as the board we used to write on,
used a light on to finally agree
the books I've written
were only chapters, smitten,
sitting on hold.

Whenever you're cold
whenever you feel misunderstood
you'll feel good we parted
and a little less broken hearted
every time you're in that mood.

You were right, my mind is free
I'm so very glad we finally agree.
Burdens made place for lessons
lessons paved the way to something greater
Daan Jan 2017
As written by the eyes of friends,
as the broken toy our glue mends,
warning signs, it all aligns

words you said, you meant,
as needles, pinches, letters sent,
ripped apart by unclean hands.

We stared into darkness
wishing there were lights
deluded by our sights,
took steps in bismal directions.

We'll fade as our connections,
receive returned letters untouched.
As the time we dreaded, clutched,
we chase,
hoping it would not escape,
hoping it would show its face.

Embracing the lessons learned,
I've lost my will to be concerned
Museums aren't everything but I'll finish what you couldn't.
She was water
soft enough to offer life
just not tough enough to drown it all away.
Daan Jan 2017
Broken glass spread around,
cold skins, frozen fur and puppy eyes,
cages with the name of the pound
written on them, the tags and the ties.
She never lies, she never expresses,
never blesses those who wait
not even when it's too late.

When all we have is what could
have been something great,
you're left with what would
not deserve to be called anything,
you sting and poke.

It's about the time I woke,
the time I sat there silently
wishing you had something to add.
It's leaving,
what we had, what's left or over,
the perfect disease, someone
who had the guts to drive you
I don't want to be mad anymore.
Letting go is not the same
as pushing someone else away.
Concluded by wasps and webs.
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