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Daan Jan 2017
You make my mouth leak.
My eyes sneak around to
catch a glimpse, a peek
of what you could make me do.

Looking at your picture,
my brain turns into a mixture
of fried and sizzling cells,
your face alone tells
me all I need to know.
Your words kept coming
and not one thing was wrong.

It could seem slow
but no matter how long
I already saw
you are a mess
underneath a fuzzy blanket
yet a lady in a dress.

These rhymes are simple,
arrangements easy.
They are us for now.
So I don't want to make rash
decisions, less well planned incisions
in this young and partial certainty.
We may have borrowed
but we will not give back.
return what others will come to lack,

Maybe I'm a bit presumptuous.
But I'm a believer.
Daan Jan 2017
Reeds de derde achter de rug
nog een vierde, doe maar vlug.
Alsof de tijd is opgeschoven,
en wederkeerde naar dezelfde momenten.

Waarom blijft een dier zich inprenten
als een beest, zuiders wild,
zelfs al heeft het nooit gemogen,
zelfs al is het nooit gewild,
radeloos maar opgetogen.

Doelen worden pas plezier
als ze bereikt worden.
Nadat we enkele maanden
heen en weer porden
en ons verliefd of verlangend waanden
keerden we terug naar de eigenlijke staat.

Elk van ons is en blijft niets meer,
keert weder, elke keer,
naar een staat in de natuur,
met meerdere deuren op een kier,
noem het zielig, noem het zuur,
we blijven niets meer dan een dier.
Zelfkennis is het begin
en er komt geen einde aan.
Dus wees eerlijk,
geliefd en verlangd.
spatio brevi spem longam reseces
Daan Jan 2017
Outcomes used to rule,
inconvenience smiled,
they reconciled in the unsafety
of a pool, used me as a tool.

Eager, desperate for compatible
masses, as time passes
in this changing state.

Games, denied of their existence,
yet with undoubtable resistance
against persistence took away
the passion solely based in joy.
From now on
life will be my toy.
Daan Jan 2017
Align my words and see me
as I am.
Disorganised messes,
the hurt and deeply feeling,
pained and wronged
get my attention.

I tried to capture all of you
tried to hold you
tried to comfort
tried to help.

I am just one person
overruled by others
caring unconditionally
thanked unfrequently,
as mothers, as pets.
Let's keep these secrets,
let's wait and see
See what happens when we're gone.
Daan Dec 2016
Saddening how we read for lunch
and talked for supper.
Boring how we sit and write and crunch
our numbers.

We will stand up for one day soon
to celebrate our meaningful hour
and turn to a meaningless moon,
to hide,
to ask it to devour
the latest pinch of a feeling that almost slipped through
and got inside.

As we stand on edges
as we think about the fall
and the message it alleges
we grow weary of it all.

It's sad, the lives we're living,
how we ruin all we're given.
Sadly we will all be driven
to depriving
Amnesia (alt. title)
Solving puzzles
no building or creativity
just escaping the horrible reality
that made us ask how.
Daan Dec 2016
Covered in dresses
brown-haired freckled messes
devour my unconscious interceptions
stealing and running
in trance
one glance
she makes my eyes twirl
I've lost myself for a lot less of a girl.

At ease, hold now, steady
the right girl for you is just not ready
lower your pace, this love is not a race.

Her grace, her soft and puffy face
her sweet and delicate ways
her actions take place
her roles in plays.
Her stare could hold me for days.
And when she laughs it's said
poems by the gods are read
to script the words that rush from our surroundings.
I love it when you're messy
I'll clean up after you, my dear.
Daan Dec 2016
I lost myself inside your being
was too emotional, unseeing
what your actions brought,
after all they did turn out to be the things I sought.

I'm back to my old ways and left
insecurity and frightening thoughts
behind. The dots, connected, lots
of training, perfected in a deft

and mesmerizing manner.
Once again I wear my banner
high with pride and modesty as one.

Raise your hand if you still believe,
release your hands from both your sleeves
and get it done.
Decisions never came so easily
choices never were so obvious
I should have never been gone.

I felt blinded by the sun
but the sun was not my enemy
once again I can see.
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