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90 · Oct 2019
DAF Oct 2019
god isn't picking up my calls
maybe i've got the wrong business hours
89 · Oct 2019
Work In Progress
DAF Oct 2019
I hardly finish poems
Most times I'll just find a convenient place to stop
87 · Dec 2020
DAF Dec 2020
and i was doing well!
well enough to hide i wasn't
ease concerns of those that learned
fine inside to never mind
85 · Oct 2019
DAF Oct 2019
Everybody's pain
Looks a little different
You know it's grey
But not the shade
82 · Dec 2020
DAF Dec 2020
scratch one thousand poems
never worth the ink
words that once were caramel
no longer quite so sweet
memories of us
that have not aged well
now reside
in the starless part of mind only
i do not visit them any longer
i'd imagine they are lonely
81 · Mar 2020
DAF Mar 2020
I always eat the soup before it cools down
I’ve been burnt many times over
Yet I never let it settle
81 · Jul 2020
1.5 fl oz
DAF Jul 2020
This morning I woke up
And didn't recognize the room
The smell though was familiar
***** spilling out of pores

I am not Happy

Though last night I seemed ecstatic
Spirited by spirits masking all the sadness
I wonder when the wheels fall off
If i can go the distance
Will inebriation take vacation
Will I be a statistic
80 · May 2020
DAF May 2020
I don’t wanna die
Though sometimes
I feel like dying
Haven’t felt
In a while
80 · Aug 2021
DAF Aug 2021
the thoughts
they keep me up
wanting to share
curious about what i think
80 · Jan 2022
tides rise
DAF Jan 2022
do i want to die
or **** who i have been
race against myself
time to sink or swim
79 · Aug 2019
DAF Aug 2019
nicotine nightmares
wake up i'm feeling frantic
lately dancing with the devil
feels a little too romantic
79 · Dec 2020
never did
DAF Dec 2020
but life got too busy
days to months
months to years
all the while
expecting time
to somehow slow down
79 · Oct 2020
DAF Oct 2020
It's 3:00am again
My head has not yet hit the pillow
I am unable to sleep as of late
Not quite sure why that is
Though my eyes
Plead to shut
My mind zig-zags
Across a thousand thoughts
Most of which include you
Most of which are make believe
Day dreams
That do not end when the sun sets
79 · Oct 2019
racing thoughts
DAF Oct 2019
it down
the sentence
76 · Mar 2020
Slippy Grip
DAF Mar 2020
Real Seems
Plastic to the touch
Seams and Strands of Sanity
Have begun to Unravel
75 · Oct 2019
DAF Oct 2019
Eyes open and I’m numb again
Though shut and I can feel
Dreams they say are just pretend
Still I wonder which is real
75 · Oct 2020
In Bed At 4:00pm
DAF Oct 2020
Another patch of melancholy
This one much longer than the last
74 · Apr 2019
sinners sanctum
DAF Apr 2019
she believed in jesus
though did not believe in us
honest until she wasn't
made it hard to believe trust
74 · Jan 2020
DAF Jan 2020
however nevers
far too long
to promise i shall not
74 · Oct 2019
DAF Oct 2019
rivers run like sentences
written in excitement
wildfire hopping asphalt
like kids upon the pavement
73 · Aug 2021
DAF Aug 2021
I've been sleeping with the lights on
Dreams do not show until the early morning
Sometimes not at all.
Yet the days go about without rest
Almost nonchalantly
As if i do not spend my nights
Hoping to catch the eye of a better tomorrow
73 · Oct 2020
Shallow End
DAF Oct 2020
Just because the tides are rising
Does not mean that I will drown

I need to remind myself of this.

Because there are times I am but ankle deep
And I can feel my lungs filling up with water
72 · Jan 2020
Dice of Life
DAF Jan 2020
I try to stay away from casinos

Rolled the dice of life so many times
Why gamble anymore?
But when hearts race and faces flush
It always leaves me wanting more

I breathe to live
I do not live to breathe
Though I do like breathing quite a lot
It seems to be
That wagering

Helps to see if I am living life or not
72 · Jul 2021
DAF Jul 2021
death is strange
the knowing of never more
how to feel
how not to feel
72 · Jan 2020
DAF Jan 2020
of the damage
72 · Apr 2020
empty prayers
DAF Apr 2020
beginning to get drowsy
i can tell by the way my eyes
are begging to get to sleep
like when heartbreak asks for mercy
knowing it won't come
sorry this keeps getting taken down
72 · Jul 2020
Good Evening
DAF Jul 2020
Hold my breath til sun sets
Exhaling with the moonrise
71 · Jul 2020
DAF Jul 2020
whats money
when you can't buy love
whats love
without reciprocity
71 · Dec 2020
DAF Dec 2020
I wonder
Does the pen look down at ink
And say
"Look what I have written!"
70 · Aug 14
you and i
DAF Aug 14
beautiful the different greys
each it’s own flavor of melancholy
my mouth waters to know their blues
hear their cries
feel their pain
to know we are the same
70 · Sep 2020
DAF Sep 2020
Cigarette filled lungs
In hell with a smile
Ash covered fingertips
Might stay for a while
69 · Oct 2020
Writer's Block
DAF Oct 2020
The words
Must have had a prior engagement
Much more pressing than being at my fingertips
69 · Feb 2020
Dark Times
DAF Feb 2020
And if daylight never comes again
At least
I will be prepared
The days spent dark were punishing
Though now I won't be scared

Just as life gives lemons
Lemon aids
Shadows cast without a hue
Brought about the blues
67 · Mar 2020
scribble scrabble
DAF Mar 2020
dull pencils scrape the pages
in and outside lines
sentences bounce up and down
tell stories of the times
67 · Mar 2020
Slow Play
DAF Mar 2020
Played with the idea of dying at dawn

It’s noon now and that has passed
66 · Jul 2020
ball of yarn
DAF Jul 2020
beams of moon shoot down upon
these shoulders tense and knotted
help me heal both soul and body
bring health to what has rotted
knees on pavement i request
let rest find me as i travel
grant me peace as i lay
once i have been unraveled
66 · Mar 2020
Hold Your Breath
DAF Mar 2020
If only
The line
Between Swimming and Drowning
65 · Dec 2020
DAF Dec 2020
and i'd of loved for you to need me
but it seems
that's not the case
never needed you to love me
but it seems
we've lost our place
and it's times like these
that i believe
maybe i shouldn't stick my heart out
so far
65 · Jul 2020
probably maybe
DAF Jul 2020
unsure of every thought
no wonder i am second guessing what i write
though must one be certain
to put ink upon paper
65 · May 2020
rush hour
DAF May 2020
no time to be sad
no time to be at all
64 · Aug 2020
DAF Aug 2020
only when it's silent
do the thoughts speak up
perhaps they hide
in boisterous mind
mummering amongst themselves
64 · May 2020
DAF May 2020
holding on
much longer then intended
daily doses
much more then recommended
64 · May 2020
Walkabout Talkabout
DAF May 2020
take me outside
been inside my head too long
62 · Jan 2020
DAF Jan 2020
if time were to stop immediately

                                                                      what would this moment hold
62 · Aug 2020
DAF Aug 2020
nothing to live up to
save yourself
61 · Aug 2020
choked up
DAF Aug 2020
words don't do it justice
no sound vocal chords could make
would portray
the rising
tightness in my chest
the quickened pace of panic
anxiety swells around adams apple
61 · Mar 2020
DAF Mar 2020
Water rising
Swim or drown
61 · Mar 2020
Tick Tock
DAF Mar 2020
Time does not always tell
     Decides it's lips are sealed
       Although it may tick you off
Appears the clock won't talk
60 · Oct 2020
DAF Oct 2020
i am now lost
though not the way one is
when they take a wrong turn
for at least they were moving with intention

i am lost
in the sense
of having no direction
no destination to step towards
and this troubles me greatly

i am lost and in trouble
not the fun kind
i am not breaking any rules
but i can feel my soul breaking
becoming smaller with each passing day
for it knows i am not where i belong
though knows not
where to go
59 · Jun 2020
DAF Jun 2020
i want to make
not only with strings and drums
but with
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