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Aug 29 · 33
same as it goes
DAF Aug 29
sweet followed by bitter
always with a price
i’ll stay on the sidelines
never live a life
steady as it comes
same the way it goes
something about a high
goes hand and hand with lows
how do i or you or them
decide what stays or goes
do we begin enveloped
with our fate enclosed
can we choose?
can we change?
is it worth the squeeze?
i stood up to life
it brought me to my knees
Aug 21 · 39
DAF Aug 21
Heavy eyelids
Restless soul
The chase seems to have no end
Road to take determines
What’s around the bend
Circles have been etched
Deep into the mind
Round about once more
Habit has confined
Only I can save me
Only from myself
Few more miles this direction
Is my highway to hell
Aug 14 · 49
DAF Aug 14
I didn’t do the dishes
Then I didn’t brush my teeth
Forgot to drain the tub
Stale water sat for weeks
I didnt take the trash out
Bags across the floor
Couldn’t bring myself to anything
Couldnt take it anymore
How *****
How disgusting
How ugly can you get
I’d rot out of existence
Just to get out of this mess
Aug 14 · 69
you and i
DAF Aug 14
beautiful the different greys
each it’s own flavor of melancholy
my mouth waters to know their blues
hear their cries
feel their pain
to know we are the same
Aug 14 · 52
bed bugs
DAF Aug 14
swiftly do the thoughts creep
steady is their pace
march along to hit chords wrong
unruly and disgraced
vile creatures tip toe
purpose all aligned
danger for my cuticles
poison for my mind
Jul 12 · 91
July 12th
DAF Jul 12
Night is young
I am weak
These thoughts are not the first to speak
Drown them out
Slur their speech
Put them there
Just out of reach
May 21 · 348
Getting A Grip
DAF May 21
If I could sleep until tomorrow
Then I’d be fine
But I couldn't be bothered
The way today is designed
Too pish
Too posh
Too easy to slip
Right back to dreamland is my only wish
Feb 27 · 106
without a paddle
DAF Feb 27
and I’m not sad anymore
in fact I cant feel a thing
not from anger
not from kindness
not when instruments sing
emotionally muted
my tender tenderized
and then burnt up
put out and then deep fried
I’d become despondent
then drifted out to sea
no longer look for shore
decided to just be
Jul 2023 · 142
DAF Jul 2023
There’s a journal in the cabinet
Right beside my bed
In it filled are pages
Covered in pencil lead
Scribbled are the things I’d never dare to say
Thoughts that have no voice
Dreams that have no place
Nov 2022 · 129
trapped in a portrait
DAF Nov 2022
images in picture frames
shelves to hold them up
wrinkled smiles gloss over
eyes that shout for help
nobody to the rescue
no distant sight of shore
Nov 2022 · 109
when the tongue twists
DAF Nov 2022
hope so
or hope soon
disappointment rounds the corner
of long June
again begin to surface
miss the lips that led
lips the lied
wish that hope was dead
Oct 2022 · 397
Missed Calls
DAF Oct 2022
I stole my fathers smile
He would not give it up without a fight
I do not answer when he calls
I know he'd just ask me for it back
Oct 2022 · 125
Couple Past Midnight
DAF Oct 2022
2am turns the bend
My mind begins the quiet
I lay awake with sober thoughts
That murmur amongst the silence

How am I?

Am I good?

Have I done enough of what I can?

Questions left uncertain
Destine to be ******
Oct 2022 · 95
after hours
DAF Oct 2022
life is fine
i see it pass
stoic nonetheless
qualifying strands of mind
seams begin to stress
did what i
no going back
sleepless i will rest
Sep 2022 · 215
DAF Sep 2022
"i love you. i love you. i love you."
i kept repeating it
as though
if i could just get you to hear me once
maybe you could find the will to fight back

"i love you brother. please stay safe."
if nothing else please stay safe.
for me.
stay safe.
i love you.

but you could not hear me.
Spoke with my brother who relapsed after being sober for 4 years. Trying to reach out or “save” a loved one can cause so much heartache. By far the hardest conversation I’ve ever had
Jun 2022 · 357
DAF Jun 2022
the pen sleeps soundly
still the ink remains restless
awaiting daylight
first go at a haiku
Jun 2022 · 111
nothing nice to say
DAF Jun 2022
teeter totter
jibber jabber
tangled tongues unwind
pitter patterned
t-shirt tattered
by words once said unkind
Jun 2022 · 99
DAF Jun 2022
it’s been cloudy for so long
the rain now brings me comfort
hands reach out for shore
though the water holds me under
lungs still
heart beats through the chest
will there be a day
when i can finally rest
May 2022 · 95
Tied Shoes
DAF May 2022
“run on sentence!”
keep going until you can no longer
then take a few more steps
worry not about the way you read
or if the spelling’s right
the world must know the words you weave
“run on, run on, run on”
May 2022 · 100
Hold Your Breath
DAF May 2022
Dull pencil scratches notebook page
Regret the air that fills my lungs
Not always though
Not before
Not forever
May 2022 · 164
hand me downs
DAF May 2022
i am my fathers son
though he wasn’t there to raise me
my sins still echo his
my smile fades just as his did once
i am my fathers son
Jan 2022 · 79
tides rise
DAF Jan 2022
do i want to die
or **** who i have been
race against myself
time to sink or swim
Jan 2022 · 105
DAF Jan 2022
ants in the room
roaches in the car
bugs crawl on skin
brain hears alarms
Jan 2022 · 128
Not enough
DAF Jan 2022
And it all is too much
As much as I want me to stay
As much as I want to
As much as I want to
Dec 2021 · 171
DAF Dec 2021
it was another time
unlike this one
unlike the next
Dec 2021 · 434
DAF Dec 2021
I do not want to die
But I feel that if I stay
My time will come
Sooner than expected
A life unlived
What a tragedy
Nov 2021 · 329
Mightier than the Sword
DAF Nov 2021
mutiny has run amok
the pen now takes the reigns
striking paperback with fury
ink pours like blood spills out of vain
too many days to count
the poets bidding has been done
capitalize on opportunity
turned page has now begun
Oct 2021 · 96
gray skies
DAF Oct 2021
just a shower

bound to pass

though it’s been raining quite a while now.
Sep 2021 · 355
DAF Sep 2021
certain there's no remedy
this sickness knows no cure
Sep 2021 · 101
work in progress
DAF Sep 2021
tell myself that i should smile more
but it seems i've tuned me out
think that i have lost my mind a bit
better times are rumors now
a grin of course may cross my lips
a momentary gift
only seconds though of sweet relief
still so far from fixed
Sep 2021 · 365
words online
DAF Sep 2021
stick around to blah blah blah
lets chit about the chatter
our minds have built this world we serve
though does it really matter
conversations paper thin
they barely break the silence
us all here made to sin
existences great defiance
Aug 2021 · 73
DAF Aug 2021
I've been sleeping with the lights on
Dreams do not show until the early morning
Sometimes not at all.
Yet the days go about without rest
Almost nonchalantly
As if i do not spend my nights
Hoping to catch the eye of a better tomorrow
Aug 2021 · 80
DAF Aug 2021
the thoughts
they keep me up
wanting to share
curious about what i think
Jul 2021 · 72
DAF Jul 2021
death is strange
the knowing of never more
how to feel
how not to feel
Mar 2021 · 92
Campfire Memories
DAF Mar 2021
Slowly she smiled less
Her stories became shorter
I could tell it was the end of ours.
Feb 2021 · 653
hearts apart
DAF Feb 2021
you can't love someone
into loving you
although most of us will try
one must love themself
enough to know
when certain love must die
Feb 2021 · 115
message received at
DAF Feb 2021
sugar i've been sweet to you
why the sour promises?
honey we don't speak at all
how the silence stings
Feb 2021 · 536
DAF Feb 2021
she doesn't like flowers
at least not as romantic gestures
she'd rather
watch them
Feb 2021 · 116
DAF Feb 2021
sometimes you catch a glimpse of it
the way things used to be
however fleeting
odd what gives rise to such occasions
if only one could hold it
Feb 2021 · 103
DAF Feb 2021
the stains will not come out.
i have started to like the way
they've begun to fade into the fabric
almost indistinguishable from cloth
as if they were not stains at all
Feb 2021 · 334
and counting
DAF Feb 2021
another draft
now sits in purgatory
along with the other
simply existing where
patience wore thin
and hope
is unwritten
Feb 2021 · 114
second guessing
DAF Feb 2021
i am not faster than tomorrow
one cannot outrun the calendar
the stopwatch never ceases
hands of time are always at work
once i grasp this certainty
i will move on
Jan 2021 · 116
writer's talk
DAF Jan 2021
once again the words run out
i sit and wait for their return
Jan 2021 · 109
DAF Jan 2021
I've been having nightmares
Dreams that shake me out of sleep
Moonlit hours
Now comprised of open eyes
I lie and fight the bedsheets
Later and later my eyes shut
Until late becomes early
Birds chatter as my head hits the pillow
Still there is no divorce
It seems as though
Sunrise brings no solace
Jan 2021 · 146
trapped in a reflection
DAF Jan 2021
once again i've tied my hands
unable to unbind
sickness twists and tangles
imprisoned by my mind
bound by mistakes echoed
held by my own will
captive and the captor
Jan 2021 · 110
Journal in the Cabinet
DAF Jan 2021
I vow to never break from writing
Though my writing may take breaks
For when heart shatters
Momentarily wrists do too
Stayed away
Left pages blank
Spent the time just missing you
Jan 2021 · 296
as the pen
DAF Jan 2021
as the pen tattoos the notebook page
bringing permanence to words
curiously i watch it sway
hoping one day to have the nerve
to say what's only written
Dec 2020 · 79
never did
DAF Dec 2020
but life got too busy
days to months
months to years
all the while
expecting time
to somehow slow down
Dec 2020 · 86
DAF Dec 2020
and i was doing well!
well enough to hide i wasn't
ease concerns of those that learned
fine inside to never mind
Dec 2020 · 81
DAF Dec 2020
scratch one thousand poems
never worth the ink
words that once were caramel
no longer quite so sweet
memories of us
that have not aged well
now reside
in the starless part of mind only
i do not visit them any longer
i'd imagine they are lonely
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