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Dec 2020 · 65
DAF Dec 2020
and i'd of loved for you to need me
but it seems
that's not the case
never needed you to love me
but it seems
we've lost our place
and it's times like these
that i believe
maybe i shouldn't stick my heart out
so far
Dec 2020 · 71
DAF Dec 2020
I wonder
Does the pen look down at ink
And say
"Look what I have written!"
Oct 2020 · 75
In Bed At 4:00pm
DAF Oct 2020
Another patch of melancholy
This one much longer than the last
Oct 2020 · 108
Check Engine Light
DAF Oct 2020
Here's the truth.
I lied.
When I said my car broke down
My vehicle was fine
However I very much was not.
I apologize
It was just easier
To say it couldn't drive
Rather than I had no drive.
Much more relatable
Everyones had to replace a part or two
I wish fixing me were so simple
Oct 2020 · 69
Writer's Block
DAF Oct 2020
The words
Must have had a prior engagement
Much more pressing than being at my fingertips
Oct 2020 · 79
DAF Oct 2020
It's 3:00am again
My head has not yet hit the pillow
I am unable to sleep as of late
Not quite sure why that is
Though my eyes
Plead to shut
My mind zig-zags
Across a thousand thoughts
Most of which include you
Most of which are make believe
Day dreams
That do not end when the sun sets
Oct 2020 · 73
Shallow End
DAF Oct 2020
Just because the tides are rising
Does not mean that I will drown

I need to remind myself of this.

Because there are times I am but ankle deep
And I can feel my lungs filling up with water
Oct 2020 · 58
I Wonder
DAF Oct 2020
Where do the words come from?
Before they pop up in my mind

Where do the words go?
When it seems I've run out of sentences to scribble
Oct 2020 · 60
DAF Oct 2020
i am now lost
though not the way one is
when they take a wrong turn
for at least they were moving with intention

i am lost
in the sense
of having no direction
no destination to step towards
and this troubles me greatly

i am lost and in trouble
not the fun kind
i am not breaking any rules
but i can feel my soul breaking
becoming smaller with each passing day
for it knows i am not where i belong
though knows not
where to go
Oct 2020 · 54
the wish of stillness
DAF Oct 2020
i have
always hated loud noises
the refrigerator dispensing ice into glass
the sound tubs make as water boils down
the treble in voices rising in opposition
all make me tremble
my heart jump
eyes dart for possible escape
Oct 2020 · 55
DAF Oct 2020
if you only write
what others want to hear
you will never know your words
Sep 2020 · 54
bundle up
DAF Sep 2020
and now i only see you
in my memories and dreams
i know winter months are coldest
but late december really stings
frost bitten
not by weather but by temperature of shoulder
it is over
it is over
it is over
Sep 2020 · 129
soured fruit
DAF Sep 2020
she always smelled like oranges
now i stay away from citrus
distance is
but you see trust
is miles away
Sep 2020 · 43
Livin in the bus
DAF Sep 2020
Sola takes her lattes
So late
Solar panels
Fuel the drive
Solstice to solstice
So longs and goodbyes
Come easy on the road
And on the wheels roll
Sep 2020 · 43
If I Were Sober
DAF Sep 2020
I'm a social drinker
I drink whenever I'm around people
Or just prior to a social engagement and right on thru it
I put on a cheerful ruse knowing people will buy it
People are always looking to be sold something
So I sell it
I celebrate.
They celebrate.
We celebrate together.
For a moment in time all is well
Rather all seems well
I'm sure they wouldn't like me if I were sober
More importantly you wouldn't like me if I were sober
I don't like me when I'm sober
Something I wrote a while back. I can now say I'm content with a clear mind
Sep 2020 · 44
DAF Sep 2020
pit stops and pit stains
smiles dyed with coffee
mix ups and fixings
on the road once more
Sep 2020 · 40
DAF Sep 2020
just have to go until you get there
once we've gone then we can stop
Sep 2020 · 50
DAF Sep 2020
we were drinking coffee
i asked how she felt about tea
"i like certainty"
she replied
Sep 2020 · 33
until the next
DAF Sep 2020
sometimes letting go
is the only way to hold on
Sep 2020 · 70
DAF Sep 2020
Cigarette filled lungs
In hell with a smile
Ash covered fingertips
Might stay for a while
Aug 2020 · 34
DAF Aug 2020
live today
no telling how much livings left
Aug 2020 · 53
DAF Aug 2020
there they go
though here i am
wishing they were too
setting sail for oceans new
it surely
will be
Aug 2020 · 39
DAF Aug 2020
often i can see the sadness
through the smiles and the jokes
just can't seem to drown
eyes that cry out
Aug 2020 · 64
DAF Aug 2020
only when it's silent
do the thoughts speak up
perhaps they hide
in boisterous mind
mummering amongst themselves
Aug 2020 · 53
Put on a Smile
DAF Aug 2020
“Seem to be ok”
They say
“Much better than before”
Tell myself the same
I am not convinced
Aug 2020 · 60
choked up
DAF Aug 2020
words don't do it justice
no sound vocal chords could make
would portray
the rising
tightness in my chest
the quickened pace of panic
anxiety swells around adams apple
Aug 2020 · 62
DAF Aug 2020
nothing to live up to
save yourself
Aug 2020 · 39
souler eclipse
DAF Aug 2020
sitting inside when the sun is out
close all the curtains for shade
i know the highs gonna come down
i'm sure by noon there'll be rain
Jul 2020 · 66
ball of yarn
DAF Jul 2020
beams of moon shoot down upon
these shoulders tense and knotted
help me heal both soul and body
bring health to what has rotted
knees on pavement i request
let rest find me as i travel
grant me peace as i lay
once i have been unraveled
Jul 2020 · 71
DAF Jul 2020
whats money
when you can't buy love
whats love
without reciprocity
Jul 2020 · 39
No Chute
DAF Jul 2020
love is not a problem
just find it hard to stick it out
though falling is quite easy
you soon find you hit the ground
Jul 2020 · 81
1.5 fl oz
DAF Jul 2020
This morning I woke up
And didn't recognize the room
The smell though was familiar
***** spilling out of pores

I am not Happy

Though last night I seemed ecstatic
Spirited by spirits masking all the sadness
I wonder when the wheels fall off
If i can go the distance
Will inebriation take vacation
Will I be a statistic
Jul 2020 · 65
probably maybe
DAF Jul 2020
unsure of every thought
no wonder i am second guessing what i write
though must one be certain
to put ink upon paper
Jul 2020 · 93
DAF Jul 2020
lost my head
while searching for
my mind
so wrapped up in seeming well
insanity in vanity
Jul 2020 · 50
sweet talk
DAF Jul 2020
caramel words were spilling out
now dried up on the carpet
promises that don’t age well
etched into the plaster
Jul 2020 · 72
Good Evening
DAF Jul 2020
Hold my breath til sun sets
Exhaling with the moonrise
Jun 2020 · 95
DAF Jun 2020
no such thing as perfect timing
sometimes things just happen to workout
poor timing though is tangible
just isn't right
right now
Jun 2020 · 59
DAF Jun 2020
i want to make
not only with strings and drums
but with
May 2020 · 56
late night
DAF May 2020
stick around
to blah blah blah
lets chit about the chatter
May 2020 · 80
DAF May 2020
I don’t wanna die
Though sometimes
I feel like dying
Haven’t felt
In a while
May 2020 · 64
Walkabout Talkabout
DAF May 2020
take me outside
been inside my head too long
May 2020 · 64
DAF May 2020
holding on
much longer then intended
daily doses
much more then recommended
May 2020 · 65
rush hour
DAF May 2020
no time to be sad
no time to be at all
Apr 2020 · 56
dusk to dawn
DAF Apr 2020
darkness blankets sunsets
the time has come again
sunrise steals the cover
that time has come and went
Apr 2020 · 58
DAF Apr 2020
not meant to be a riddle
though not all will understand
footsteps into fog
soul pointed one direction
Apr 2020 · 102
DAF Apr 2020
we were screaming
then there was silence
unsure of which was worse
Apr 2020 · 71
empty prayers
DAF Apr 2020
beginning to get drowsy
i can tell by the way my eyes
are begging to get to sleep
like when heartbreak asks for mercy
knowing it won't come
sorry this keeps getting taken down
Apr 2020 · 54
oh well
DAF Apr 2020
if ever i could do without
it seems that it consumes me now
with every breath my lungs withdraw
another second chance disappears
Apr 2020 · 58
DAF Apr 2020
don’t go they say
we need you to stay
why do i feel like drifting away
Mar 2020 · 54
thank you
DAF Mar 2020
nothing is forever
though some things stay as long as they can
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