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 Dec 2014 ConfusedPoet
There are two types of pain:
One that hurts you
And one that *changes you
#pain #it #still #hurts
Hey its me
Im the thing on your face
I make you feel like a disgrace
Make you want to hide
You try an cover me up but I still show
What you dont want people to know
You don't want them to see me
How does it feeling knowing I control the day
You try an think of ways to get ride of me
If you touch me ill cause you pain
Like your showering in acid rain
Remove me before im ready an ill scar your face
And the memory of me will never fade away
Let me run my course
Then ill go away
And sit underneath the surface
Until its time for me to come out an play
I guess, it just felt a little strange. Usually I was always drowning in my thoughts.
To the point where it consumed me. times,
was my demise,
as much as it also saved me.
But, there were these moments where I lived.
And, it was beautifully tragic because, he knew exactly what it was.
He didn't just hear or see it.
I guess, we as humans,
just feel these moments.
He knew me well,
he understood my laugh.
I learned who I am and why I exist. And I told you to never doubt that I am an extremist.
When I cry, the universe shakes a little. But, when I smile and laugh,
I am selfless.
I just gave and gave my soul to him. He could close his eyes and still dance with every detail.
I was alive.

                          ~ A. Almoudheji
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