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180 · Jan 2018
Classy J Jan 2018
Oh how it freezes gently
Cold yet soothing

Heart is Slowing
Death slowly taking me
Oh sweet Misery

Beseech thy malice
Beseech thee nevermore
Beseech my stillness
178 · Jul 2018
Gun Point
Classy J Jul 2018
1 shot, 2 shot, 3shot 4 so many gun shots it’s become the norm. 1 shot, 2 shot, 3shot 4 if killing innocent coloured brothers was an arcade game white man would have the high score. 1 shot, 2 shot, 3 shot 4 how many of my brothers have to die till we say no more? Why do we search for missing whites for months and coloured folk for only hours or a couple days? Privilege does exist so if you disagree you can **** a ****. For ignorant ******* like you make me sick! Division is obscuring our vision. Do we have to enter another recession to become more human? For Violence, violence, violence that’s all we’re about! Violence, violence, violence is the only thing the news talks about!

Glorifying ******, glorifying the killer but not sympathizing with the victim. Thoughts and prayers without actions until we forget about that certain victim. Moving on to the next juicy story, for we’ve become desensitized to these horror stories. Repeating the same problems, and wondering why we can’t solve em. But the hard truth is we don’t want to solve em, for we are lazy and are just hoping someone else will solve em. Holy ****,why God? ******* I’m just saddened and without balance like a camera on a broken tripod! What’s the point! What’s my purpose? Why can’t people see beyond the surface? I’m just anxious and nervous because I might be the next in the grave, for I already got one foot in it and if I don’t give in to it does that make me brave? Maybe I should end it all myself, but I have to think about more than just myself! I’m just selfish and a narcissist, and I wish I wasn’t such a pessimist! I’ve become the thing I hate which is being complacent, for I’ve lost touch with reality in fact I’ve become indifferent.

Who cares if we exist on purpose or by mistake! Just live life to the fullest and try to give more than take. For life might be bad but not as bad as someone else’s, so make a difference in their life until it’s your time to smell the roses. Parental advisory displayed on me, for I might challenge outdated traditions that society engrained on thee. So if I’m the villain without penicillin I guess I ***** your eardrums and deserve to be displayed as heartless like I’m some kind of tin man. So here I go off to see the psychiatrist again, for I’m dictating this ***** like I’m Kaiser Wilhelm the second!

Everyone is a critic but **** it I’ll keep spitting the prophetic. For I see the pain yeah man and I see the corruption, and you bet I got an appetite for restoration. For destruction has caused this rift between the races, but I hope we can repair all our ancestors’ despicable messes. Messes that still hinder us today, messes that won’t go away unless we stand together starting today.
178 · Feb 2018
Over it
Classy J Feb 2018
Brain on a different planet didn’t even plan it, brain on a different tangent and I don’t even understand it. On a new level cause I built up to it, on a new level and I got yawl to thank for it. Bringing substance that isn’t corny but is really honest, strangling the temptress that wants me sell out and take narcotics. Like I would want to be brain dead, and if you think that I’d risk it you must be a bonehead. Classy taking out these ****** rappers that are anything but dapper, I’m not a ******* nor am i Yornica yeah I’m a native go figure. Who knew they still existed, but hey colonialist ******* tried their hardest. What is a culture when the culture has been stolen and who owns land that’s already inhabited hmm good question. Extinguished family teachings so the next couple generations lose connection and our proud identity is fleeting. Beating ourselves over it, beating others because it’s hard growing up without mothers and fathers yet people say get over it. It should be apparent that those who never had parents wouldn’t be able to parent. But apparently we should just get over it, ******* ******* for our land, race, culture and beliefs were taken away so no I can’t simply get over it. Religion seemed like a good thing because we also believed in a creator, but these supposed holy people turned out to be as evil as ******. No wonder indigenous people have a hard time with believing in a all mighty deity, who let people destroy everything we had like so much for its Devine protection and security.  But ***** it we should just get over it right, and if you say that again ***** you best get out of my sight. Get over, get over it, it’s dead and gone yet still to this day natives are on the other side of the gun. Hands up but it don’t mean much, I said hands up but it don’t mean much! Get over it, get over it, I swear I didn’t do ****, but get over it, for you just being brown means that you must’ve done it. Hands up get on the ground, got us all lined up and in chains awaiting to go to the pound.  Hands up get on the ground, but you best beware who you kick around. Everyone’s got a breaking point, and I don’t know about you but I hate being at gun point. Get over it, get over it, it ain’t worth it so stop it. Get over it, get over it, just drop it and forget it. I’m sorry but I can’t simply get over it nor will I get over it!
176 · Feb 2018
Lake side
Classy J Feb 2018
On the lake side, sitting right by you!
Got you flowers and perfume with a ribbon on it because your my boo.
And as the mist glimmers so do your eyes.
Some say love is nonsense, but when I’m with you love is something I can’t deny!
Never felt so vulnerable like a puddle in your arms. Each photo is a memory to add to the album to hold onto like a lovely charm.
So tap your toes, jump out your seats, belt out your love and may it never depleat.
Woah-oh-oh yeah and I know it takes a lot of adjustment but trust me it’s worth it!
Let love be your guide, let love become your outlet, let love be something you never forget. For love is like a equinox, it’s particularly splendid and magnificent just like everyone of you!
So don’t quit or throw in the towel for love takes time to become undeniably true.
Let love light up like a lamp in a world so dark; all it takes is just a single spark.
On the lake side, sitting right by you!
Wearing sandals, holding hands, and gazing at the moon...
May our love forever bloom!
So tap your toes, jump out your seats, belt out your love and may it never depleat.
Keep on fighting for it, and never let it escape your reach.
May our love be sweet as a peach.
176 · May 2018
Arms For The Poor
Classy J May 2018
Arms For The Poor; Been here before.
Harm to opportunities when I try to find what i'm looking for but no matter for society has locked up all them doors.
Tried to use charm and it wasn't effective, tried to show love but that's just seen as pathetic.
Living on the streets naked; can you please spare some change cause I need a change of circumstance if i'm going to continue to make it.
Land of tragedy; land of systematic racism that barricades coloured people like me.
Please sir, please ma'am won't you help me? No you won't and if you say yes it's just a publicity stunt for in reality you don't care about me.
See me as a rat. Be careful everyone stand back. Arrest me, Shoot me, jail me, **** me, shame me, blame me, parade me around like the King of jews and you wonder why we still messed up Homie?
Arms For The Poor; Been here before.
Laden in chains, cursing my name, chastising me because of where my ancestors came.
Speaking up for myself but it's all in vain; **** Mr.White man yawl won't ever understand this pain!
******* up with out-dated jim crow policies that we still use today, tell me when did apparently civilized people become anything but civilized ese?
Tell me when did humanity become so evil? And no I don't want you to go pointing to some diabolical apple!
Tell me why we keep this rigged status quo?
Tell me why coloured people have to live in woe?
Arms For The Poor, Been here before.
Arms For The Poor, Been here before.
Please can I have something more?
Please can you stop treating us like **** ***** ******?
All I ask is for true freedom! For true equality! For true liberty! For chance to show you that I have the ability and capability!
175 · Mar 2018
Onward fellow man.
Classy J Mar 2018
Onward fellow man.
Work becomes easier when combing hands.
Through narrow needle of cooperation.
For flesh of man brings corruption.
Equality for all means just that.
Accepting differences instead of stabbing each other in the back.
Work done together helps everyone.
Work divided in more or less pay than others hinders everyone.
Onward fellow man.
Work becomes easier when combing hands.
174 · Nov 2016
Classy J Nov 2016
Gradually getting great, while fracturing the bones of fretting fakes. Channeling my personified state, my goal has been to dismantle and open up your minds gate. Passionately petrified of how I feel inside, but I will no longer hide, unashamed **** never going to stop my stride. You want it then go for it, don't go bowing down to this society's jealous ridden *******. You are more than that, don't let those ****** treat you like slack. Classically calling it for how I see it, this is how I perceive, don't like it, but I don't really give two *****. One must be asking themselves why they acting to hard, or why they are always on guard. Is it something about you, is it just some distorted view of believing the vile things people be saying about you? Hmm, maybe I getting somewhere, or maybe I'm just zany and just blissfully unaware of this atmosphere.
174 · Sep 2014
just gotta have hope
Classy J Sep 2014
I've been beaten; I've been betrayed; I was left for dirt; me, myself, and I all astray. I was so high, I was so good, but now I am all in pieces on the ground. People fall, it's our nature, but the good one's are the one's that get back up each time. Never giving up, never willing to surrender, not taking the easy way out. Time to get back to who I used to be, Cause wallowing in self-pity will never get me anywhere. Life won't fix itself, it takes effect, but it's worth it. You just got to hope that things will get better, cause hope is what makes us strong.
173 · Mar 2019
The Garden
Classy J Mar 2019
Like a bird on a tree,
You know me.
Like a life ahead of me,
A life I do not know.
Knowing is a gift,
A gift of knowledge.
Like a bee to a flower,
You know me,
Like sweet lullabies that rocks us to sleep,
Counting the sheep’s, protecting our keep.
Climbing treacherous peaks, and overcoming defeats.
Every adversity we face is a gift,
A gift of knowledge.
Like a lost soul in the wilderness.
You don’t everything about me.
For lie’s course out of fear that you won’t always love me!
It’s like I got a split personality.
So sorry for all the complexity baby.
And Please just be patient with me ok?
For my head at times reaps with insecurity!
That at times be dipping into others privacy.
Which then leads to publicly stating apologies for ones acts of indecencies.
And I can’t bear to wreck another family!
For knowledge may be a gift but sometimes I wish it would skip over me!
Oooohhh! Ohhh!
The tree of knowledge,
A taste so bitter sweet!
The tree of knowledge,
Got me feeling so obsolete.
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Ohh why!
Did ya have to be so so beautifully deceiving!
Maybe people are right when they say it’s better!
So much better!
To not be aware!
To not give a care!
Ohhh! Baby, Knowing is half the battle!
Knowledge is a devious fellow!
And we all get caught up in it’s enticing wind like some rose pedals.
Pedals that fiddle and flicker dropping quicker and quicker.
Till it ripples into the ocean lingering till silence befalls all.
Where love draws like a bow and quiver that has struck my heart and I fall.
Fall into this dream called love.
Where knowledge becomes nothing but a faded memory.
Guess that’s why common sense becomes a mystery.
For love got us thinking unconsciously.
171 · Jul 2019
Rest Easy
Classy J Jul 2019
Sleep dear child.
Sleep and find rest.
Don’t worry dear child.
It’ll be ok.
Though my heart is broken.
And tears cloud my face.
Remember those days.
Of sunrise and peace.
Where we could smile.
Where we could laugh.
When things made sense.
And we had plans.
Before tragedy struck.
The day my heart was plucked.
And has become a thorn.
Where I’m left remembering the first time,
The time I held you in my hands,
The time you brought back your arts and crafts,
The time you went on the bus all by yourself.
The times I wish would always last.
But now I’m here on Sunday mass.
Wearing black.
A colour as dark as my soul.
That grows cold.
Like your hands are now.
I wish I could hear you laugh.
I wish I could hear you cry.
One last time.
But for now you sleep.
Like an unending lullaby.
But don’t you worry.
Don’t you fret.
I’ll never forget.
The moments we had left.
Where you said.
Daddy, it’ll be ok.
Please don’t cry.
This isn’t goodbye.
I’ll see you again.
Where sunshine never leaves.
A place of constant peace.
Where worries don’t exist.
A place to find some rest.
So, sleep dear father.
Sleep and find some rest.
Don’t worry about me.
It’ll be ok.
Though your heart is broken.
And your soul is shaken.
Remember those days.
Of sunshine and peace.
171 · Mar 2018
Division based on sex
Classy J Mar 2018
Surely Shirley didn’t mean to offend.
Author did she not refrain from abusing authority?
Look clearly for thou be blind!
Cruelty reeped from honesty & dignity
Blasted blasphemy! Thou art a rotten rind!
Were she worthy as some man, thy wouldn’t have chopped the hand.
Double standards fluctuate & permeate this society.
Thine eyes be blurry; for thou be blind!
Penalty penalizing from priveledge mentality.
On what basis did we bastardize women kind?
170 · Jul 2018
Classy J Jul 2018
Twisted mind like a tainted vine; truth confined in a sea of lies. If only I realized these lies as I lay down betrayed.
They treat me like an intrusive loser, get to jobbing then fade away into obscurity like bastion ******.
I once tried to search for myself but got lost along the way. I once tried to look at my reflection but it turned away.
Shattered perception, scattered pieces of memories replaced by delusion.
Forgot myself in all the confusion, all for fame or acceptance so I became this hollow substitution.
Invisible to myself and others, and I can’t even sleep at night because I realized I’m really the monster under the covers.
Tried praying to the holy father, but I ain’t got no call back so why did I even bother?
I’m lost and afraid, so I write another verse hoping all these feelings will fade.
Just a snap of the fingers like I’m thanos, because I can’t handle of these ******* ignorant gringos.
Tried going to a logos program, but gosh **** they even more of a problem.
Eating lunches with my shadow, and it feels like I’m stuck in the middle of ocean with no rowing boat or paddle!

Hook: Seems like I’ve almost had enough, but you be stupid if you think I’m giving up! I’m almost up that hill now, I’m almost free now, I’m almost able to see that real me now. Yeah!

Trying to find a reason to continue to rhyme or find a rhyme that will bring out my reason.
The reason to keep going, the reason to keep reaching and dreaming. So I write verse after verse till it rehearsed.
Cant tell if this is a gift or a curse?
So I continue to going different directions like embers from a fire, and it is for that reason that I’ll never retire!
I will never know unless I try, and I will never be a good father if I don’t let my past hurt die.
I need to cross that edge and take a leap of faith, for staying stagnant is a waste of my breath.
I know it won’t be easy, but life’s not supposed to be easy!
Got to face my Goliath will only a few pebbles and a sling shot and give it all I got.
I only have my self to blame or praise for overcoming these burdens, For life is a long play and I’m not ready to let down the curtains.

Hook: Seems like I’ve almost had enough, but you be stupid if you think I’m giving up! I’m almost up that hill now, I’m almost free now, I’m almost able to see that real me now. Yeah!
170 · Jan 2018
Orange is the new black
Classy J Jan 2018
I got oranges currently in storage, and for break time I ate some orange flavoured porridge. My kid drew something with so much pride and courage, that I couldn’t help but stick it to my orange fridge. Unhinging my soul and throwing out old luggage, for my doctor made me less depressed by sticking me with a serum with some orange syringe. Binge watching girls getting freaky with some oranges, but then my mom walked in on me and said what the **** is this. I was such a ****** up kid that I wanted to jump off some ledge, for I was on the ridge of reality till hope lead me across it’s orange bridge. Forridging forward toward that orange horizon, walking onward though ridged I keep at it for its my new mission. So now I’m the role model which leaves other jealous, but I ignore them like they were orange relish. Relishing every moment swinging through opposition with my sledgehammer, winning all the titles call me a grand slammer. Giving haters the van dammer, and I stress out a lot because I’m a study crammer. Frauds break apart as easy as crackers, ******* ***** sods without heart they should try to strive towards being dapper. Darkness embedded, righteousness unprotected, which leaves awareness effected. Conditional centripetal fictional ridicule, traditional loco mules sustaining unethical unwanted rules. Rhetorical oracles overall insignificant follicles, how horrible after-all but forget it all by taking adderall. Operant unawareness of unfairness all wanting the carrot, does this warrant us being so careless and not giving a **** to what is so apparent. Black skies where unhealthy thoughts lie, blanketed lies that we treat like calories. Unequal salaries weeding out adversaries. Poison imposing ill will, where are the chosen to help us deal with this ordeal? Dark necessities investing in acts of sin, painted black and spread out in red for that’s what happens when you deal in the devils den
169 · Jan 2021
Imbued Deli
Classy J Jan 2021
As soon as I talk about ***,
They slap a label of explicitly,
Yet *** is a natural beauty,
That has been distorted as raunchy,
A taboo subject that is nasty,
Yet has created you and me.
So, sorry not sorry.
Imma discuss about it G.
So, check it.
My girl wetter than a tsunami,
Wanting my pastrami,
Which works for me,
Because I’m hungry for her cookie,
So, ***** where *** and food,
Becomes a imbued deli.
Carnal creatures popping off their cherries.
******* on my jerky like it was bubble tea.
As I’m munching on her nectarine.
A embrace more savoury,
Than a crispy cream.
Taking it to the shower,
Because I like it when her buns are steamed.
I treat my girl like a Queen,
She is more than her body.
I know saying this, isn’t mainstream.
But it’s important to dig in to it,
Like it’s a bowl of vermicelli.
My girls compassion is sweeter than ice cream.
And her laugh bounces like jelly.
She is a powerful force that some men might find scary.
But I personally find it ****,
Because she completes me.
Where I lack she helps me.
When I cry she comforts me.
The only one who understands the real me.
She imbues the deli of my soul,
And keeps me grounded like gravity.
167 · Dec 2019
**** Walmart
Classy J Dec 2019
I’m tired of being docile,
I’m just tired from trying to be a decent role model,
As I’m shopping down these Walmart aisles,
With staff circling me like some ******* eels,
Thinking imma steal,
Asking for my receipt as I leave,
Putting they arms on my sleeve,
When I say no,
Because they have no right to check me homie,
Unless they have reason to believe,
That I’m a thieving liar,
But that ain’t me G.
But now you’ve unleashed my fire.
So, some body call the town choir,
Because somebody is about to be fired!
And some of yawl be saying,
But what can I do about racial profiling?
That has undermining and marginalizing,
Anyone that doesn’t conform to white priorities?
Which is ******* silly.
Oh, you don’t like me spitting these facts, sue me.
Truly, this is appalling,
But, most of yawl already stopped listening,
Isn’t it fitting?
In a land of opportunity,
One wrong step, the white cop gonna shoot me.
Arresting me for driving while ethnic,
Didn’t your mother teach you ethics?
When did our world become so pathetic?
Giving people like me smaller portions to live with,
While at the same time telling me to get over it!
I’m so sick and tired of this ****!
Man, I just can no longer stand it!
Getting questioned every time I step out of my **** house,
Man, that tragic.
And it isn’t just Walmart,
Or the cops,
It is this whole **** society,
Institutionalized to give the white kid a lollipop.
Man, **** Walmart,
And the cops,
**** this whole **** society,
For continuing to give marginalized people like me a sucker punch!
Based on being racially profiled at Walmart
166 · Jun 2021
The Purge
Classy J Jun 2021
My words be plenty wise,
Yet people only wanna listen to garbage,
Like lil skies.
Afterall, the rap game has shown it hates logic.
Maybe I’d be rich,
If I bragged that I could have plenty wives.
Maybe you’d ******* listen,
If my words were sadistic like pennywise.
Maybe I’d be signed,
If I sold my soul to the demon goat with three eyes.
However, with fame comes leeches,
That tell pretty lies.
Getting hooked to the fiction,
Compromising morality to get between some thighs,
As well as wine and dined,
With bells come the whistles for the blind.
The frame of mind,
Through space and time,
Has begun to unwind,
With evolution on the decline.

What was once filled with clarity,
Is now filled with mumbling.
What once expressed challenging themes,
Now all sounds the same to me.
It’s so sad to see,
A Grammy list that nominated lil baby,
But not Denzel Curry, now that’s a tragedy.

I think I need to down me some communion wine,
Cause people have lost they minds,
Acting gangster but we know they lying,
Pulling a gunna out from behind,
Yet if caught, pull a 6ix9ine,
****, I swear music is confined,
Instead of bumping to Tech N9ne,
They pop lil xan’s while watching drumline,
Makes me wishing I could reincarnate as a slime,
Because it’s just so uninspiring,
Young wannabe thugs thinking they lions,
Are just lying to themselves,
Wanting be like ***,
But ending up a body full of gun shells,
Can’t you see the parallels?
Too busy believing in the fairytale,
Thinking ya can set sail,
Like a lil yachty boat,
But even the titanic thought it could float,
It’s funny that these SoundCloud rappers,
Think they the goat,
Trying so hard to attain some cloat,
By calling Eminem a joke.
But the only joke I see,
Is you folk.

What was once filled with clarity,
Is now filled with mumbling.
What once expressed challenging themes,
Now all sounds the same to me.
It’s so sad to see,
A Grammy list that nominated lil baby,
But not Denzel Curry, now that’s a tragedy.
164 · Nov 2021
Classy J Nov 2021
Pass me that ****,
I don’t even smoke,
I just need me some hope,
Because I’m depressed,
Yet it’s treated as a joke.
Wondering when,
I’ll be like Georgie’s boat.
Cause I don’t know,
How much longer I can float?
But I’m trying my best,
To find ways to cope.
Even when I be,
Confusing my father with a ghost.
Who knew trauma,
Was like walking a tight rope!
And because I hate drama,
I follow my usual tropes.
By slipping away just like soap.
Never addressing the problems,
That has lead me down, these treacherous slopes.
Not sure where I’m supposed to go now.
All I know is that I’m going down.
And the inner walls, can’t protect me now.
With the bottled up emotions spilling out.
But unlike a Jordan Peele movie,
I don’t want this to Get Out.
Because it may damage the relationship,
That I’ve fought to have now.
However, my dads alcoholism is out of control now!
And I no longer feel safe within his home now.
It’s no wonder that my mental health is waning!
I suppose it’s crazy.
Wishing for a father that was healthy.
Such a sentimental fantasy.
When in actuality,
He blames my mother,
Even though he was the absentee.
And it was up to me,
To pick up the pieces,
Of my heart, that you left for me.
And growing up to be,
A man that you could never be.

I’ve decided that, I won’t put up,
With the *******.
Of the narrow minded.
To high on their pulpit.
To see the trauma, I be trying to cope with.

For I know my worth!
Cause imma resilient child,
That fought to live ever since birth.
An infant chiseled from earth,
Knowing that changes might hurt,
But if I never start.
I’ll never go,
For every high, there are lows.
Just how it goes.
That’s what I’m told.
Gotta be like Batman,
By being brave and bold.
In order to juxtapose,
Being exposed to the decomposed.
That life may hold.
Even if it might be,
A ******* lightning bolt.
Whatever the pain may be,
I’ll never give up hope.
Just got to reframe,
The toxins into antidotes.
Call that the anecdote,
Of these rhymes I done wrote.

I’ve decided that, I won’t put up,
With the *******.
Of the narrow minded.
To high on their pulpit.
To see the trauma, I be trying to cope with.
I won’t put up! No I won’t put up!
Nor will I give up! Never gonna give up!
Layed down too long,
And it’s about time I got up.
Been sleep walking too long,
So, it’s about time I woke up!
163 · Mar 2022
Deaf, Dumb & Blind
Classy J Mar 2022
Pain internalized,
Trauma within the eyes,
With regret lying behind,
A disguised smile unrecognized.
Even by the specialized.
Wonder if you can sympathize?
With a society trying to stabilize,
What they see as animalized.
Creating a society that is demoralized.
That steals children with intentions,
To indoctrinize.  
Experimenting regardless of the savage cries.
Because soon they will be whitenized.
And will be normalized.
Numb to the pain and cast aside.
Having their culture sold and commercialized.
And if they protest they are taken out,
Like they were pests and the RCMP was the pesticide.

Why can’t they hear the cries?
Why won’t they listen to the cries?
How many more have to die?
How many more have to die?
Before we are finally recognized!
As humans nation wide!
Maybe they are just too deaf, dumb, and blind.

Identity compromised,
Fear got us paralyzed,
With our livelihoods stigmatized,
Fought in world wars,
But had our status demised.
Thought we were allies?
Jailed yet enfranchised.
There is no land of the free.
When even our blood quantum,
Is categorized.
I guess it’s not just the revolution,
That is un-televised.
Yet we always hear,
How many times do we have to apologize?
Just get over it.
Get a job and live healthy lives.
Unable to sympathize,
With those tyrannized.
And traumatized.
Unable to hear the cries.
Of those who have and still are,
Losing their lives.
Which got me asking?

Why can’t you hear the cries?
Why won’t you listen to the cries?
How many more have to die?
How many more have to die?
Before we are finally recognized!
As humans nation wide!
Maybe you’re just too deaf, dumb and blind!
159 · Jan 2018
Sweet lies
Classy J Jan 2018
I lie floundering
I lie like driftwood
I lie peacefully

I lie soundly
I lie unfiltered and free
I lie flawlessly

I lie sweetly
I lie gentle nothingness
I lie so softly

I lie beside you
I lie to you and myself
I lie with another
159 · Apr 2019
Tuzan Kisa
Classy J Apr 2019
Walking in the rain,
Trenched to my bones.
Barren as that day.
The day you left me.

Drowning in my tears,
With our house, no longer my home.
Blank as that day.
The day you left me.

You were the paintbrush to my canvas,
The light in the dark,
So, as I walk in this tearful rain.
I wonder if you are also in pain.
The day I laid with another.

Wish I could soak up this mess.
Guess I was the one who left you to drown,
In this tearful rain.
Barren as that day.
I cheated on you.

Drowning in your tears,
With a house, empty as your heart.
Stained as that day.
The day I betrayed you.
157 · Apr 2019
Classy J Apr 2019
Needless perfection!
No, place for me to fail!
The day I fail, is the day I end up in hell!
Trying obsessively to gain approval.
For father might beat me, if I don’t come home with that perfect score!

I must sustain, I must refrain from temptations.
Holy father, why was I burdened with this obligation!
However, I refuse defamation! For I must exceed these unattainable expectations.
Breaking down, bloodied and crying!
All the while my soul is dying!

Suffering, Suffering, perfection can be so damaging, damaging!
Muttering, muttering softly for I’m fearing the inevitable punishing, punishing!
Wondering, wondering if I’ll ever be free?
Won’t someone help me please!

Caged so long, I no longer remember what is was like to be flying!
Free birdy, chirping so happily.
While I'm sitting lonely as friends be looking so care free!
Wishing that were me!

Suffering, Suffering, perfection can be so damaging, damaging!
Muttering, muttering softly for I’m fearing the inevitable punishing, punishing!
Wondering, wondering if I’ll ever be free?
Won’t someone help me please!
First attempt at writing a metal song.
157 · Feb 2018
Classy J Feb 2018
Dispensary disciplinary disputes which dejectes rejects and may later hold regrets. Reflecting and replaying memories of times long past, reassessing and no longer retreating away and maintaining a security vest. Because my insecurity stems from immaturity which I stuff down and drown out with Hennessy, and just because I’m classy doesn’t mean I can’t falter from uncertainty. Causing a shift in time, causing a rift with all my relationships so I gotta pull out the wine. Daily cycles of addiction and because I’m used to doing it I have no control or restriction. Pills running deep, heart wanting to sleep, dreams of me on my death bed where I see everybody I know weep. Is that snow? Oh no that’s ******* my main, and it’s the finest in the game. Ok take a breath man, you look like death man for to beat this **** you need to find a helpful method man. Because I don’t want you to turn into a **** head man, for you weren’t built for this so better get your **** together man. Pain will be bearing down but don’t let it bring you down man, and when depression comes at you better hit it low hit low hit it low and then hit high hit it high hit it high man. Get yourself a game plan man, and I know things seem impossible but you got to overcome the odds like a blind man playing piano man. It’s a wonder Stevie that you don’t see your blessings, because it easy to see the flaws but trust me you gotta look for those few successes. Chasing liquor, chasing change, pulling a fast one on ya like I’m bilbo with my magical ring. Bumping to wu tang, listening to each bar letting it sit in my membrane. Living my life so arbitrary, yeah I ain’t some ordinary Gary, and I’m always looking through the dictionary for new vocabulary. Rap is my sanctuary so that must make me a missionary, and it’s my mission to keep it real  and make the most of living in this purgatory. Got a lock on my target, for I  got a dream in my pocket that I won’t simply forget. Writing some of my bars in my therapy sessions, for I still have evil within and in desperate need for a exorcism.  Hope I don’t get sent to the psych ward, or get the electric chair because I’m opinionated and stubborn for I love doing things deemed tricky or hard.  The mind state of a broken soul, and I forget it all by watching a stripper work a pole. Mind state of a kid born already starting at a disadvantage, for I’m just a uncivilized savage to most privilege folk who can’t see me for me cause they were born with an advantage.  Mind state that has chosen to overcome and help people understand, mind state with a premonition that I will solve this problem as long as others are willing to take a stand.
156 · Apr 2021
DOOM Patrol
Classy J Apr 2021
This the doom patrol,
If you know, you know.
Might be your friend,
Might be your foe.
It all depends,
Whether or not we,
Busting down your door!

It seems some things,
Don’t always add up.
Not even bugs bunny,
Knows what’s up doc.
Fiends distributing zyglon b,
In the hood through lean cups,
Think I’ve seen enough.
Every day another drive by,
Don’t be a wise guy,
Or you’ll end up a dead guy.
Just another food for fodder,
Capitalism at this point should be called,
Sergeant Slaughter.
Quick better hashtag that ****,
Thoughts and prayers without actions.
Can’t stop the madness.
Literally doing the white cops job for them,
Oh **** he went there,
I had to, because it’s still a ******* problem.
Life may not be fair,
But I refuse to be seen as a goblin.
That needs to be slain in order,
To maintain privilege and superiority.
But I refuse to be ashamed of being a minority.
Orderly, orderly we got a run away.
Better andale, andale,
I’m may not be a Mexican,
But I am treated like a chupacabra, ese.
I just don’t comprehende,
El gobeirno es muy demente.
Bunch of el pollo locos,
Puede chupar mi pene.
I’m a human ******* being,
That demands to be respected accordingly.
Before I shove my boot through you anally.

This the doom patrol,
If you know, you know.
Might be your friend,
Might be your foe.
It all depends,
Whether or not we,
Busting down your door!

Boy you mad bruh?
Of my gift of gab son?
Go buy yourself a ******.
Cause you be cramping,
My ******* style.
That is so versatile,
I’m like a ******* lyrical crocodile,
Just chomping at the bit,
Yawl ******* make sick,
If we cannot coexist,
Guess I got no choice,
But to bust out my extended clip,
As you already perceive me as violent,
Trying to keep me all quiet,
But my glock is the only thing,
That’ll ever be on silent!
For I’m ******* tired,
It’s about time we rewire,
This ******* system,
Where a division,
Based on racist traditions,
Either kills what they determine as problems,
Or just lock us up in prisons.
I said it once but imma say it again,
**** the system!
That looks at resistance as terrorism.
If only they’d listen,
To the wisdom,
Instead of tear gassing demonstrations.
Trying to ***** out the light,
To Doctor Kings dreams and visions.
But we won’t let that happen.
As long as we have the breath to keep fighting!

This the doom patrol,
If you know, you know.
Might be your friend,
Might be your foe.
It all depends,
Whether or not we,
Busting down your door!
155 · Apr 2018
Trapped In A Vice
Classy J Apr 2018
Trapped In A Vice
Creeping, hope fleeting, demon awakening, hope inside draining, names in vain spoken lividly. Person in the mirror screaming, my momma praying, but it may be to late because my faith is failing. Not fully sure if I'm sure what I'm saying, for I’m just trailing off in my own discombobulated brain trying my best to not be crying. For men always have to be smiling, for your not a man if other emotions be showing. So these emotions I got to be hiding, but now I’ve become desensitized to your feelings. **** how ironic; **** better smoke me some chronic and then drink some gin and tonic.

Because that’s going to fix it however, I don't even think bob the builder can fix this ****. Drawing lines in the sand, so don't be throwing that first stone unless you've never done a sin beforehand. In which case you may show judgment, but last I checked only God could make that discernment. That being said a lot of yawl thinks ya Gods, but yawls are most likely a bunch of egotistical hollow insecure facades. No man can tell me what to do, and no man has the right to assume me to have some type of disability and for those who have how dare you. Just because I don't conform to your blasphemies and hypocritical distortions doesn't give you the right to treat me like an abortion. I am human you ******* ignoramuses, for if history were written correctly my people would be martyrs and victims whilst yours would be seen as the heinous barbaric savages.

Why is it when I speak no one listens? Why is it when I talk about atrocities people justify it by saying we had to make you Christian? For your savage life don't be working us! This may be the land of the free but there ain't no freedom for us! Who do I trust? When God turned his back? Who do I look for guidance to help me keep my life on track? Feel like just a speck man I'm feeling pathetic, so don't you give me heck if I die an addict. Drugs flowing through the blood to wash away the pain of others who have shoved our faces in the mud. We got nothing to show our next generations all because of racist appropriation and segregation. Maybe God isn't the true problem, yeah maybe it's man but all I know is **** has taken a beating to the fan.

Trying my best to look fantastic, trying my best not to cry because even if I did this world wouldn't be sympathetic. Left with forgotten culture, forgotten language, forgotten promises to treaties, and once the oil stops flowing we will become a third world country covered in feces. Don't believe me look at Hobbema, which is now known as maskwacis, which for some has become the **** of people’s jokes; like why can't people mind their own **** business? Lost in this heartless reality, just a causality of poor circumstance implemented by this ******* that Canada hasn't done anything wrong but now you know the reality. The reality is nothing will be done they'll just keep saying "sorry", and then forget us and leave us like Andy did his toys in the third toy story.
154 · Sep 2022
Sup Joyner?
Classy J Sep 2022
Verse 1:
Spending a million days chilling like a baller, but I’m still a bachelor,
I’m the master *****, the funk villian,
Killing these ill feelings, like a *******.
Call me Captain Picard, galaxy speeding.
Bumping to tunes, in my Lincoln Navigator.
Living fate with taro cards, ***** bussing.
Cussing out haters, phonies is paper weight.
Knock ‘em out, let me demonstrate.

Verse 2:
Demonstrating, how to knock ‘em out,
These paperweight phonies, and haters imma cuss em out.
Buss em ****, using taro cards, living out fate,
Navigating while linking my tunes, to start bumping.
Speeding through galaxies, like Captain Picard.
I’m a *******, feelings so ill I could ****.
Got that villain funk, ******* call me master.
Balling like a bachelor, just chilling each day spending millions.

Verse 3:
Game has changed, so has the times.
Instead of writing rhymes, peoples is snorting em.
Deranged turn coats full of phlegm.
Instead of pronouncing vowels, they’s mumbling.
Music has become the chum bucket,
With occasional golden gems.
Shout out Denzel, Joey, Johnson, kaan, and Williams.
And I’ll be ****** like a John ham mad man,
If I start shooting up drugs and end up in neverland.
Flying, off the handle, like a dysfunctional Peter Pan.

Verse 4:
I’ve seen dysfunctional Peter’s, plan not pan out,
So, many times they’s handles have fallen off.
Going off to neverland, because them drugs shoot ‘em up.
**** man these kids madder than John Ham.
Why can’t they be more creative like, Williams, kaan, Johnson, Joey, and Denzel man?
I guess not every gems golden,
Like expecting a bucket of chum producing good music.
With many mumbling vowels, bet they can’t even pronounce phlegm.
Fulls coats turned red, feel betrayed, because the sounds turned deranged.
With rappers snorting lines, instead of writing them.
I guess the times has changed, and I guess so too must the game.

Verse 5:
Asked to choose between a beemer, Benz, or Bentley.
All the same when I’m drinking henny on the highway.
Swerving on them fools, than repent on Sunday.
Attempting not to catch a fine, at least till payday.
Spiralling downhill, mayday mayday.
Declining like the popularity of Spyro.
My internal plains a pyro, La lumbre, lumbre.
Think I need a vk, chilling in the jungle with dk.

Verse 6:
Go bananas in the jungle like Dk,
Just swinging, chilling, relaxing like it’s a vk.
Dancing with La lumbre, lumbre,
No fly zone during the eternal pyro.
**** popularity, imma burn down this ***** like I’m Spyro.
Imma never decline someone screaming, mayday, mayday.
If I did I know that would be a downhill spiral.
Where payday just another day,
But I pretend things are fine,
Attempting smiles, whilst receiving a sundae.
Only fools repent, can’t swerve me compadre.
Doing things my way,
Getting drunk and high,
Addictions are all the same.
Numbing the pain, by paying for fancy cars like Bentley’s, Benz’s, and beemers.
Because to choose between would be insane.
Inspired by Joyner Lucas’s rap song Backwards.
154 · Dec 2018
Way I See It!
Classy J Dec 2018
Reese’s pieces scattered on the floor,
Different species like E.T but yet I’m deemed a predator.
Got the heart like a triceratops but looked at as a raptor to the cops.
Population drops; more like population control.
Darkened representation that be invading normative rules.
Starving depression that gets sliced open like a c-section.
All based on first impressions, all based on racist predispositions.
I say Watson this **** sure locks us in a precarious position?
No wonder the majority of minority’s are in prison!
Which then makes me wonder about authority and how it’s chosen?
For I don’t see the wisdom?
And in this rigged prism based elections,
I wonder why there hasn’t been any correction?
Maybe there is a conspiracy correlation,
That believes coloured folk are the ones that need correction.
Making coats with our lost kin,
Then rationalizing the destruction of seven generations.
Which then brews hatred that kills any validation.
Then to take matters worse they took our blood for their ink quill to write on the constitution.
Which is an intrusion on our human rights son!
Man whiteness is such an infection,
That gets injected into everything and everyone. **** what a great invention.
Investing into slavery, genocide, drugs, and prostitution.
Country build from the bones of primitives,
Man I haven’t seen such a betrayal since Samson feel victim to seduction!
I get it everyone got a hierarchy of needs like they Maslow!
And as the cash flows like riddles, snitches start packing so I got no time to fiddle.
For guns are more popular than instruments, and that was so instrumental in me being jailed by these corrupt governments!
**** the establishment!
For they think they subtle trying to fiddle with the actual documents.
Thinking only one fib will do,
Then the next thing ya know,
that one gets turned into two-thousand twenty two!
Telling us to respect the rules they broke,
Getting tangled up like fools yet we say there ain’t no strings on me!
Where’s Shakespeare because that’s quite an ironically sad tragedy!
**** these institutionalized structures where the rich slip through the cracks.
Where the one’s in poverty get sacked!
Where the blues spread from the use of a sax, where jazz shattered the glass!
Then rap took the mantle to disperse the facts, for being shackled impacts like income tax.
And I don’t know about you but I’m not ok with scraps, or getting the strap!
For slavery is the back bone of this country, yet whites try to subtract this dark history.
Time to pay up for I’m not ok with just a sorry!
Sorry if I lack classiness,
Sorry if you can’t handle my savageness!
But in a land of supposed progress?
It doesn’t seem like a success!
For this slow process feels like a tightrope or game of chess.
Feeling so frustrated and aggravated,
Wondering whether to do a peaceful or violent protest?
Who cares if we are emancipated,
When society is constipated!
Why do we have to make this so complicated?
Do we have to start resorting to stripping and going down on our knees like king David?
Do we continue being ok with being domesticated?
Can we be rehabilitated when the actions of our past was premeditated?
Idk man all I know is that’s just the way I see it
153 · Oct 2021
Classy J Oct 2021
Deceived cat,
That once was a thieving rat,
Who doesn’t have time for chit chat,
Where dreams are for aristocrats,
For they create the format.
That determines what is facts.
And the fact of the matter was,
He was a **** cat,
That was walked all over, like a doormat.
Don’t they see that it’s hard to be mortal,
When all ya see is combat?
Where violence becomes ones habitat.
So, to survive; better get a Gat.
Get put into a jail,
Otherwise known as a trap.
But it’s just,
Part of the intergenerational impact.
Where the only autographs,
Are evil contracts.
That take lives, land and fat stacks.
Leaving one stranded as outcasts.
It’s a wonder how one can last.
With such a gap that contrasts,
The disparity between race and class.

Can’t get no reprieve,
Systems got us on our knees,
Can’t get no reprieve,
Or time to breathe.

No siree!

Can’t get no reprieve,
Systems got us on our knees,
Can’t get no reprieve,
Or time to breathe.

No siree!

Going out like Kaepernick!
**** the established!
That be establishing,
Us as side chicks.
Like we something to **** with!
I don’t know about you?
But I refuse to submit.
This **** is ridiculous!
We are not instruments!
Bet your *** we mean business.
Ever since Genesis.
Where eating apples is sinfulness.
Because humans can’t help,
But to be like Icarus.
Inching closer to the precipice.
Where history becomes a Boulder,
And we become Sisyphus!
For we are refusing to notice the elephant.
Pretending it’s not relevant.
To the establishments.
Which is very negligent.
For it’s an important ingredient.
As they are the ones dealing out punishments.
Or immoral experiments.
To who they deem as deviant.

Can’t get no reprieve,
Systems got us on our knees,
Can’t get no reprieve,
Or time to breathe.

No siree!

Can’t get no reprieve,
Systems got us on our knees,
Can’t get no reprieve,
Or time to breathe.

No siree!
153 · Oct 2021
Classy J Oct 2021
It’s laughable how mental these cubs,
Think they so admiral,
But even experts can be fallible.
Unaware how like metal,
When heat increases it can bend ones potential.
Wonder what will be the limit,
That boils over the kettle?
Everyone thinks they Mufasa,
Till ones scars, leaves them empty vessels.
For hot air can’t always push the needle.
And words without actions are plain out feeble.
Thinking your revolutionary like Nathan Hale,
But actually your more like Jack and Jill.
Thinking once you climb that hill,
You’ll find heaven, but end up falling to hell.
A juxtaposition between fairing well and farewell.
Didn’t anyone tell you?
That pride doesn’t end well?

Pride is a slippery slide.
That pulls ya in like a rip tide.
Kings fall thinking they God.
For all human beings are flawed.

Pride is a suicide.
Yet temps like a snakes eyes.
But don’t be deceived by the facade.
For devil horns pierce, like bullets from a firing squad.

Not everything can be Hakuna Matata,
When faced against an armada.
For goodness sakes,
With these hoodlum fakes,
Acting like they chupacabras.
Don’t make me laugh you tontas.
For most of yawl are suckas,
Falling for schemes like duck dodgers.
Trying to build a posse to get stronger,
But are really,
Gathering bodies just to dig graves,
Whose names are taken like slaves,
Subservient to their corporate masters.
Unaware that freedom,
Only comes to dumb rich *******.
That be,
Feasting on innocents like they Alucard.
Till the moneys gone.
And the damage cannot be undone.
After all…

Pride is a slippery slide.
That pulls ya in like a rip tide.
Kings fall thinking they God.
For all human beings are flawed.

Pride is a suicide.
Yet temps like a snakes eyes.
But don’t be deceived by the facade.
For devil horns pierce, like bullets from a firing squad.
151 · Mar 2019
Terminator Shit
Classy J Mar 2019
Terminator ****
Gat caused tragedy, what a gat tastrophy.
Dangerous suspect, got to escape before I end up in quarantine.
Especially with Rats at my back, who are packing heat and coming after me.
But I ain’t fazed because I’m blazed and sipping lean.
Ya want the bad guy?
Then come after me?
Tony Montana ****.
Leave ya scarfaced when ya mess with me.
Say hello to my little friend, then hasta lavesta baby!
Drop down a flight of stairs and ended up in the living room.
Eating Oreos with some blue milk, dipping them in one by one with my purple spoon.
Feeding my program like I’m Ed boon.
Ya might not understand now but you will soon.
For quarrels are like an art of war, sun tzu!
Pass me some tissue paper, ha chu!
Bless you!
Thank you!
Man manners mean even monsters know morals matter.
For in this day and age finding decent human beings is like trying to find dark matter.
Just remember boy! All lives matter.
And it shouldn’t matter what factors have become detractors.
It’s your responsibility to overcome these trivial matters!
Or stay fielded rooted in foolishness until your run over by your own tractor.
For anger and revenge will only leave you the real loser.
So, forgive and move forward.
Look towards a safer future by becoming the hero you need to be like John Connor.
I know it’s hard but you gotta take the reigns like a Roman and make this your yard!
Also remember that everyone is scarred and have faced different but also difficult junkyards.
You just gotta take risks to reap rewards.
So, Set goals toward your dreams and if you try I believe that your dream can become secured.
151 · Dec 2018
Digressing deviant
Classy J Dec 2018
When I say I'm a dope I mean that when I take dopamine to the brain.
I function differently but that doesn't mean I'm stupid,
like those who sip the lean.
Imma put a stir up on them when i take my serotonin.
Go in like a ronin, cause of the increase of these endorphins.
When I feel the sky in my hands I forget about my depression.
But tik tok boom I'm back in my suicidal feelings.
I feel like dynamite, so to diffuse please pass me the anandamide.
So many chemical mixtures I could become a superhero,
but to fix my uncontrollable urges I need the dinero.
So, maybe I'm really the super villain...
just a victim that gets defeated easier than krillan.
Heads up in the ceiling, feeling highs and lows, but I suppose...
I better put on a good suit of Armour like Gurren Lagann.
For I'm just a mortal in this kombat...
yet sometimes I try to act godly as if I'm Raiden.
Maybe it's just the after effects of a culture shock from society,
but who do they think they are Chris Sabin?
Don't know what route to be in,
for i'm rudimentarily flawed as a human.
Every day's like a Cuban missile crisis,
for this Cold War situation is like addicts on withdrawal...
because everyone becomes so **** suspicious.
I just want three **** wishes!
Most of them would be to get out of these messes.
Though it all boils down to what I decide is more precious!
148 · Mar 2018
Cultural norms affects all
Classy J Mar 2018
Women viewed as objects.
Men can't cry unless they're weak.
Women get paid less than men.
Men are on the front lines of war.
Women commercials convey 1950 views; that suggests women should stay in the house.
Men are looked as the villain when it comes to getting custody and in the eyes of the law.
Two-sides of the coin but we blinded cause we only see from our points of view.
We are all the victims so the problem must be with you?
But really we are our own problems for we caused this to be ingrained into society.
All because of cultural norms that were established thousands of years ago that only helps a minority of notoriety.
146 · Feb 2018
Word play 2
Classy J Feb 2018
Face is ill and filled with hate trying to facilitate vassals as bait. Perps pet fate by perpetuating crime rate, and they so unprepared and shocked when they get their court date. But being a pro takes a toll but that’s just apart of my daily protocol. Give Ben a drill and if he get a headache get him some Benadryl. Is any of this real, cause it is a real pain in my *** for I feel more persecuted than Israel. We all spin this distorted wheel, and we all give in to distorted ideals.  This just gets so crazy like schizophrenia, hasn’t it come clear to ya that reality is an unusual phenomena. Edge your hate by being educated, getting hella drunk on alcohol and wondering how it all magically evaporated. Frozen status, frozen madness going in like mad max aborting you like you a fetus. What the funk got my tongue out like I’m about to do the Jordan dunk. What the hell is up with you, I would tell you but I’m too busy man as I got a lot to do. Socialist views you probably look at me with a negative lens on the news but whether or not you listen is really up to you.  Simple lies symbolize several slides of slimy sneaky snarky callous human intentions throughout their lives. Cyclical intervals got us going in circles, clinical irrational rotting thoughts parade our brains that make us unethical. Suffering succotash all these issues make me wanna get some hash..browns hold up sit down be humble before one gains the crown. Blundering balderdash swerving in hoping not to crash, and it sounds easier then it is so don’t bash me cause I’m like a one man stampede just like vash. Everything is a metaphor do you get that ***** for its just all a election for another **** in office to ***** us over and give us *** sores. Family structures becoming like the dinosaur, for we have no time for them as we to busy fighting in the money war. So expensive, unrepentant, unreflective, so offensive and uninventive. Such is our demented state of mind but it’s to late to take a rewind and remind ourselves of the morals and values left behind.
146 · Nov 2019
Classy J Nov 2019
My heart used to drift through the winds like petals,
My dreams used to reach the highest castles.
My love used to boil over like a kettle,
So, abundant for someone that was so special.

Where did my fairytale go?
What ever happened to happily ever after?
It’s like I’ve lost my very soul.
It’s like my life has become a natural disaster.

Red used to be the colour of love.
Now it’s been tainted.
With two-half’s out for each other’s blood.
Sour this taste is.
With loyalty forsaken.
Bringing tears to the doves.

My heart once red has now turned black.
Eradicated feelings burned like diesel.
Fulling the fires of heartbroken people.
With Darkened and broken glass pieces.
All that is left of our castles.

Wondering where did my fairytale go?
What ever happened to happily ever after?
It’s like I lost my very soul.
It’s like I’m living a natural disaster.
146 · Jan 2018
Chosen few
Classy J Jan 2018
Hark thee Harold
Hark thee chosen of God
Hark thee Father

Bless me Harold
Bless me oh holy one
Bless me Father

May it be swift Lord
Mercy where fit
145 · Apr 2019
Biding my time
Classy J Apr 2019
Sticking to my gut feeling
Swearing to myself that this is only a friendly greeting,
But when I see those blues eyes.
Darling I can’t help but fall in love.

But I gotta bide my time.
For right now you’re with another guy.
Wondering why? Why do you love him?
And why can’t you love me?
Don’t you see that’s he is no good for you darling?
Don’t you see he’s just using you?
And it doesn’t help when I see you,
I also see your bruises!

I know you try to hide it.
But makeup can’t mask it all.
Which makes me want to hurt him.
But you always go on defending him?
And I just can’t understand?
And I just can’t stand to see you cry anymore.

Sticking to my gut feeling
Swearing to myself that this is only a friendly greeting,
But when I see those blues eyes.
Darling I can’t help but fall in love.
But I got to bide my time.
Lord give a me a sign.
Or give you the courage to leave this guy.
But next thing that I knew.
That last time I’d see you was at your grave site.

So much for my biding my time.
If only I could have a rewind.
I could make things right.
And as I’m Sitting in the rain.
I’m Wishing I could once again hold you tightly once again.
Till we meet again my dear friend.
145 · Feb 2022
Better days
Classy J Feb 2022
In order for better days,
One gotta know how to deal with rain.
Gotta find the beauty within the pain.
Life’s a puzzle,
Gotta work together, to come up with better ways.
In order to continue having better days.

Thinking bout better days,
While sipping lemonade,
As the sunset serenades,
Feeling fabulous like a free bird,
Call me Michael Hayes.
If haters is yapping,
They bout catch a fade.
Life’s full of ups and downs,
So, ya gotta know how,
To surf them waves.
For the devil be lurking,
Ready to ruin your day.
So, I pray to the father.
For protection everyday.
Because I know if I don’t,
It will marinate.
Within my mind.
And keep me blind.
Trapped within the confines.
Of the lies stated by those that chastised.
And undermined my identity.
Lies that became truths.
That poisoned my security.
That for years I believed had no remedy.
Leashed to the black dog,
That was slowly killing me.
Because I lost sight of the real me.
They say we are who we choose to be,
But I don’t fully agree.
Especially when many with power and privilege,
Never have to face the same disparities.
As those within the minority.
But I also believe,
We have a responsibility.
To ourselves and our communities.
To stop the cycles of toxicity.

In order for better days,
One gotta know how to deal with rain.
Gotta find the beauty within the pain.
Life’s a puzzle,
Gotta work together, to come up with better ways.
In order to continue having better days.
144 · Apr 2023
Classy J Apr 2023
This ceiling; the only thing that keeps me sheltered.
I’m bleeding; internally deceiving.
If there is a heaven, will I be raptured?
Left inside the room,
Am I crazy? Or are the walls talking too?
The voices; oh the idle chatter.
They treat me like a pest,
Quick go get the pastor.
Oh, fair maiden; where did you go?
Can’t escape the chains,
Can’t escape your role?
All you need is a push,
Down the rabbit hole.

Now I don’t know?
What is the right answer?
Oh, I don’t know?
All I see is cancer.

Slowly eating away, painfully till I fade away.
Slowly eating away, painfully till I fade away.

Nothing the doctors can do.
Human nature is cruel.
We treat our pets better.
Society might as well be a zoo.
But there’s nothing we can do.
But sit and wait for the inevitable.
Because in reality there is no time travel;
Or Doctor Who!

Now I don’t know?
What is the right answer?
Oh, I don’t know?
All I see is cancer.

Slowly eating away, painfully till I fade away.
Slowly eating away, painfully till I fade away.

Run, Run.
As fast as you can.
But you can’t escape,
The reapers hand.

Run, Run.
As fast as you can.
But you can’t escape,
The reapers hand.

Now I don’t know?
What is the right answer?
Oh, I don’t know?
All I see is cancer.

Slowly eating away, painfully till I fade away.
Slowly eating away, painfully till I fade away.
143 · Feb 2021
Heart so Pure
Classy J Feb 2021
Trying to keep these emotions in check,
Instead of going for enemies necks,
Like a hyena on the defence,
I’m Stuck in a trance.
Trying to protect,
A heart so pure,
Yet also so insecure.

Why do I let it get to me?
Got me all chemically imbalanced,
Looking more of an *** than a donkey.
But, I’m ******* if I speak out or remain silent.
Trying not to step on glass,
Getting told I should be careful where I’m stepping.
For if I step on that glass,
I’m treated as defiant.
With my words becoming,
Nothing more than pseudoscience!
Perhaps I care too much?
After all society tells me to toughen up.
So, I build up these barriers.
But it’s never enough.
For my hearts still fragile.
Got me feeling like a bad child.
Fighting back against demons like I’m Madchild.
Got me wondering if trauma,
Truly can be reconciled?

For now though I’m just...
Trying to keep these emotions in check,
Instead of going for enemies necks,
Like a hyena on the defence,
I’m Stuck in a trance.
Trying to protect,
A heart so pure,
Yet also so insecure.
141 · Feb 2019
Life of a Crook
Classy J Feb 2019
Soothing riddles like cats and cradles.
Swear in front of momma then imma get beat by ladles.
True stories or fables, said across the tables.
No lie detectors, so at any time a brother can become a defector.
With police chomping at the bit like they ******* Hannibal Lector.
Rat mazes in these projects man- there ain’t time for no breath here!
Doesn’t matter if your blood is red or blue,
because if you do the crime you best be prepared to take the sceptre!
But because the game is rigged a brother gotta do what he got to do!
So, sorry pastor I ain’t got no time for no lecture.
When poverty is all that I know and I’m just so desperate for the nectar.
And I can’t just sit by while my family piles up in debt here.
If only I was born in another sector.
Or in another lightyear!
But for now, I gotta do ***** jobs like Dexter.
While toxicity in this environment continues to cycle on and festers.
So, with all this going on I had to drop out this semester.
And all though being educated can get me out of here.
Once your born in the sinkhole, it feels like there is no point to try to get out of here.
For even if I tried to get a good 9-5, my past will become my interceptor.
For a crook can’t be a model civilian like a Ford Pinto can’t become a kia stinger.
I just pray my kids have a chance to get out of here and live out a life not ingrained in fear!
So, by shear will power I’ll do what I can for them to get out of here!
Maybe one day they’ll come to see me later in their years.
On the other side of the glass wall of the prison cell,
and I’ll start to tear up with pride and grin from ear to ear.
To see them work a clean and good 9-5,
and build up a family from the blood money that got them there.
140 · Oct 2021
Everyone’s got demons.
Classy J Oct 2021
She got the where with all,
Which is good cause,
I’m in withdrawal.

The laws of attraction,
Can cause some tension,
When she is in love with me,
But I’m in love with alcohol.

Don’t know how it happened?
Mind over matter,
Until I’m met with Jacob’s ladder,
As the room spun, and my eyes blackened.

A darkness unlike any depression,
A bleakness likened to my inner weakness.
That reminds me,
Of a boy trapped inside a man’s body.
A boy who never grew up,
Like those in neverland.
A boy who wanted desperately to fly away,
Like Peter Pan.

These repressed memories,
That are usually drowned,
By the sounds of toxic dependence.
Are now rushing into the door,
Of my heart.
That I try my best to keep shut.
From the monsters that like to tear off.
Pieces of me, like I’m some injured animal.
That hardened me to the world,
That to me was a cannibal.
That eats innocents like me alive.
With no answers as to why?

So, than why should I remain sober?
Instead of continuing to be numb?
Aren’t we all pretenders?
Under the thumbs,
Of sweet surrender?

A surrender from our true selves.
Everyone is an actor,
In show and tell.
Wanting to be in the centre,
Of the spotlight.
Instead of the lingering,
In the shadows of hell.

Which got me wondering?
What demon your hiding from?
And what concoction you use,
To keep it at bay?
137 · Sep 2019
Gatling Gun
Classy J Sep 2019
Mowing down competition like I a Gatling gun, got des fools on deh run.
Do this **** for fun, and I'm big and I love puns.
Name sadly already taken, oh well My names good and Nonetheless I be grappling these hooks hoping I don't reel in the kraken.  
I be cracking yawl up all night,  so what if we slack off a bit it's ok for we need to relax some nights.
Long days with strong or weak power plays, and days were emotions run a muck and life doesn't conform to our ways.
Rattling the war drums, rebelling because we tired of eating measly crumbs.
Get out the Gatling gun for its open season, time to teach these ***** a lesson.
Realize recognition and watch out for false perception in your cognition.
For eyes can lie so be wary and skeptical and never take bribes.
Real recognize real, if I ever fake myself again I’ll probably take a cyanide pill.
If I ever conform I would probably chug some chloroform.
If I ever cheat on my girl for some other *****, instead of dealing with the aftermath I’d probably drink some bleach. Go on a milk run and try to avoid the Gatling gun.
What the ****, why the ****, who the ****, where the ****, how the ****.
Get out the equalizer and go klick klick bang, the ting go gaa gaa blang.
Hit them wit de gat, swing it like it were a bat.
Floor ya to the mat, be like de earth cause you’ll go flat.
What ya tink aboot dat, mess wit de hammer yawl go splat.
Uh for real, de gun I gotta conceal, so don’t get all hasty man ******* chill. Macaroni, alimony, melancholy kinda funny once ya know de story.
Rain drop stained mop, living in de hood like what up my glip glops.
Going spaced out like I’m in a space ship, took some lcd recently that’s what I call a space trip.
It’s just basic rocket science and don’t mind me if I’m not compliant your highness.
I’m the finest with bars riddled with finesse, it’s like a Gatling gun putting bullets to thee chest.
Hold up shut the **** up, pause while a chug some lean from a big red cup.
Not for the weak minded, got gats for poor sneaky blinded folk cause ya got to keep it 100.
What the fickle popsicle gotta giggle for I’m not just a rickle in time for not just anyone can turn themselves into a pickle. Riggety recked, got out the Gatling gun so best hit the deck.
When I plan to paint this town.
Because I don’t **** with clowns.
136 · Aug 2020
Hold On
Classy J Aug 2020
Lord hold me.
For I feel weak.
Lord help me.
I can’t even speak.

The words of my heart are scattered,
They say you care for me more than the birds,
Yet I’m bruised and battered.
I’m so weary and scared.
Stripped bare,
To the bone.
Sometimes I feel so alone.
Had so much pride,
But now I’ve fallen like Rome.
Had thoughts of suicide,
Wanted to put a gun to my dome.
I was so angry and depressed,
Wondering why you wouldn’t give me rest.
If this were a test,
I can’t really say I’ve done my best.
For my flesh is weak,
Got me sinning every day of the week.
Wondering how I could enter church,
With ***** feet?
And I’m sorry lord,
That all I seem to do is complain and weep.
But it feels like I’m a lost sheep.
It like I’ve been rowing in a river,
While my boat leaks.
Pretending that my own hubris doesn’t reek.
As I’m cursing your name,
While viewing salvation like it was an antique.

Lord hold me.
For I feel weak.
Lord help me.
I can’t even speak.

The thoughts in my mind grow murky,
Drinking fire water but yet I’m still thirsty,
Thinking I can quench this thirst,
With *******.
Believing I can quench this thirst,
Without you there filling me.
With your love, joy and peace.
God help me be released.
From this beast,
That eats away at my soul.
Tricking me like I’m a fool.
And for the longest time I was a fool,
For faking myself in order to fit in with what society says is cool.
Started breaking rules,
Hanging out with friends who always be skipping school,
As I yearned for acceptance.
So, I shook hands with the temptress.
Dancing around in circles,
Avoiding any progress.
Was too dizzy to focus,
Giving up my blessings to the locusts.
As I grew hopeless,
You renewed my purpose.
Knowing that all along...

You were holding me,
When I was weak.
You were helping me.
Giving me the chance to speak.
Life into death.
So, Lord May I never lose sight,
As long as I have breath.
136 · Jan 2021
Fatal Gates
Classy J Jan 2021
When good faces evil,
You get one intense battle,
Eyelids trace intents of cattle,
Placing weighted content that’ll,
Shift resilience towards the peaceful or deceitful.
It all depends on the type of people,
That contends genetic designs of primal,
Adrenal glands that defend against the lethal.
That could stem back when our moms had labour.
And whether or not they harboured,
Alcohol, drugs or other stressful factors.
That can affects the hand one has like a game of poker.
That can become dreadful detractors,
For children once they grow older.

As one wanders closer,
One has to wonder,
What fatal gates await,
Will they reach Aslan’s place,
Or end up in motel Bates?

Who decides good and evil?
A gang in the hood is stable,
Until police are dispersed from the snitching of a weasel.
A burst of betrayal that leaves brothers in jail.
Got the weasel on the run, alliances have sailed.
Trying to find ways to cut off their rat tails.
Getting a witness protection detail.
So, I ask you is that good or evil?
I guess it depends on perspective.
Is it wrong to survive by being deceptive?
Doesn’t everyone have a selfish incentive?
That drives them towards their objectives?
Or is nature or nurture that determines genetics?
What if you committed a crime,
Because of being neglected.
Products of environment,
With freedoms unprotected.
Is it their fault or societies fault?
I guess it depends on your perspective.

As one wanders closer,
One has to wonder,
What fatal gates await,
Will they reach Aslan’s place,
Or end up in motel Bates?
132 · Apr 2021
Edgar Greed
Classy J Apr 2021
Don’t be like Edgar Greed,
He’s what we call bad company,
He would stab his own family,
If it meant making money.

Don’t be like Edgar Greed,
He’s the type of phony,
That skips alimony,
Yeah the type that is all me,me,me.

They say loose lips sink ships,
Cement wrapped on the leg,
Swimming with the fish.
Cementing a trap for those that wag.
Their tails to save their skins.
In a bed filled with feds instead of fibs.
Woffing in a stench of pig on their lips.
Sweating like they had a surprise pop quiz,
Looking as if they awakened spiritually,
Mumbling words incoherently,
Got one wondering what gives.
It’s as if a wire is tied around their necks.
But in actuality that wire is on their chest.
Trying their best to catch,
Someone as they confess,
So that cops in bullet proof vests,
Can swoop in and everyone’s under arrest.
The type of people like Edgar Greed,
Who will do anything to try to remain free.
A snitch who acts like a G.
But is really a sheep that wears wolves clothing.

Don’t be like Edgar Greed,
He’s what we call bad company,
He would stab his own family,
If it meant making money.

Don’t be like Edgar Greed,
He’s the type of phony,
That skips alimony,
Yeah the type that is all me,me,me.

A Smaug *** *****,
That’s all about getting rich,
A person who wants to hit a home run dash,
But rather than working gets smashed,
Or Snorting so much coke,
Basically their whole life is a ******* joke.
It a wonder how this snitch can still sniff.
I wouldn’t be be surprised,
If kissing peoples *** was their favourite dish.
And If loose lip sink ships,
They’d be the ******* titanic.
Who pretends to be pragmatic,
When they are actually dogmatic,
Who wants it all but will end up like hamlet.
But don’t feel bad for fools like Edgar Greed,
For they are a type of being that deceives,
Whose schemes ream spleens,
People like that are like poisonous seeds,
That if not managed will turn to weeds,
That spreads a disease that’s feeds,
Off the incompetence of dweebs.

Don’t be like Edgar Greed,
He’s what we call bad company,
He would stab his own family,
If it meant making money.

Don’t be like Edgar Greed,
He’s the type of phony,
That skips alimony,
Yeah the type that is all me,me,me.
131 · May 2023
One from the Heart
Classy J May 2023
You indulge my senses,
Yet, Want for nothing,
**** the money and its interest.
Baby girl, are you angel?
Or a goddess?

Cause you got me not thinking clearly,
I want you near me.
I swear my heart just skipped a beat,
Blood pressure off the charts,
**** girl you got me weak!
Um, I’m not too sure what to say,
Cause I never felt this **** before.
Pardon my French,
But you’re as beautiful as the stars.
You remind me of Jojo,
Cause I could see us going on bizarre adventures.
Till we grow old and accidentally switch each others dentures.
But what’s love without the gross ****?
What’s love without the arguments,
The breaks without each other,
Two incomplete creatures,
A band of misfits?
What’s love without the occasional dysfunction?
It’s like trying to have means without production.
It’s like having electrical currents without magnetic induction.
In essence… girl…
You bring light to my darkness,
Yeah you are the peace to my destruction.

You indulge my senses,
Yet, Want for nothing,
**** the money and its interest.
Baby girl, are you angel?
Or a goddess?

I swear I’m not playing with you,
Are you playing with me?
This is some Shakespeare ****,
Cause you be taming this shrew.
Or perhaps I’m just dreaming,
Cause this **** just don’t feel real to me.
Perhaps it’s cause of my trauma?
Cause in life there’s always a catch.
And unless yawl a baseball player,
Ya gotta protect ya neck and ya honour.
With many going to jails in order to get a patch.
And the only hope many had was mommas prayers.
Hoping that we wouldn’t be murdered.
Thank God I’m alive,
Thank God for the strength when I felt discouraged.
And thank you for coming into my life,
And not seeing me as a burden.
You  saved my life,
Thank you for supporting me when I was hurting.

You indulge my senses,
Yet, Want for nothing,
**** the money and its interest.
Baby girl, are you angel?
Or a goddess?
128 · Apr 2019
The Abyss
Classy J Apr 2019
Into the abyss (x4)

Fallen angel.
Broken winged.
Desolation becomith!
Depression consumes me whole.
Destruction awaits!
The deeper I fall.
Into the abyss( x4)

War torn hero.
Once noble son.
Internal screams cloud my head.
As the innocent children lie dead.
All for peace!
That’s what my country said.
Guilt riddles, like the bullets that were aimed at my head!
Coming back to a life I no longer recognize.
Looked at as a patriot!
But knowing that I’m really a demon.
Please don’t worship me.
I didn’t do anything worth celebrating!
Wishing I died on the battlefield that day.
Instead of sitting here alone on Remembrance Day!

Fallen angel.
Broken winged
Desolation becomith!
Depression consumes me whole.
Destruction awaits!
The deeper I fall.
Into the abyss( x4)
128 · Mar 2023
Metal Gear Solid
Classy J Mar 2023
Fall in line like an admiral, ten hut.
Let’s get to it, follow like an animal, nine mutt.
Shut up and take it, don’t break, unless you ain’t cut.
But it’ll be a mistake to give up, even if you gotta fight in the seventh front.
Like an allied shinobi, gotta use your inner sixth sense and enjoy the hunt.
Roger, five by five, time to take em out for lunch.
Find the high ground like kenobi, don’t try for stunts.
Four sheets to the wind, consuming Captain Crunch.
***** comes in three’s, wonder what demon imma bout to confront.
But I’ll stay second to none, not about to back down to no dunce.
Sometimes fighting is a must.
Gotta be defending those you love and trust.

Only got one shot,
Watch closely or get dropped,
Sneak in and out like solid snake,
Metal gear knowledge best not forsake.

Only got one life,
Hatched lonely, life’s a rooster,
Gotta prepare to get cocked.
Or take out the shooter.
**** or be killed.
Do what you gotta do.

Hurry up maggot,
In a slurry, mopping my failures.
Drop and give me twenty squats.
Bury my emotions, bottling up the pressures.
Plenty of traumas keep me frozen in knots.
Numbing it with oxytocin, pain becoming pleasure.
Withdraw the clip on the terrorists.
In withdrawal discarding things I treasured.
Recovery is futile, for I am where the terror is.
Coming to a home unknown, love should’ve cherished it.
Not empathetic to the rot, I’m infested with.
Became a solid snake, and I got to live with it.

Only got one shot,
Watch closely or get dropped,
Sneak in and out like solid snake,
Metal gear knowledge best not forsake.

Only got one life,
Hatched lonely, life’s a rooster,
Gotta prepare to get cocked.
Or take out the shooter.
**** or be killed.
Do what you gotta do.
128 · Jan 2018
Classy J Jan 2018
I see a dream
I see something odd
I see poetry

I see the unseen
I attain the dream
I get poetry

I see a love
I see a heart shine
I see poetry

I see a desire
I attain splendid fire
I get poetry
127 · Nov 2018
Dead and Gone
Classy J Nov 2018
Got taken advantage of, it’s like I socked right in the jaw!
How could you have forgot? How could you have forsaken?
Man, it’s taken me till now to see all the flaws!
Which has set me off, Man maybe I ought to be mistaken?
Or maybe I did not consider my expectations of this seesaw?
The pendulum has shifted but why are your always the one benefitting?
The outcome has become wilted, the friendship tainted, maybe we weren’t blood brothers after all!
I don’t know I’m just venting, and I’m just trying to take a deep breath in…
Because I thought we were brethren but it looks like I actually opened a door for a heathen!
Happiness is dead and gone; I have become the third wheel man, for I just don’t belong.
Trying my best to stay strong, because the person I once knew is dead and gone!
Wondering what went wrong? Wondering if all this time I was nothing but a pawn?
Calling you up, ringing the door bell to ask what’s sup?
Even though you never called me up or went to my door to say what’s sup?
What’s up with that? Maybe I really was nothing more than a bath mat!
I thought our friendship could last. But a las there was too much contrast.
127 · Dec 2019
The colour of my dreams
Classy J Dec 2019
The colour of my dreams.
Stormy waters, mixed with ice cream.
Golden arches, colliding with rainbows.
Green pastures, filled with tomatoes.
Purple clouds, carrying scarlet roses.
Pink skies, with stars that look like oranges.
These are the colours of my dreams.
Coming together but also juxtaposing each other.
Is this a statement?
Of my mind, my subconscious?
Does it mean nothing?
Or is it just effects from eating wonky porridge?
Or is this some inspiration?
For a canvas my brush has not yet come across?
A blank slate, my tabula rasa.
A place to run free.
A place just for me.
The colours of my dreams.
Colliding with reality.
The colours of my dreams.
Washing over me.
Even if means nothing to you,
It’s real to me.
The expression of an artist,
The expression of their own unique creativity.
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