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I woke up this morning to a very different day
The sun up in the sky had left and gone away
Birds were no longer singing outside in the trees
I suddenly felt tearful as I dropped to my knees

Gone was my yawn and waking morning sigh
A smile seemed non existent so I didn’t even try
I never saw it coming and couldn’t even prepare
For the change in my head what was lying there.
Shivers ran up and down like the winter frost
As I swam frantically in the ocean of the lost
It made me sad and devoid of all my feeling
So I looked up and just studied the celling.

The cosy mattress now became my new home
My stagnant imprint embedded into its foam
It ****** me down into its spongy bowels
I folded myself over like warm woolly towels.

I needed to rise and slap on my happy face
So I could wade deceivingly at a nice calm pace
I worried about the state of my humanity
Scared of bordering on the edges of insanity.

I debated whether to over eat or get blind drunk
Whether to sleep or smoke some bad skunk
But I slowly curled up into a ball as feared
On the day my mind disappeared.
We played a game amongst twisted trees
Then studied the decaying river bank
And as we crouched down onto our knees
Our paper boats sailed away and sank

We rolled around the blades of grass
So fresh and pea soup green
That shone in the sun like shards of glass
It was the happiest we’d ever been

My father spotted a Heron in flight
We watched in awe as it flapped its wings
Flying gracefully away till out of sight
Indescribable is the joy it brings

Across the river some cows had broke free
As they were clambering across the stones
They were in a place where they shouldn’t be
All mooing orchestrally with brassy tones

The arching bridge rose high across the water
Like a rainbow across a darkened sky
A man made feat using bricks and mortar
The safe corridor that kept us all dry

Then it was time to head back home
Hungry but full of beans
Children along the river love to roam
Anyway, any how and by any means
With that jet black hair
I can't help but stare
Your ocean like eyes
Have the power to hypnotise
And that lovely velvet voice
Lifts me like a hoist
Beauty that’s never been
From a world I’ve never seen
And I hang on all your words
Like a cat blissfully purrs
Oh and how I dream to be eternally yours
Sailing my boat across your shores
I pray to god each and every day
That he’ll help me and pave the way
Cause you are my recurring dream
Like water flows through a stream
Your the sun shining in my sky
Keeping me happy and keeping me dry
I yearn to be your day and night
The part of you that brings delight
As the world around me crashes
Please pull me from the ashes
They say love is a funny thing
I do smile at the joy you bring
When you decide that’s it’s time to love anew
Please lift me from the front of the queue
There’s a world in my head
Where I go when I feel dead
In this world I take control
And take back the emotions stole
I feel happy in my shape
A boy with a means of escape
A solider feeling refined
Power undefined
Telling the world to go to hell
That’s the nice version as well
Cause this is the coping device
The world I like to entice
In anger I drew a picture
Of an injustice that never was
Through blinkered eyes
And heavy sighs
I kept believing it’s because…

But in a fleeting moment
A deep reflection rose again
Through meandering thought
And emerging shame
As the realistic entered my brain

It’s hard to say your sorry
Much harder to say your wrong
So through clear thinking
And a self cleansing
You accept you’ve been stupid all along
Hammer and chisel
Dust and spittle
Break and feel free
To remake me

Hammer and chisel
Dust and spittle
Take down the walls
And relight my halls

Hammer and chisel
Dust and spittle
Repair with care
And I’ll get there

Hammer and chisel
Dust and spittle
Repaint the blue
Make me feel new

Hammer and chisel
Dust and spittle
Nail up a sign
That reads I’m fine
The birds are gracefully singing
A beautifully hypnotic song
On the branches high up outside
In their glorious angelic tongue

Slowly my eyes gently flicker
As the sun pokes it head through
Like it’s delivering a subtle message
Which says good morning from me to you

Time to rise and face the world
With all its challenges and usual mess
But the warmth cocooned in my quilt
Makes me want to even less

It’s Sunday the day of rest
And no urgency enters my brain
So slowly I turn and descend
Into the wilderness of dreams again
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