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When fire gets burned,
the ocean gets drowned,
wind gets blown,
and the house gets home

When water is dehydrated,
the sun is heated,
moonlight is reflected,
and the night is blindfolded

When tears are gone crying,
the winter feels freezing,
smiles are now smiling,
and the hurt is gone hurting

When pain does feel pain,
the trust breaks trust,
love learns to love,
and fear is afraid

When future is in the past,
the time is not so fast,
first will be the last
you and me, us

You're in my world of wondering wonder
Just some few nonsense that lurks within my soul
He rises with sun as the evening fades
with a blank on his face, he goes back to bed
asking, when can he die?
and when can he live?
for he felt like dying even if he breathe

He stands with sun as darkness evanesces
with tears on his face, he walks back to bed
asking, who did this?
and who did that?
for everyone's a reason that he wants to live not

He climbs with sun as the shadow's gone
with a hope on his face, he jumps back to bed
asking where's the blade?
and which wrist is?
for a an art of red will help him resist

He soars with sun as gloom dwindles
with an exchaust on his face, he crawls back to bed
asking what now?
and what then?
for he's tired of things that never conclude

He ascends with the sun as the night withers
with a smile on his face, never he left the bed
saying how fascinating,
and how wonderful
for finally his boring story will come to an end

As the sun perishes and the shade prolongs
everything cries as he dies
he is waiting for this moment
and for the last of his time
through death,
He smiles
I fear.
Everyone does
I once conquered one,
the fear of being none

Today I fear a lot
I don't fear you, you're wrong
I'm just afraid to be with you
I fear attachments.
I fear moments spent with you
I am afraid I might be used to it
I'm afraid someday those moments
turn into memories
and those memories will haunt me
as I face my next fear
and that is the fear of losing you
for life is like picking a flower from a garden
handle it,
let its thorn hurt you
let it wilt
or let it go

or you can simply just fear it
and be none.
If we can read between lines,
then why can't we read behind smiles?
Bombs here
War there
Let love explode everywhere
he is bored, he's tired, he is weary
he feels numb everyday, really
faces walk and go through
yet he meets smiles from a view
he's curious, he is fearful
for he is deep, not beautiful
he yearns to talk with a voice of new
but shy he is, for a word or two
and a voice was heard that was not his
a greeting, a word, a song full of bliss
for a note of letters danced in his ears
and these letters made him smile in tears
a word was followed by a vast anxiety
he's curious, afraid but speaks freely
yet he still thinks this might be the answer
accompanied may him be forever
interested they were and they thirst a talk
happens next, they took a walk
Time swims and dives faster than waves
knowing not that they have lived many days
an ocean feels not alone
he gets used to it, no longer a stone
a bond was felt between the two
a bond that is stronger than his blue
as night rises for the fallen sun,
he utters words on his own:
"a second with her is better
than years with me alone"
but time drowns and stops swimming
he felt the earth will have its ending
the girl needs to be home and sow
and yet it pains, but he let her go
he misses her so much, that the blues turn black
and he always desire her to come back
for a part of him was taken as she left
and a part of him stays, never forgets
now his blues grow within him
he might not ever see her again
he is alone,
nonsense, like a stone
he waits for her not
but for the sun to take a nap
for when everyone's in bed
he can live inside his head
and then he goes, he is bored and tired
he's weary, alone, he needs to be fired
numbness everyday is hard yet better
better than the days lurking in winter
he keeps alone, without any other
abandoned may him be forever
Y-acht walks around the blue sphere
O-nly yearns, not just to wander
U-ntil it finds a place sung home

D-eep it goes above the water
O-n the welkin filled with flier

N-ever ceases crawling in
O-h, home, so far, where you've been?
T-ill it meets the amity within

B-ut, home is near yet it is distant
E-ven afar from land, and near to alone
L-eft is regret, a yacht of uncertainty
O-h, why do I belong not?
N-owhere, do I belong in?
G-uess, because I'm just a yacht
for the nowhere-to-be-found out there
the leather jacket
for answers.

the white jeans
with tears

the black keyboard
im bored
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