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Charles W Rose Oct 2016
If you think about it
The only person stopping you is yourself
From taking a razer blade to the wrist
Shooting yourself in the head
Swallowing pill after pill till you’re dead
And yet…
If you’re reading this
You must have stopped yourself
You must have thought that this world is beautiful
Yes you might have tried
Yes you may have failed
Yes you have the scars to prove your pain and the constant strain
But… something inside you stopped you from pulling that trigger
Stopped you from severing that vein fully all the way down
Made you drop those pills you have in your hand
Or even… Stopped you from kicking that chair away
Something deep inside you, crying to the last bit of life you have “No!”
And you listened…
Listened to yourself, stopped yourself from this pain
All I have to say to that is
I’m happy you’re here with me
I’m happy to be here with you
I’m happy… That you decided to read this poem
And always know that, no matter what…
You Are Beautiful
Charles W Rose Oct 2016
I’m not suicidal
If a car came
While I was crossing the street
I wouldn’t move
Yes I’m not suicidal
If there were an assortment of pills
Lying in front of me
I would grab one of each
And swallow them all
No I’m not suicidal
If I had a razor blade
I would slice my own wrists
Just to see how it looks
Yes I’m suicidal
If I were to have a friend
To talk to
To try and be comforted by them
I would cry
And feel good
Will it be enough
To save me from myself?
Charles W Rose Sep 2016
i'm one bullet away
from ending it all...
and leaving this world for good...
Charles W Rose Sep 2016
Look into his eyes
Now you see why he cries?
Memories he tries to erase
Stand and shout in his face
He can’t go on living this way
Day in and day out no one ever came
He tries to live on, soulless and broke
But that only made him choke
He’s tried to leave so many fails
Leaving blood along the trails
Now he sits awake at night
Feeling deprived and as sore sight
Charles W Rose Sep 2016
Beauty lies beneath the skin
Why so many people try and carve their arm
Like a silent cry from within
They all see it as self harm

But beauty lies away waiting for a sound
Our tears like waterfalls dripping to the ground
Beauty will come up and wipe our tears away
We just have to find it and take this pain today
But sometimes we don’t find anything beautiful within
We look right past it and just see the skin
We see the red and we see our pain
As the blood drips down and starts to drain

We try desperately to love ourself
But we can’t find a reason to live in oneself
So we sit alone, desperate to find a reason to stay
But how can we when we hate ourself everyday?
Charles W Rose Sep 2016
Forgive my ******* soul.
Forgive me for not being whole
Forgive me for the things that I said
My god all I see is red

Forgive me for my sliced veins
For the constant fear and the constant strains
Forgive me for those short nights
Where I hide away from the lights

Forgive me for being me
I can’t be who I’m supposed to be
Forgive me for the blood on my hand
Forgive me for the constant demand

Forgive me for these lifeless cries
I’ll be gone soon but don’t be surprised
Forgive me for this death
As I write this in blood and take my last breath..
Charles W Rose Sep 2016
Yes I wear black a lot
Yes I like loud music
No it’s not that way.
No I’m not mean
Yes… I’m sad
Yes I try and forget the past.
Don’t we all?
Are you emo?
Do you cut?
Do you drink?
Do you have suicidal friends?
How many?
Have you ever tried?
How many times have you tried it?
Do you smoke?
Why do you have to be a disruption?
You do know no one likes you right?
Oh so you hate everyone?
Why do you have to be that way?
Are you stupid?
I asked nicely, right?
You do know you’re better off dead right?
Why don’t you just do it?
Why don’t you just leave us alone?
Don’t you have any friends?
Did you push them away?
No you idiot
Shut up
I just…
I want to fit in..
Yes I’ve tried that.
No it didn’t hurt.
I didn’t mean to..
I’m sorry..
Forgive me..
This poem  is of many questions and some answers I give to them. Decided it would be an interesting poem.
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