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Charles W Rose Sep 2016
Let me bleed out on the floor
Till it won’t drain from me severed wrist anymore
Watch my face slowly go lifeless
My wretched life passing past in a heaping mess
I tried so hard to make people happy
But little do they see
This is killing me
So let me lay here, bleeding out
Without anyone worrying about my whereabouts
Charles W Rose Sep 2016
Each time the blade touches skin
No one can win
The person has given in
And people see it as sin
But behind each scare there is a meaning
Maybe trying to explain ones being
Not everyone is seeing
That the reason the scars are on the arms
Is because they have been dealt harm
So the next time you discriminate
Or humiliate
Think of what you will do to that person
Because they will never be able to win
Charles W Rose Sep 2016
Unbroken Spirit

i lay here staying perfectly still
laying down on a double edged sword
balancing myself over a pit of death
i keep my balance with some help
but as they start to disappear
i start to loose my balance
but i will not let myself fall
for i have a unbroken spirit
Charles W Rose Sep 2016
I sit there alone in my room
The future seeming to loom
Because I sit alone in dread
Terrible thoughts running through my head

Alone I sit, trying to find life between the pages

Words running past my lips
But only bits of sound like wisps

I try and find a reason to keep going

If there were someone out there
Someone who can show they care
I could possibly find a reason why
Instead of sitting here as I cry

These people called friends move by fast
Like the pages of a book
They don’t try and look

They don’t care whether or not I cry
So why even try
If I sit all alone in my room
While no one cares about my absolute doom

So I’ll sit alone in my room, tears streaking my withered face
Until I disappear from this world without a trace.

I’ll just sit in my room, withering away
Oh how I’ve always hoped for this day

— The End —