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Colin E Havard Mar 2014
Personally, I think we Australians and Guests
Have lost the War against the Terror of Coffeeism -->
The sheer, unadulterated Facts on the Ground
Indicate to me a whole new Generation of
Spoilt little brats and bratettes immune to Reflection -->
A Generation of "Can-Doers" and "Will-Doers" and, my favourite:
The "F**K-you-I'm-going-to-try-to-do-it-4-myselfers."

Bully Beware ==>
I may have stuffed up when I wrote the
"Poem" about nothing leaving the 20th Century -->
What I meant was that WAR (my God-given special
assignment/atonement) needed to be contained
within the struggles of MCM - MCMLXXXXIX.
All the Great Inspirations and Fundamental Studies
Had/Have/Will Have already been scrutinized -
Only the Fine-Tooth'd comb was needed to untangle
The knotty issues and remove the well-hidden
Vermin infecting our consciousness through the
Trapdoor of the sub-conscious -->
Eventually - and I certainly didn't think it would take so long -
Not only should we by now have Tagged and ID'd
The Parasitic TICKS, but also rid ourselves of the more
Communicable LICE at the end of the School yard.
Devil's Advocate, Day 6, Concord Mental Health Centre
Colin E Havard Mar 2014
Again and again and again we go,
Stumbling and tripping and falling low;
Lowered and humbled; grovelling indeed,
Regardless of our efforts to make them see
That the World as we know it
Is not what it seems, but now
That the seams are showing, Panic looms large
As the real culprits are running scared
And desperate to disguise the colossal farce
That's brought misery and suffering and
Untold grief.

I'm here to tell you
that Your God's a
Thief of your Soul -->
It fuels His Dark desires;
He thrives on Your Secrets
And Loves to Surprise -->
Remembers all manner of Sin
'Cause He's Jealous of Your Living Skin.

Luckily for US that remain Sane,
He is a Gentleman all the same.
So, while I may take umbrage
As a Personal slight,
Please be careful when you make a stand,
As I won't always be there to
Lend You a Hand.
Devil's Advocate, Day 6, Concord Mental Health Centre
Colin E Havard Mar 2014
You take away my dignity,
But can't break my spirit.
You take away my Fire,
But can't douse my core Light.
You isolate to punish,
And I educate to annoy.
You want me to calmly go away,
And so do I, but I'm trapped.
I cannot escape because you won't let me.

You say you want High Ideals,
But you won't plumb the depths to root them out;
You hide behind a veil of Authority or Policy,
But never seem to question its inherent flaws;
You love the Scientific Endeavour,
But get coy and squirmish when the table turns;
You like being in control and applying the reins,
But despise the simple Fact that I exist.

And I know you hate me, deep, deep down,
Because I can see your Fear of the Unknown -->
I'm too In-Your-Face; too Noisy; too Opinionated;
Too Considerate and too Kind.
However, I'm also too Cunning to be left behind.

(I'll see you soon, when you finish your Games.
You'd better release me sharpish,
Before the Mob  arrives).
Devil's Advocate, Day 6, Concord Mental Health Centre
Colin E Havard Mar 2014
The Twentieth Century War -->
A carillon =>  Calling all fronts to move a pace...
Not to be confused with a Fanciful Past, Nor a Fabulous Future.

There is only one real History
Of the Twentieth Century on Earth,
And that History is embedded too deeply to dislodge.
The Reality as a Collective Mind Evolving
Through Time & Technology & Knowledge & Art.
Forget the externally imposed insider Jokers,
That thinks they can clear collective guilt's,
Or whitewash cultural tragedies,
Or brush aside National Pride,
All for the Love of Mind-F**king society at large.

I might have instinctively specialised in WAR,
But that hasn't been the greatest Bane
Inflicted from further a-field.
The Pseudo-philes and their undue influence
Have spoilt our brethren and relatives;
And the big, glaring signposts to disaster,
From my Point-of-View (as a G'day Man) are:
Economicks, Psychiatry, and Post-Modernism's Political Correctness -->
All ******* Fields, underscored by Fundamental Miss-Information ==>
Globally influential Slave-Trading systems; Imperialers of Free Thought.

Even though I'm not a Religious Man,
All things being Equal ,
I say, "Credit where Credit's due" -->
Like those Institutions or Loathe their Dogma,
At least they get into the guts of Society
And do the best they can as attractors
Of both Good and Bad proto-types - community Gravity Wells -
They, too, tag and release for the greater social benefit.
So, regardless of your P.O.V., have some consideration for Others.
Devil's Advocate, Day 6, Concord Mental Health Centre
Colin E Havard Mar 2014
I've been rabbiting on...
What were you going to say...?
Ah, huh...
Is that so...?
Well, I never!
Oh, my!
Really? That's magnificent! Awesome!
You don't say?!?
My apologises --> I spaced out --> You were saying...?

Bonus After-thoughts -->

Your Voice -->
I don't really care what you say,
I just love your Accent!

Fancy...a chat sometime?
No promises -->
If not now...later?
8 of 8 (Yellow), Huntsbury Hotel, Petersham
Colin E Havard Mar 2014
No one has infinite information;
No one can have all knowledge -->
Where would be the fun or innocence?
Where would be the challenge?
The common and esoterick;
The exotick and eclectick;
The chaotick and ecclesiastick;
The sublimely profane -->
Just another in the frame,
Of an all-encompassing MemeBrain!!!
7 of 8 (Red), Huntsbury Hotel, Petersham
Colin E Havard Mar 2014
I cannot escape myself -->
This Pantheist permeating continually;
Absorbed and spat out; regurgitated.
Pan - Dead Pan, Pan - Dead Pan;
Switched on, switched off - Binary,
Bound, trapped, Cornered, Corralled!
Enlightened, or so it seems;
Unravelled, piecemeal, at the seams.
Betrayed before my appointed Time -->
This (Woe is...) Man,
This (Boot-a-licious...) Body,
This (Fragmented...) Mind.

Bonus After-thoughts -->

Confusion says...
What the Hell are you going on about?
Your ******* may ease your conscience,
But it doesn't relate to my reality.
Thanks anyway, but keep your beliefs.
I'll live as I see fit. Oh, yes - really!
6 of 8 (Yellow), Huntsbury Hotel, Petersham
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