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Colin E Havard Mar 2014
This Ancient land -
Weathered into submission,
Smoothed flattish over Time -
Has been a harsh Mistress;
Ever eager to display Her patience
In light of a gallant few
Who've tried to tame Her -->
She waits until they feel safe
Then entices Her allies
To wash away the loses,
Before drying Her eyes.
5 of 8 (Red), Huntsbury Hotel, Petersham
Colin E Havard Mar 2014
Where are my original poems?
Who has found them, if they're found?
My catharsis - release to unwind,
Frees my conscious mind; unburdened
To recreate anew; again reiterate
The self-same thought patterns
Revolving and breaking upon the shore
Of a seemingly unmoving, barren coast;
Morphing into separate streams
Eager to penetrate and make an impression.

Bonus After-thoughts -->

Is Art, Art
Without an Audience?

I say, "Yes" -->
The creator/author is all that matters.
Should others be pleased or not is beside the point.
Nice, but unnecessary.
4 of 8 (Yellow), Huntsbury Hotel, Petersham
Colin E Havard Mar 2014
While it's certainly true
That you annoy me no end,
I love the fact that you exist
'Cause my mirth may never end.

You think your soft, comfortable life
Will continue forever; Always getting better,
Never losing lustre - You-butte, Brand-spanking New!
It's unfortunate you Brainwash the Under-feet-lings too!

Now what do we get for our peace of mind?
Defenceless society when the Under-dogs bite!
A deep-set idiocy - distracted, but not engaged;
Living batteries for Another's Pleasure and Pain.

Some people have worked **** hard for their security;
Their privileges and indulgences and perks of service.
But these brave souls are few and far between;
More likely quietly, patiently, happily waiting their day
When they can once again enjoy the prestige
Of calling a F**k-wit or rude ***** exactly what they are,
Without the undue fear of a litigious future looming.

No-one is purrfect, but some people never learn
To accept themselves for who they are;
They need only look inside - reflective thinking -
To conclude that those insensitive ****-ostriches
Should just be laughed at until they see the travesty
Of a farcical life worthwhile while it lasts.
Devil's Advocate, Day 6, Concord Mental Health Centre
Colin E Havard Mar 2014
G'day Chaps and Chick-a-Deez
This Luna-Tick has Awoken (Again!)
And, this Time round,
Will be somewhat Outspoken.

My confidence is up
And doesn't/cannot be deflated;
I'm neither here or there,
But I am under-rated.

To realise is one thing,
To release too soon another:
While I hate the current system,
It both feeds and protects as my Mother.

So...slowly, slowly...and
Breathe deeply...breath deeply;
Let's not get ahead of ourselves
And spoil the fun of the Masses.

I might be an Adept
At Adopting new strategies,
But my personal Evolution - unscrewing -
Entailed my total undoing - Devolution.

The pressure We face when **** hits the wall
Should at least be balanced when we know the score.
So thank you my friends - the Voiceless believers;
I was never going to forget my countless Leaflets.
Devil's Advocate, Day 6, Concord Mental Health Centre
Colin E Havard Mar 2014
In my experience
Many people are reactionary;
Not reflective, let alone revolutionary.
Too enmeshed in a Universe
Revolving around themselves.
They interact and function
And plod along through compunction,
Hardly questioning what they're told;
Rarely considering consequences
Outside their immediacy - self-enclosed.

Bonus After-thoughts -->

I choose...
Therefore I Think,
Thus I'me Free
To bend my Will
******* my Life away
As best I can.

Enjoy your Life -->
It may be the only one you have...or it may not.
3 of 8 (Red), Huntsbury Hotel, Petersham
Colin E Havard Mar 2014
I live in the moment;
Running freely, half-cocked;
A poofteenth of an idea
And I'm off with the pixies;
Chasing my tail, trying to nut-out
A niggly-niggardly issue unresolved,
That stumps or annoys the Earth's
Best representatives in a speciality.
Whether I'll end at an adequate
Conclusion is anyone's guess.

Bonus After-thoughts -->

I'm programmed
to generalise for
simplicity's sake.

Could possibly be DIVINE
(OR Delusional - Take your pick).
2 of 8 (Yellow) Huntsbury Hotel, Petersham
Colin E Havard Mar 2014
Some people are stuck in their ways;
Too pig-headed, head-in-the-sand;
Determined to bend the World to their will.
It's frustrating to converse openly;
They'll talk and argue and go red
'Cause their adamant their view is right,
Regardless of the facts on the ground.
Stick-in-the-mud, buried in belief;
Welded and wedded to out-dated faiths
About what it means to live today.
1 of 8 (Red) - Huntsbury Hotel, Petersham

— The End —