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Chandy Mar 2023
Created from a lack of noise
Reminding me
Of everything that speaks to me
Anywhere but here
Maybe midnight will give me the will
To scream
Not for me
For those I lost, stand in front of me
Please, oh please
In a better world, you would be here
I wonder how many said these same things?
Chandy Mar 2023
A man wanders
His dreams are squandered
Now the isolation
Begins to peer through
The glass inside
His heart made of tubes
Such a foolish man
Tried to select his world
He tried to be so brave
Now he lays depraved
Deprived of a life
No emotions inside
All that's left deep inside
Acid and cyanide
Pessimistic tendencies
Side effects of the world you see
Marvels cannot bring him glee
For one and all, the world to see
The tears he shed
Engrained in the sea
Chandy Mar 2023
Hopeful tones
Splattered on the walls
I see the bells
Yet I hear no sound
At the top, I stand
Hearing no one
At the bottom, I crawl
Hearing everyone
In the middle, I kneel
I can hear the top
I can hear them now
But now all I know
Will be ****** out
By the time I stand
All the love will come out
Until what remains
Becomes lies, never found
Now, here I am
Hear me now
Before I get pushed to the back
Until I bow
Here I am now, here I am now
No matter the height I jump
I'll always be afraid
Of the here and now
Chandy Mar 2023
Lights, so bright
A party, let's celebrate tonight
All the people I like are here
But still, there's something I fear
As people dance, sing, and drink
I can't help but look out the window
Glancing fast
Looking for reprieve
At the happiest time
Of the happiest night
I still feel no safe
As I look left to right
These feelings, so tense
It is hard to trust
When it all leads to a fight
So tired, so tired...
Maybe it's best to leave, to take flight
Chandy Feb 2023
How can I save myself
When the world lacks a solution?
Buried my mind
To not stick out, protrusion
Heads craned down
Eyes pasted to the floor
The walls
Anything with no mind
After living with mine
Others must be unkind, right?
With no script to supervise
Today and tomorrow remain unrealized
One day I will not see the sky
How long can a man wear a disguise
Under the guise of nothing wrong
But today, I admit these thoughts will not be gone
I've gone desensitized, self-victimized
My torment is standardized
Desire to be revised yet all I get is chastised
For all the plans I devised
Imply a lack of being alive
What's the rise? Isn't life defined by compromise?
So shut up, sit down, let me emphasize
I've wanted to die for so long
Life is no longer what I once realized
Chandy Feb 2023
The rising sun
Brings no joy to my face
Life moves on
But I never started the race
Destined to fall
Fated to fail
I've seen enough now
What makes you think I'll be gold?
Born bold
But no megaphone gets free from the cold
Everything recycled
From an age of old
Not even angry
Just proves my rapport
New is just old
Stripped away for the poor
Of heart, of love, of life
Let me lay, I need sleep
Let me hope that one day
My fatigue will relieve
So that the next day
Maybe, I can stand, awake
Chandy Feb 2023
If I am me
Then what are you?
What if we are the same
Am I you too?
In the flesh
But if they are better than me
Is this my final rest?
Replaceable, traceable
I correspond
But cannot comprehend
At the end of the day
Am I just, homogenous?
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