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 Jun 2013 R
Destiny Copeland
 Jun 2013 R
Destiny Copeland
The best results are born
From moments of whim
Free of regret
And doubt
Push out your dismay
And prepare to hold success
 May 2013 R
 May 2013 R
The shivers descends down my spine
The coldness creeps up one you
Before you know it
The liquid nitrogen fills you
It courses through your veins
Your lungs start to feel heavy
Coldness Caresses you heart
CRACK! You're shattered
Millions of pieces
Never to be put together again
-Jenneil Lewin
 May 2013 R
K Mae
Why seek....
 May 2013 R
K Mae
I planted today
in tune with moon and rainfall.
Why seek discontent ?
 May 2013 R
Muslim Girl
 May 2013 R
At lunch
she studies on the stairs
the ones hidden away
behind some double doors
in the back of the cafeteria

I got in there
to buy my soda
(the only machine that
sells cans is in there)
and I see her

she’s not pretty,
pudgy face,
hood on her head,
eyes wild
as I put my dollar in
and hit the button for
a diet coke

I see her there

my back is turned
but I feel her stare,
I feel the apprehension at me
entering her sanctum in the air

I contemplate a greeting,
but realize that’s too much.

so I whistle

whistle plain and clear

most would think it normal,
a small task to do while I wait for my drink,
but if one listened closely
and just happened to know the tune
they’d know what I whistled
to that friendless,
Muslim girl
was that
one day
she too
would be

— The End —