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 Mar 2016 CatalanPoet
/I remember the old times when time was a gift,
/when the words "I love you" was not an over used term that had a sensual feeling,
/I remember when children would enjoy the sunny sunday afternoon outside riding their bikes around the neighborhood,
/I remember when the communication between humans was authentic and genuine but now chattering amongst others is barely existent,
/I remember when little kids would lay on the green grass watching the cotton ball shape shifting clouds,
/I remember when the population was not infatuated with the word "death",
/I remember a time when this world was not crowded on the streets by excessive beings,
/I remember a point in life when glaciers' were not melting off the planet Earth and animals of the Arctic did not question what was happening to them,
/I remember everything that has brought me happiness in this lifetime and I will remember my lifetime...
 Mar 2016 CatalanPoet
 Mar 2016 CatalanPoet
Fear is just a curse casted upon one’s soul,

Eating you alive,

Slowly killing your mind…

 Mar 2016 CatalanPoet
list of life ❤

— The End —