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The words coming out of my mouth
Are not the ones that echo in my brain

I don't need a man
           Should I even go to prom
I'll be miserable either way
           But what will I tell my mom
Truly that hawk flies free
Above all confinement
Above our wants and needs

Truly that hawk flies trapped
By fickle currents
Subject to lift and drag

Truly the truth
Is neither here nor there
But at the cross
Where reason and feeling
Why can't they understand?
When they yell, I cringe
When she cries, I sob
When he falls, I tumble

Why can't they understand?
Their screaming, moaning, *******
Is my burning, aching, stinging
This book feels heavier now
That I've finished flipping
Pages one by one
Part of myself
My feeling, my soul
Has leaked in the letters
Finding meaning
Where once was none
The book lies now soaking
Dripping into each day of my life
Staining lightly my choices
Permeating my thoughts
Statistically speaking
my sample size
of your thoughts
is minimal at best
biased at worst
I cannot draw
a reliable conclusion
from this mess

Convenience hurts
my chances
Clustering too
separates me
from understanding you

Estimated Probability:
a questionable
unlikely to rare
Sometimes the best advice
is hypocritical

Because the best of us
wish we were better
than what we are
Take the "self"
out of selfish
Toss her in the bowl
Allow her there to rest
Let your "fish" roam

He will find warmer waters
That's instinct, you know
To bring upon creation
What we allow to grow
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