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Well I'll be a monkeys uncle
If that old King Kong
And the lizard Godzilla
Did not one day fall in love

It was the wildest looking of all affairs  
One of the strangest scenes
With all of that burly bristley hair
Mixed with all that slimy green

They both met on the corner
In The Big Apple downtown
Amid all the screaming heebie jeebies
Of people running around

Between the two of course you knew
It would be love at first sight
And what love story isn't tragic
Without a few squished passersby...
This actually was a lot longer piece but when I got into them getting married and having kids it just got too weird...
Even for me!
I woke up this morning
Before the rooster started crowing
Without even knowing
What the day held out for me

Turning on the lamplight
Wiping sleep from my eyes
Waving my bed goodbye
As the floor reached for my feet

Two or three cups of coffee
I'm thinking aught to do me
Right about now justly
As I ready myself to leave

With the keys in my left hand
The right attitude of yes I can
Take this world on like a man
Just you wait and see

I bring with me my "A" game
It's a lot like "B" but less lame
Otherwise they'd both be the same
Which doesn't make sense to me

I stumble out to my car
As I no longer walk that far
Used to but not anymore
The age of modern day conveniency

Into traffic I merge
Under other drivers select verbs
Most of them 4 letter words
That cause my ears to bleed

Make it to the job on time
Earlier than expected I find
Somewhere along the way lost my mind
As it is Saturday
I try to keep things simple
In my simple day to day
Simple in the way I walk
Simple in the things I say

I always try to think good
Good in everything I see
Good in everything I hear
The good in everybody

If I can keep this standard
Hold tight this philosophy
I am hoping all in life
Will go well for them and me

I try to love with all my heart
To keep rooted to the ground
I try my best to play every part
In what comes around goes around

As I try and keep it simple
Makes it all much easier to figure out
In what I go through, everything that I do
A complicated life doesn't go over so well
Another wonderful collaboration with the ever so talented Eudora!
She truly makes it easy and for that I am thankful!
I'm in italics...
They said that he's a genius
Called him a Wonder kid
Which made the whole town wonder
Why he did the things he did

Why he climbed the water tower
That early morn in June
After all what makes us all
Do the things we do

He took a rifle with him
A back pack full of shells
When he turned the town that day
Into a living hell

His mama always warned him
A soul is never free
That is why he sold it
To the devil that day for cheap

He'd always been the perfect model
From his early days of youth
Teachers thought that he was special
If you must know the truth

There was never any talking back
It was always sir or ma'am
No ones sure why or when he snapped
You'll get no answers from the dead

He packed himself a brown bag lunch
Expecting to be awhile
To quench his thirst a Capri Sun
As he sipped he smiled

His mama always warned him
A soul is never free
That is why he sold it
To the devil that day for cheap

His very first victim
He selected randomly
Never did they find out
What knocked them off their feet

As soon as the shots rang out
It was madness and mayhem
It took the town a little while
To find from where the shots they came

By the time it was that registered
At least fifteen were down
From mothers holding babies
To couples holding hands

From the central park to the school yard
And terror in between
He left a trail of pain and sorrow
Mixed with misery

Was it a curse or a blessing
When he suddenly stopped the way he did
With a back pack still full of ammo
He stood and stepped off of the ledge

His mama always warned him
A soul is never free
That is why he sold it
To the devil that day for cheap
Next year's bound to be better
Than what's gone on before
If you are writing all of this down
If you are keeping score
A few things we will never know
A few we'll never figure out
Just that next year's going to be better
When it rolls around

Next year's going to be better
Than all those in the past
Thankfully they came and went
As they were never meant to last
With the years born on the wind
They come and go like the breeze
Next year's going to be better
As the past is not to be

Next year's bound to be better
If you're here holding out hope
In all the what was and what could have been
With the seeds that time has sown
Next year's bound to be better
Than anything you've ever dreamed
Next year's going to be better
You can count on it sight unseen
the only thing
keeping me
semi sane
is my need
for poetry
the daily crave
else i breath
gets in the way
insatiable need
inside of me
for poetry
every day
Love me like a new day
As in a new beginning
Filter out the heartache
Add a whole new meaning

Love me like you found me
Like there's no tomorrow
Love me with your greatest need
A love that holds no sorrow

Love me till  you come undone
Love me like a child would
When all else fails to me you run
A love never misunderstood

Love me with all that you have
A love you give and not take back
Love me with the reason
That true love need not be said

Love me like the weekend
Like the warmth of sunshine
Love me without failing
From this moment to the end of time
The dog ate my homework
When I turned around
My humor was stolen
By a circus clown

I was abducted by aliens
Is the reason I'm late  
To pick you up
For our dinner date

I dropped the ball
With the sun in my eyes
Are a few of the excuses
And the reason why

I either do or I don't
Do the things that I do
So I'll stick with them all
As my excuse

I must have forgot
There was a time change
As my clock stopped
On the very same day

I lost my wallet
With your number inside
This would be the truth
If it wasn't a lie

I ran out of gas
So I had to hitchhike
I made a left
Instead of a right

I either do or I don't
Do the things that I do
So I'll stick with them all
As my excuse
as i stand on the edge
of life's precipice
with the question of why
being the only one left

why am i not satisfied
with any of this
where all life seems to give
is a Judas kiss

all of life's qualms
nothing new to add to it
with all its goings ons
i find mostly useless

i've made it this far
but what is the purpose
with numerous battle scars
was it all worth it

i look at the past
and see better days
as the present and future
give them away

with nothing new
under the sun
why do i feel i have lost
this race i have run
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