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Being a girl *****! :(
I'm one big ball of emotion
Being tossed back and forth
On the waves of this female ocean

Just when I say I'm doing okay
Another tsunami comes along
Washing away the sanity I saved
Swept out to sea, it's gone

Being a girl *****! :(
All the makeup that we wear
Who are we trying to impress anyways
And do those jerks out there really care

All they do is treat me like a piece of meat
With desert on the side
Would you like some tears with that
It doesn't take much these days to make me cry

Being a girl *****! :(
With some of the things we have to wear
This over the shoulder boulder holder
Wasn't built for comfort that's for sure

And is it already that time of month again
I've about had it with these cramps
If I hear another man explain my mood to me
I swear I'm going to reach up and pull his tongue out through his...

Being a girl *****! :(
But one thing that I can say
It sure as heck beats being a guy
Where stupidity always gets in the way
I saw this moniker on a friends "kik" site and being a guy had to wonder just what it is that ***** about being a girl.
This of course is from a "REAL" mans perspective...I could be wrong.
I'll shut up now before I get myself in more trouble...
Oh...did I mention I'm a "REAL man?  I did?  
Just making sure...
It speaks deep to the heart
Tenderly to the soul
Tells of the many wonders
You'd love to know

In it's single mission
Spreading of truth
But what good is a love poem
If it wasn't written for you

As it tears at your heart
Swipes at your tears
Bringing to the surface
Emotions you haven't felt now for years

Telling you things
You only wish that you knew
But what good is a love poem
If it wasn't written for you

With the tightening of chest
The shortness of breath
The shedding of light
On what you could only guess

The tug on your heart strings
That won't leave you alone
But if it's not written to you
What good's a love poem
I've been on this road from the beginning
And I'll be on it till the very end
Some days I feel like I'm winning
Others like I don't stand a chance

But I always have the hope and the comfort
Of the good Lord holding my hand
As through this world here I wander
All in Gods timing and plan

Traveling on the slow road to Glory
Each day growing into the next
Giving over all of my worries
As Jesus only wants for me what's best

I follow closely the instructions
To keep me out of life's ditch
In the Good Book are all the directions
As I keep moving ahead

Doing my best to stay straight in the middle lane
Not drifting to the right or the left
God, he knows my intentions
And with all of that being said

I'm traveling on the slow road to Glory
Each day better than the rest
Feeling an urgency but no hurry
As Jesus only wants for me what's best

And when it is that I do reach the end
My soul will finally be set free
No more potholes of sorrow or speed bumps of sin
Leaving behind life's misery

Traveling on the slow road to Glory...
I need someone I can rely on
When all in life is said and done
Who's only crutch is that of love
~Someone just like you~

Someone close who knows me well
Not just another kiss and tell
Someone willing to offer help
~ Someone just like you~

I need someone to be the link
To right the wrongs truthfully
Someone who is a part of me
~ Someone just like you~

Someone with a warm soft heart
A gentle soul, a lasting mark
A hidden flame inside the spark
~ Someone just like you~

Guess what I am trying to say
I need someone as a help mate
Someone lasting all my days
~ Someone just like you~
A pretty bird born free
That feels beauty is for others

What her mirror sees
Are the blemishes undiscovered

Has a set of wings
Yet keeps them folded under

Born to loudly sing
But took on self doubt as her lover

Lives her life as is
She has never known another

Sitting on her perch
In the cage she's built around her
The title I took from an Elton John song.
I tried to think of another one
but feel this fits best...
We all have a place
Where secrets are made
The ones we would rather hide

More often than not
God takes what we've got
And brings it into the light

Beyond the shadow of doubt
Your sin finds you out
No matter how hard you try

It's best to make
The paths you lay straight
Keeping God right by our side
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