Out of all the guys I have ever dated
you were the best one.
When you asked me for something
and I said no you didn't keep pushing...
You never once asked me to send you a ****
Why is that...?
I wanna say that you were different
but I don't know that for sure
so instead i'll say that there was something
special about you,
Something I didn't understand; but I liked it
....... I knew it wouldn't last though,
I don't know why I got so attached.....
You deserve someone great,
someone who loves you just the way you are,
someone who brings you happiness,
You deserve someone thats the best cause you're the best.....
I hope you find that someone.
I know that you gonna see this but I don't care. I'm NOT writing this in hopes to get you back....even if I was I know that I would never get you back for two reasons...
--Just expressing some thoughts :)