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Aug 2022 · 182
Destruction by Addiction
Trevor Reynolds Aug 2022
Morphine whiskey
Washed down with ginger ale
Leaves me fatigued and dehydrated
And a whiter shade of pale.
Drowning all my sorrows
By pickling my brain
A pure act of genius
Or just mentally insane.
A self inflicted curfew
I must be home by dawn
As I burn the midnight oil
Losing my queen to a simple pawn.
This game of chess called life
Has passed me by too fast
But has ended with a final look
Through the bottom of a glass.
Addiction to drink or drugs is an illness and those who suffer need our help and sympathy far more than ridicule And rejection.
Aug 2022 · 130
Someone, is you
Trevor Reynolds Aug 2022
Some days I feel like smiling
Sometimes I’m reduced to tears,
It pulls me from my fantasy land
Surrounding me with my fears.

Some nights I pass on sleeping
Some how my mind won’t rest,
With memories of forgotten times
Causing anguish and distress.

Somewhere out in the darkness
Somebody calls my name,
Granting me forgiveness
Though my heart still bares the blame.

Some places rekindle happy times
Someone may break your trance,
You will find peace and happiness
If you give yourself the chance.
Depression is a double edged sword hurting sufferers and those around them.
This poem is for all of you.
Aug 2022 · 151
Growing Old
Trevor Reynolds Aug 2022
The cracks on my lips
From when I kissed the wind
My faith is bruised
From the times I’ve sinned
Aches in my heart
From the loves that I’ve lost
The lines on my face
Is my vanity’s cost
As each year passes
My reactions slow
Some people might say
That I’ve let myself go.
Walking sticks, hearing aids
Lotions and pills
To keep me more active
And cure all my ills
Although, you see it around you
And you’re frequently told
Nothing can prepare you
For just growing old.
Jul 2022 · 131
Trevor Reynolds Jul 2022
The hollow hole that was once my stomach, but now a gut-wrenching anguish consumes my soul.

Puddles of dispare fall from my fountain eyes while rivers of remorse distort my pitiful face.

Layers of memories cloud my mind as former happy occasions only add to my grief.

Questions without answers trouble my thoughts and even when injured I’ve never felt such pain.

My faith lays temporarily shattered in distressed anger as I'm frustrated at the consequence of this surreal reality.

Exhausted by an emotional workout that leaves me limp and to say the very least, I am grief-stricken.
At least once in our lives we are are grief-stricken
Jul 2022 · 179
Upon a Wooden Cross
Trevor Reynolds Jul 2022
Upon a wooden cross
Sealed by a rusty nail
The savior of mankind
His hands and feet impaled
While sinners mocked and jeered
A lesson He did give
Choosing to die this way
So all of us could live
He said if we repent
And seek Him as the way
He’d prepare a place for us
To join him one fine day
He died to save us all
Yet some denounce His name
They banned Him from our schools
And treat him with disdain
For those that keep the faith
Your worship won’t be lost
He said so on that night
Upon that wooden cross.
Jun 2022 · 189
Betrayal of a Son
Trevor Reynolds Jun 2022
When you disrespect your father
Pouring scorn on the family name
A defiant planned rebellion
And an attempt to shift the blame.
But nobody but yourself
Can undo the things you’ve done
An unsavory form of treason
Is the betrayal of a son.
When a hand of reconciliation
Is ****** in your direction
You arrogantly dismissed it
Thus, confirming your defection.
You run and hide in crevices
Like an inmate on the run
But know that everyone is punished
By the betrayal of a son.
Jun 2022 · 115
Let it Rain
Trevor Reynolds Jun 2022
How can I be broken?
Yet remain in one piece
My spirit floating on a wave of self pity.
Where once it felt like a hundred horses
Raced through my fast beating heart
A slow-moving mule now ideals past
My anguish consumes me like soldier ants
Munching away at today’s delicacy
How I yearn for that zest of adrenaline to return
So once again I can skip along through the fields of eternal joy, without fear or trepidation
But alas, storm clouds leave me grounded
Without shelter or adequate protection
Leaving me drenched in my monsoon of pity and depression.
Some say that we are not promised a tomorrow
Nor do I want or need one, until I’ve dealt with all my yesterdays.
And time is not my friend as it drags me towards emptiness.
People obstruct me talking about nothing and the weather
Let it rain I say, just let it rain.
Depression is real, the feeling of worthlessness can hit any of us without warning
Apr 2022 · 115
The Fire-pit
Trevor Reynolds Apr 2022
Burning embers molten ash
The residue of yesterday’s trash.
Flames that flicker in the dark
From cuts of wood and old tree bark.
Smoke that dances in the breeze
A heat that warms arthritic knees.
Cups of hot chocolate and self made smores
Tonight’s reward for today’s finished chores.
Tales of truth with some *******
Stories that are told around the fire-pit.
Mar 2022 · 108
Labeled Homeless
Trevor Reynolds Mar 2022
Laying my head down I close my eyes
Seeing scattered visions of purple flowers
My head spinning around like a fairground whip
From drinking tequila into the small hours
My clothing consists of stuff I’ve begged, stole or borrowed
It’s in need of a wash, we’ll maybe tomorrow
For food, I drink the devils fire water
Whatever I can get, as long as it’s strong
It helps me to forget
For this is where I belong
The sidewalk is smooth
And good for my back
My only concern
Is a random attack
It’s happened before
As I’ve been laying there sleeping
They try to rob you
But I have nothing worth keeping
They call me a ***
A stain on society
I can’t keep a job
For my lack of Sobriety
When I die, I’ll be thrown
Into some unmarked grave
Not fit for your charity
Or able to be saved
Yet, I’ve forgotten more
Than some of you will know
And been to places
That you would love to go
I lived in a mansion
A palace no less
Now the street is my home
And I’m labeled homeless.
Mar 2022 · 79
My Bear
Trevor Reynolds Mar 2022
In a twisted game of Russian roulette
Every chamber is loaded
Although only 3 years old I too am a target
My trusted bear with one chewed ear
Laying silent in my grasp
And although tears run down our cheeks
We’ve been instructed not to cry
The whistling of bullets heard over our heads
Are deafened by an explosion nearby
We are to move but my body feels frozen
I use to run and play but that was before.
Before my father was killed and life turned gray
My mother grabs my hand and says run
But my legs have not thawed and I stumble
Dropping my bear as she pulls me up
I escape her clutches and turn for my bear
I hear shots……… over.
God bless and protect the people of Ukraine
Feb 2022 · 143
Prejudice Heart
Trevor Reynolds Feb 2022
A couple are walking hand in hand
One is a fella, the other a man
They walk so close, it’s hard to tell them apart
Do your eyes have a prejudice heart?

A young woman kisses her brand-new bride
They wear their love like a badge of pride
Their life together they’re about to start
Do your eyes have a prejudice heart?

The calling from the mosque brings them to prayer
The women in a side room, cause only men go in there
Their faith deems it necessary to pray apart
Do your eyes have a prejudice heart?

They look quite normal when seen from the back
Yet one is white and the other is black
Both of them worldly and both of them smart
Do your eyes have a prejudice heart?
What do your eyes see?
Feb 2022 · 99
The Procrastinating Angel
Trevor Reynolds Feb 2022
Looking down from my vantage point
Surveying the carnage below
I saw the truth about my life
In the tears of the people, I know.
Memories of regret for things I’d said
With remorse for what I didn’t say.
Procrastinating has left chores undone
Now, there will not be another day.
Its to late to accept apologies
Unable to forgive and forget.
I was going to do so many things
I just hadn’t got round to it yet.
Knowing I could have changed things
Or at least I should have tried.
Letting animosity end, while making amends
Before I went and died.
Each other we should treasure
Our time, more wisely spent
Material things are worthless
But we all are Heaven sent.
So, take note of words of wisdom
In the good book their written in red.
They’re words that we should live by
It’s to late when we are dead.
Dec 2021 · 113
Christmas ain't the Same
Trevor Reynolds Dec 2021
Christmas doesn’t feel the same anymore

Absent friends and love ones who are no more.

Yuletide carols I no longer hear

Family’s don’t gather cause they don’t live near.

The nativity scene is hidden as it might offend

It’s so hard now to distinguish between foe or friend.

Questions that were normal, you’re afraid to ask

You can’t kiss under the mistletoe while you wear your mask.

Children’s expectations make their parents blue

A stocking with a small toy and some fruit won’t do.

Remembering times from yesteryear brings a tear or two

So in an old fashioned way let me say to you.

I wish you all a Christmas of love and good cheer

And I hope for you there is happiness in this New Year.

We use to sit around the table and play a game

We don’t do that anymore, because Christmas ain’t the same.
Oct 2021 · 89
A Poem about Me
Trevor Reynolds Oct 2021
A Poem about Me

Write a poem about me
An Ode of what I am
Use words that paint a picture
And ones I’d understand
Let it reflect my personality
To show my skills and faults
You could highlight my inner beauty
But do not exclude my warts
Make it an honest real description
Of who I am today
The person that I have become
With the scars from yesterday
Let it be to me a mirror
So I might recognize myself
But if others choose to read it
They might think of someone else
And when the poems finished
I may look at it and see
The person that I think I am
Not who others want me to be
I think it might be boring
But I don’t want it to be that way
So, write the poem about someone else
No really, that will be okay
Oct 2021 · 87
Nobody cried
Trevor Reynolds Oct 2021
A squad car cruised up his parents drive
To notify them he was no longer alive
They even explained just how he'd died
But nobody, nobody cried

The family gathered from far and wide
Telling tales from times gone bye
No one knew if they were true or lies
Yet nobody, nobody cried

The clock on the church struck straight up five
As they packed in the pews like bees in a hive
And on his headstone was simply inscribed
Nobody, nobody cried

Nobody cried as they lowered him down
A six foot hole in consecrated ground
Nobody cried, not a single tear was shed
They didn't care when he was alive
Nobody cried now he is dead.
Aug 2021 · 86
Close My Eyes
Trevor Reynolds Aug 2021
I close my eyes and see your face
That endearing smile that melted hearts.
I tighten my eye lids down
For fear of losing you all over again.
Tears seep through the cracks
like a river slides between rocks and sand.
Although I am consumed with grief
I find tranquility and solace behind my closed eyes.
To open them, brings the stark truthfulness of reality.
The realization of your passing and the acceptance of my broken heart.
I keeping asking why? Why?
But no explanation will change or soften this blow.
My faith in God is now challenged,
Yet my faith in mankind seems somewhat restored,
Such is the compassion and kindness being bestowed upon us.
Your absence has brought about an outpouring of love
Relationships have been made and others mended by you.
You will never be far away from me
For, I can keep you in my sight
If I just close my eyes.
For anyone dealing with the loss of a loved one
Jun 2021 · 93
Where your heart is
Trevor Reynolds Jun 2021
You tiptoe slowly into the great unknown
Exploring places as you wildly roam
Yet a piece of you always stays at home
That's where your heart is.

Meeting people along your way
Watching sunsets and the break of day
But from your roots you could never stray
As, that's where your heart is.

Chills of winter, the warmth of the sun
Older and wiser you stride to become
Remembering always where it all begun
Because, that's where your heart is.

Problems and puzzles put you to the test
Some you may solve, if you tried your best
Then return to your sanctuary, so that you may rest
Yes, that's where your heart is.
May 2021 · 96
Someone to Listen
Trevor Reynolds May 2021
I just need somebody to listen
Show empathy, understanding and love.
I don't want someone who will judge me
As my judge is my God up above.

While your opinion may be valid and plausible
It’s not what I need to hear.
I so need a friend and confidant
Who is willing to lend me their ear.

What I have to say, I feel deeply about
It may not be right or wrong.
It’s about a goodbye, that may make you cry
Like the words of an old country song.

So, if you are feeling kind hearted
And have some spare time you can share.
Come over and help me unload
This troublesome burden I bear.

It may not be very exciting
But please, stay with me until the end.
If you will be the one, who will listen
I'll know, I at least have a friend.
I hope you all have that someone who will listen
May 2021 · 95
Lost Love
Trevor Reynolds May 2021
Frustration grips your inner soul
Like mud wrestling by yourself
There is no way to win
So you lay there self defeated.
Anger at your own inadequacy
Your blindness at the situation
Unable to see what was expected of you
And deaf to the signs and warnings
You classify yourself a failure
But it’s worse than that
As others see your shortcomings too
Stuck in the mire and unable to hide
You offer yourself as a sacrifice
Before understanding that
You've already become one
Such is the pain of a lost love.
Apr 2021 · 82
Love Yourself
Trevor Reynolds Apr 2021
Love Yourself

What fuels the anger that builds inside
Like a volcano building to its eruption.
What causes emotional mood swings
That can change at the slightest interruption.

How do we let our peace get shattered
By the most insignificant of things.
Alternating between laughing and crying
And the happiness and sadness they bring.

We seek solace from something or someone
When we really should turn to our self.
Yet we're scared of being alone
Like a spinster who was left on the shelf.

Is the answer at the end of a bottle?
Or does that just multiply the real pain.
The substance we seek to feel better
Is our confidence, which we must regain.

To share your love with another
Takes patience, understanding and care
But you can't share your love with anyone
If your love for yourself isn't there.
Apr 2021 · 100
Mind Train
Trevor Reynolds Apr 2021
Mind Train

My heart is heavy, like thunder clouds
But my eyes refuse to rain.
They smile when faced by others
And don’t disclose my inner pain.
The complexity of the mind
Is finely balanced on the scale.
Like a steam train locomotive
Running smoothly along the rail.
Mood swings are just my carriages
That were boarded at the station.
Each one ready to disembark
At it’s desired destination.
But as the engineer
I should control each curve or bend.
Do I stop at every opportunity
Or carry on to journeys end.
When at last I see a signal
Telling me I must slow down.
My fuel levels been depleted
I’ve run myself into the ground.
Each journey I have taken
Has been a challenge or a test.
Until I reached my depot
And was finally laid to rest.
Apr 2021 · 103
The Royal Oak
Trevor Reynolds Apr 2021
The royal oak is still standing
As the construction crews draw near.
This Sir Lancelot of the woodland
Now deprived of his sweet Guinevere.
While all around him were slaughtered
He stood in defiant  splendor.
Unable to prevent the carnage
But refusing to yield and surrender.
The town folk fought for conservation
But the fat cats money was to strong.
One tree was all we were asking for
To remain in the place it belonged.
We held a candlelight vigil
And chained ourselves to his trunk.
But the mechanical army was relentless
And cast us aside, like we were junk.
We prayed for a stay of execution
So that this historic landmark could remain.
But they laughed as they cut him to the ground
Treating him with their total disdain.
Now the woodlands is full of houses
With shops and offices a plenty.
And although it is full of bricks and mortar
To me, the landscape is barren and empty.
The destruction of nature for progress
Is a pill just to big to swallow.
To give up all of our yesterdays
Will not guarantee our tomorrow.
Mar 2021 · 84
The Poppy Fields of Death
Trevor Reynolds Mar 2021
A field of splendid color
Stretches far across the plain
This rosy red silk blanket
That hides the tales of death and pain.
So many men were slaughtered
Each taking their last breath
While serving king and countries
On the poppy fields of death.

They fought in Northern France
And in Belgium's Flanders fields
Young men from many nations
Were mercilessly shot and killed.
Not realizing their future
They gave their life and rest
With both enemy and comrades
On the poppy fields of death.

How long will we remember
The sacrifice they made
The importance of their legacy
And the part their courage played.
They helped to mold our lives
By giving of their best
So long ago and far from home
On the poppy fields of death.
May we never forget the sacrifice made during WW1
Mar 2021 · 106
The Coin Toss
Trevor Reynolds Mar 2021
What lays behind a troubled mind
Entangled within its own dreams
The things you say are as clear as day
But the meaning is not what it seems.
Confused intention or bad interpretation
A loose wire blows the fuse
The side you join by a toss of the coin
Heads I win and tails you lose.

They will not forget or even show regret
Even though they knew it was wrong
Challenge if you dare their innocent stare
But you'll find that you just don’t belong.
Justice is an award with a double edged sword
One as sharp, as the other is blunt
You looked for the thrill, to be in on the ****
Yet, you were the pray in the hunt.
Mar 2021 · 96
In the darkness
Trevor Reynolds Mar 2021
In the darkness without the light
My eyes adjust to give me sight
But is the image that I think I see
A reflection from an old memory
I focus hard to try and clear my vision
And erase my mind from this indecision
I think I know what lies ahead
There's a mental picture in my head
But when the lights come back on
The object I thought was there, has gone
Just an empty room without anything there
Except a confused mind and a vacant stare.
Mar 2021 · 100
Trevor Reynolds Mar 2021
Between, their love and hate
I'm caught in the crossfire.
Was I the cause of this anger
Or the product of their desire.
I watch them as they argue
I laugh when they smile.
They take turns to bribe me
When their being nice for a while.
I don't want the candy
Or the last minute gifts.
Just a peaceful loving home
Instead of these constant heated tiffs.
If I've made them this way
Then I’m sorry and sad.
Because I really love them both
As they're my mom and dad.
Mar 2021 · 99
Trevor Reynolds Mar 2021
Ridiculed for being fat
Slandered because you’re thin.
Made to feel guilty for just being you
All because of the color of your skin.

Disliked because of your religion
Chastised for the way that you talk.
Looked down on because of the job you do
Laughed at because you limp when you walk.

Despised for being successful
Berated for trying, though you failed.
Mocked for showing your emotions
When told your kind aren't allowed.

Your barred from being yourself
With prejudice from which they won't budge.
But if they took a look at themselves
They would see they have no room to judge.
Mar 2021 · 98
You're Legacy
Trevor Reynolds Mar 2021
If all you leave is a decaying corpse
And the skeletal remains of your life.
Then you've  failed to leave a legacy
For your children or your wife.

Fond memories are a treasure
More precious than silver or gold.
A foundation for their future
In a story that you once told.

Your love in which they showered
During times they needed you the most.
Left them refreshed, secure and empowered.
So, in your memory they would boast.

A tear maybe shed at your passing
Yet like the sun, a smile will break through.
Not because they inherit your riches
But with love, they're remembering you.
Feb 2021 · 95
Flickering Flame
Trevor Reynolds Feb 2021
A flickering flame still remains
In the embers of yesterday's fire
Like my memories of you from long ago
When you were my one desire.

What happened to our trysts of love?
Our meetings so filled with passion
Then you dropped me like a lead balloon
Did I just go out of fashion?

Was it something I did or maybe said?
Maybe something I didn't say or do
Whatever it was it broke my heart
So strong was my love for you.

My ardor still smolders, just like the ashes
Both doused by the onset of rain
It is better I’m told to have tasted love
So, you'll know if you taste it again.
Feb 2021 · 84
Voice Within
Trevor Reynolds Feb 2021
Voice Within

Beware the voice within
Its evil tone of discontent.
Ignore the things it says
Don’t pay no mind to what it meant.

Think thoughts of love and joy
Rejoice within your own contentment.
If life doesn't go your way
It may only need a slight amendment.

When the goals you've set are high
It doesn't mean they are out of reach.
Heed the knowledge given
Educate yourself from those who teach.

The road you seek to follow
Is along the path that you have set.
You laid your own foundations
Now your expectations must be met.

If you wish to be successful
And your aim in life is to win.
Think positive thoughts and always
Beware of the voice within.
Jan 2021 · 106
Last Train
Trevor Reynolds Jan 2021
The platform was nearly empty
A few stragglers from the fading day
Waiting for the last train
To transport them away.
The reasons for their journey
Were different and unrelated
But each held a ticket
As so patiently they waited.
Our lives are never guaranteed
We're just players, in a game of chance
Some of us will get to attend the ball
While others will miss the dance.
Each day presents its highs and low’s
The triumphs and the strains
While we all wait unexpectedly
For the arrival of our last trains.
Jan 2021 · 91
Age Eternal
Trevor Reynolds Jan 2021
The immortal features that never age
Are the visions of someone you knew
No matter their real age when they died
They'll be the age whence they last saw you.

You do not update, from the past to now
Unless a recent photo you did see
But even then, you'll still recollect
Just how they used to be.

For the glorious dead do not grow old
I’ve often heard that said
Their portrait displayed forever
In that gallery inside your head.

For them, in your personal eulogy
Be it written, spoken or sung
We will recall and sadly tell all
That alas, they died too young.
Jan 2021 · 126
Lost in plain Sight
Trevor Reynolds Jan 2021
I am lost in plain sight
Hidden in full view
Without rhyme or reason
And there is nothing I can do.

Some call it anxiety
Others say depression
A few say your faking it
Just to make an impression

But your head tells you one thing
And your heart says another
This circle makes you dizzy
From which, you can’t recover

I so want to hide away
But try as I might
I’m on show for all to see
Yet lost in plain sight.
Jan 2021 · 100
Three Wishes
Trevor Reynolds Jan 2021
If I could have three wishes
That I knew would all come true
I'd think about them carefully
Before deciding what, I'd do
My first wish would be simple
All the hungry I would feed
There would be no more starvation
No one in suffering, no one in need
My second wish is for the homeless
No more the streets to roam
They won’t need to look for shelters
For everyone will have a home
My last wish is for mercy
And that everybody is healed
There would be no need for war
So, no one would get killed
But if I had just one wish
I know what it would be
My wish would be for everyone
To all live happily
Jan 2021 · 115
A different dream
Trevor Reynolds Jan 2021
Without any light, I could not see
Just darkness, lay in front of me
The only sound, was my own heartbeat
My sense of smell seemed obsolete
Frozen in fear, I could not run
Or even return from whence I'd come
How I got here, I cannot recollect
My memory now seems circumspect
Unwilling it seems, to try and recall
The reason why, I am here at all
I’m at the point of giving up
With nothing left in my life's cup
A cup than once did overflow
With love and kindness for folks I know
But now alone, without any hope
No reason to live, no means to cope
I surrender my soul to this dark abyss
Not thinking of the things I'd miss
And as I’m drowning in this dark black lake
I feel a hand shaking me awake
My presence here is still required
Although, I feel so lost and tired
Your life may not be, what it seems
So, dream yourself, a different dream
Everyone is worth saving from themselves
Help prevent suicide
Jan 2021 · 79
Trevor Reynolds Jan 2021
Words can bring such undoubted joy
And yet inflict real pain
So, if you can't say something nice
Perhaps you should refrain
For once they're said, you can’t take them back
And they will never be forgotten
They will stagnate in someone's memory
Like eggs that have gone rotten
It may, not even be what you said
But the way your words were spoken
An emphasis in the wrong place
Can cause a heart to be broken
No matter your intentions
Or if said in jest or play
Think before you start to speak
And be careful what you say.
Jan 2021 · 132
Hidden Meaning
Trevor Reynolds Jan 2021
Hidden Meaning

 Beware of hidden meanings
That lurk in others words.
They creep up on you like ripples
Once the waters been disturbed.
You took it as a kindly phrase
Confused by their intention.
They slyly recruited your support
As the truth they did not mention.
Now with your realization
Of their cunning and devious plot.
Your understanding comes too late
And stop it, you cannot.
Do you let them force the checkmate?
As it’s just a matter of time.
Or ease the amount of bloodshed
And gracefully resign.
Jan 2021 · 132
Trevor Reynolds Jan 2021
My eyes they are my window
My eyelids are the blinds
But if you look into these eyes
So many things you’ll find

Like all my pain and sadness
From scars that will not heal
They’ll tell you when I'm healthy
And likewise, if I’m ill

For me, they are a window
But to you, they are a door
An entry to my very soul
Which no one, has seen before

So, if I look in your eyes
And tell you all I see
Will you pluck up the courage?
To do the same for me.
Jan 2021 · 125
She Cries
Trevor Reynolds Jan 2021
She sits alone and cries
Tears cascade down her face
Reminiscent of a waterfall after the rains
She sobs those elongated breaths
Like billows at a furnace
Her body heaves with grief
And still, she cries
I stand outside her door
Like a sentry on guard
Helpless to do anything but wait
She wants to be alone
I'm forbidden to invade into her sorrow
I cannot change the reason for her tears
And still, she cries
Her sobbing does get faint
Then builds again
Like an orchestrated symphony of pain
It hurts my heart
To hear the one I love in such distress
I'm her knight and meant to save her
Yet still, she cries
The sobbing has ceased
Though I still hear her whimper in her sleep
I'm tired too, but I will not abandon my post
This dragon that engulfs her I must slay
I carry no known weapons but my love
I wonder if that will ever be enough
For each time she cries.
Dec 2020 · 82
Death, Faith and Pity
Trevor Reynolds Dec 2020
It is not my death that I fear
It is living when someone I love has passed
For death itself does me no further harm
But the death of another leaves me
With a never healing wound.

It is not faith I lack
But that of others faith in me
For faith is just what we believe
But to have belief in others
You must believe in yourself

It is not pity that I seek
Though I pity those who do
As those without pity, are also without love
And those without love
Fear death, seek pity and lack faith.
Dec 2020 · 61
Trevor Reynolds Dec 2020
While the holidays bring joy to many of us, for some it can be a time that triggers anxiety, depression and mental health issues, if someone wants to talk to you, please be prepared to listen.

I listened to her problems
I understood his pain.
The weather may be sunshine
But to them it feels like rain.

I didn’t need to answer
That wasn't in the plan.
Just someone who would listen
And try to understand.

I offered some encouragement
A little bit of hope.
Something they could hold onto
Something to help them cope.

It's good to share your feelings
To get things off your chest.
It may be a total stranger
Or someone who knows you best.

As long as they'll just listen
You do not want a debate.
So please, just talk to someone
Before it is too late.
We all need help but some are too proud to ask
Dec 2020 · 91
Her Note
Trevor Reynolds Dec 2020
She hung up her stocking on Christmas eve, next to her brothers over the fire.
She'd written a note which was placed inside, detailing her true Christmas desire.
Her brother and she scurried off upstairs, not questioning that it was time for bed.
Don't wake to early, their mother spoke, but I doubt they heard a word that she said.

The father placed presents under the tree, six each for his daughter and son.
He remembers back when he was a child, when his parents could not afford one.
Mother took down the stockings to fill them with gifts, it was then that she found the short note.
Eager to see just what this could be, that her daughter had lovingly wrote.

Dear Santa it said, if I have any gifts, please share mine, with those without any
I still have the things that you brought me last year so, you see I already have many.
As her mom read, tears rolled down her cheeks, and her heart was bursting with pride
She picked up a pen, turned over the note so, Santa could write a reply.

Dear Annie it said, your note I have read so, I've taken one gift from your pile
And your gift to me on this Christmas Eve, will last me a very long while.
For not all people see the value of giving, is as great as it is to receive.
Just as faith, hope and love are the values of life, for those like you, who believe.
It is better to give than receive.
Dec 2020 · 86
Your Flame
Trevor Reynolds Dec 2020
Next time you light a candle
Look closely in its flame.
You'll catch a glimpse of who you seek
Though they may not look the same.
And if the flame does flicker
You must follow where they go.
So, you can reunite with them
When you stare back in the glow.
Your mind will tell a story
That you and your flame do share
Though the ending may be different
It depends how long you stare
When your satisfied it's finished
And it has all turned out just right
Just gently blow out the candle
And kiss your flame goodnight.
Dec 2020 · 86
Christmas Realality
Trevor Reynolds Dec 2020
Carolers sing by a well-lit lantern, snowflakes flutter and float to the ground.
Decorated homes twinkle in the backdrop, the scene is loud without making a sound.
But this isn’t real, it’s the front of a card, sent to bring someone good cheer.
Restaurants are closed and businesses shut, abnormal for this time of year.
Streets are empty there are no social gatherings, people are confined and scared.
Curfews restrict normal socializing, as the latest set of rules are being aired.
Oh yes this is real, and it’s ******* us all, except those, where the rules don't apply.
Just do as I say, don't do as I do, seems to be the political war cry.
News is read by a liar as you watch by the fire to the new propaganda, they spread.
Vast numbers they've saved, it’s not relevant they say, focus on the number of dead.
Abolishing the law seems to be the last straw, it is time for us all to fight back.
So, they plan to disarm us, and negate all our rights, so we cannot repel their attack.
At the death of a nation, they laugh in celebration, our history rejected and destroyed.
Not allowed to ask and you must wear a mask, stay calm you cannot get annoyed.
Good tidings we send in the hope there's an end to the nightmare we currently endure.
Rely on your faith, pray for your God's grace, for His word will be final, I’m sure.
Dec 2020 · 96
Don't hide the Dawn
Trevor Reynolds Dec 2020
Oh, darkened skies, don't hide the dawn

For I long to see nights end.

The sunrise rescues me from my fears

As the darkness is not my friend.

A fog of depression hangs low in my valley

While I anxiously await the sun.

To dry the tears that adorn my cheeks

From the tracks down which they'd run.

I feel responsible for all that’s wrong

Though I know that I cannot be.

And even as I think things through

The blame, I still lay, on me.

People try to pretend they care

And lift me from my gloom.

But through the crowd I realize

I’m alone in this mass filled room.

So, I beg you clouds, let the light shine in

Make my demons depart for a while.

I know come dusk they will return

And a frown will replace my false smile.
Dec 2020 · 76
My Friend
Trevor Reynolds Dec 2020
The daylight slipping through the blinds

Like search lights hunt the wanted

I try to conceal my presence

Under ruffled sheets and blankets

But alas I’m discovered.

Digging furiously at my camouflage

I'm exposed to a wet nose and wagging tail

I feel a walk is very much on the horizon

And though I still feel weary and lethargic

My refusal will not work

And so, another day begins

And my bond with nature tightens

You can never deny such love and loyalty

From a furry trusted friend.
Dec 2020 · 76
I loved you.....
Trevor Reynolds Dec 2020
I’m finally here kneeling beside your grave
My finger tracing over your name on the marble stone.
It’s been a year I know, although, it seems more like five
Time has dragged so slowly it almost stood still…..
I loved you……
Why are these places so windy?
I still don't know why you did it, we could have talked things through
I would have listened honestly; I could have helped….
I want you to know above everything else
I loved you…….
You know I did; I could have told you more often I guess
I should have told you more often I know
But I need to believe that you knew….
I brought you some flowers but I have no vase, I’ll just lay them here.
I loved you…….
Dec 2020 · 78
Trevor Reynolds Dec 2020
Looking back
I left the track
Going completely off the rails
I had no other plan
I didn't give a ****
No exam passes, only fails
I saw the light
Put my life right
Found a sense of hope out there
Feet back on the ground
No longer fooled around
Became someone who began to care
Dec 2020 · 72
Life's Purpose
Trevor Reynolds Dec 2020
Honeysuckle blossoms, homemade strawberry pie
Lovely thoughts of summer, beneath a bright blue sky
Swinging on my hammock, in the summer haze
Looking up watching the world pass by, while soaking up the rays
Sipping on a julip, with watermelon snacks
Hoping for a gentle breeze, as sweat trickles down my back.
It only feels like yesterday, we had a foot of snow
How quickly nature changes, how little we still know.
We take the world for granted, expectancies are high
And when we don’t get what we want, we shake our heads and cry
Lower your expectations and except what life your given
Let’s do things out of love and pray our sins will be forgiven
It’s easy to do nothing and watch while others toil
Yet in the end we all return to dust upon the soil
Enjoy a rest if you earned it, breathe in a new day’s air
Find the purpose of your life, it's why God put you there.
Dec 2020 · 73
A Loved one lost
Trevor Reynolds Dec 2020
I closed my eyes but sleep wouldn't come
Twisted thoughts of yesteryears
Making you smile making you cry
Laughter becomes sobbing so quickly
Morning brings about no change at all
Reality sinks deeper in your heart
Memories seem to burden my load
The weight of which is crippling
I knew this time would one day come
But selfishly I wanted more
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