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Brittany Smith Feb 2018
What has happened, sweet girl,
How did he rob you of your smile,
You once gleamed with happiness,
But no one has seen it in a while.

Why do you believe these awful things,
That he says to you,
Please tell me why you’re crying,
You must know those things aren’t true.

How many chances does one get,
To change and treat you right,
Love doesn’t hurt like this, sweet girl,
It won’t cause those tears at night.

Please stop believing empty words,
And checking through his phone,
Love won’t instill these fears in you,
Love is peace you’ve never known.
Brittany Smith Feb 2018
Have you ever sat and listened,
To the hatred in the world,
Envy and greed are all that’s spoke,
Not things we’re grateful for,
We don’t care for one another,
Since it’s easy to turn our backs,
That when our needs are desperate,
No one has time for that,
Words are our biggest weapon,
Yet we’ve all failed to see,
Violence does not start with guns,
It starts with you and me.
Brittany Smith Feb 2018
I was born into this world,
And hated by a mother,
Who never showed an ounce of love,
And loved to watch me suffer,
She picked apart my flaws,
And ignored my pain when I would cry,
“Your tears don’t phase me,” she would say,
Oh how I’d wish I weren’t alive,
Yet she made me who I am today,
I give the love I did not receive,
But how I long for someone to notice,
How much I have achieved,
But because of her I feel too much,
And often feel misplaced,
For I’ve discovered many like her,
And once more her words roll down my face.
Brittany Smith Jan 2018
When you’re older,
You will fall in love,
Is all they ever said,
But no one ever prepared me,
Of such heartache up ahead,
No one told people cheat,
Or lie right to your face,
I guess this is what they meant,
About learning the hard way,
But I’ve yet to meet a soul,
Who has shown me what it’s all about,
So where’s this love they spoke of,
For now all I do is doubt.
Brittany Smith Jan 2018
Today kindness is endangered,
And each day we grow more selfish,
We take everyone for granted,
Even ones we claim we cherish,
We judge every book by it’s cover,
And act like we don’t see,
Our pages are also damaged,
But we’re too prideful to agree,
So we knock each other down,
And walk away and smile,
How did we become such monsters,
What has made us all so vile,
Yet we wonder why this world,
Becomes more dreadful by the day,
We keep filling it with hate,
While our heartbeats slip away.
Brittany Smith Jan 2018
I once cared for an old lady,
With an illness in her brain,
She couldn’t tell me where she was,
Only memories remained,
Although her mind was fading,
She thought it was 1973,
I found it fascinating,
How she remembered certain things,
I asked her if she married,
And I saw her face light up,
She spoke of 60 years together,
And said, “That still was not enough”
Our marriage was so beautiful,
But don’t think it never rained,
For sometimes it was ugly,
And we caused each other pain,
We spit fire at each other,
And one of us would leave,
So don’t think I never questioned,
If he was meant for me,
But here’s my only advice
If one foot is out the door,
My marriage of 60 years is proof,
God can and will restore.
Brittany Smith Dec 2017
Maybe if you closed your eyes,
The pain would go away,
Even if it’s for a moment,
That might be okay,
Sometimes sleep is what we need,
When our hearts are hurting,
Your heart will be relieved one day,
These flames can’t keep on burning,
I’m sorry that you feel this way,
But know you’re not alone,
I’m there with you during this hour,
I will be your stone,
Nothing in life makes sense to me,
So I can relate,
I’ve been so shattered recently,
My soul has been betrayed,
But Jesus Himself was wrongfully traded,
For 30 useless tokens,
So if God dealt you a difficult hand,
Know that you’ve been chosen.
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