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Brittany Smith Dec 2017
Each day will be different,
And no feeling will ever last,
You’ll climb some mountains to the top,
And others you’ll fall down fast,
There will be days you can’t get up,
And nights where you can’t sleep,
This place called Life is where you’re at,
Where none of us asked to be,
There will be moments you fall in love,
And a broken heart will follow,
You’ll learn very quickly the meaning behind,
“We were not promised tomorrow,”
We all hate something about ourselves,
So we pick on others,
And we never stop to think about,
How one another suffers,
This place is hard to understand,
So make it up as you go,
And no one can tell you why you’re here,
Because no one really knows.
Brittany Smith Dec 2017
I once heard a story,
That forever changed my life,
Of a man who was struck,
When another chose to text and drive,
And though he did not lose his life,
He told me he lost much more,
Like the ability to do any of the things,
He was able to do before,
He could not move a single muscle,
From below his neck,
And the biggest tragedy to his story,
His wife left him after the wreck,
He spoke of years of marriage,
And all their children together,
For if this was her instead of me, he said,
I would not have left her ever,
My chest began to hurt,
As my heart began to break,
The selfishness in this world today,
Was more than I could take,
I looked him in the eye,
As tears ran down my cheeks,
And for the first time in my profession,
This patient was a person to me,
How could he look at me and smile,
And tell me it would all work out okay,
How could a man be full of faith,
When so much was taken away,
I do not know the reasons,
These were the cards that he was handed,
But a society as one,
We take everything for granted,
We brag and act like what we have,
Cannot be taken away tomorrow,
Now all my problems seem so small,
When I think of this man’s sorrow,
And each day that’s passed since we met,
I have thanked the Lord above,
And I’ll never forget what this man taught me,
About how to measure my cup.
Words from a registered nurse.
Brittany Smith Dec 2017
It’s during your darkest hour,
That will crack open your soul,
And out will pour the things,
You’ll need to gain control,
At first you won’t believe me,
Since your eyes are blurred with tears,
And if you’ve been in this much pain,
I know you can’t think clear,
The demons who have caught you,
Can’t hold a grip for long,
Once you realize it’s not your fault,
Your heart was handled wrong,
But please hang on during this ride,
Of crippling emotions,
You’ll soon realize why I say,
Women like you drown oceans.
Brittany Smith Dec 2017
If each of us were born unique,
Why do we try to be the same,
If this world was made with meaning,
Why do we treat it like a game,
Why do we define our value,
When we look at our reflection,
As we change our bodies in ways,
The world has taught us is perfection,
Why wait in line for iPhones,
And wear clothes we can’t afford,
Why are we competing with each other,
When there is no grand award,
We need to stop and remember,
Even though we all are human,
That a mirror shows just skin,
And is only an illusion.
Brittany Smith Dec 2017
The problem with the world today,
Is the hardening of our hearts,
We think it’s easier to guard ourselves,
From reminders of being ripped apart,
The problem with building these walls,
Is though we no longer feel pain,
We can’t only choose that one bad feeling,
To just toss out in the rain,
Our happiness, peace and love for others,
Disappears too and leaves us numb,
So when suffering souls reach out for help,
It’s easy to turn and run,
But I knew of a girl who was brutally broken,
But chose not to toughen her skin,
She was able to be a beacon of hope,
Since she had been where others had been ,
If we want to heal the broken souls,
We must look at our pain as a gift,
If we choose to smile, love and listen,
Others might soon have some hope to live.
Brittany Smith Dec 2017
I've traveled down this dark road,
One too many times,
These voices in my head,
Are crippling sometimes,
They tell me that I'm worthless,
Life without me is the same,
They talk of my mistakes,
And I walk around in shame,
There aren't any others here,
Though I’m not sure why,
Others have told me they've been here too,
Perhaps they left me here to die,
Sometimes I get lost in here,
And calls for helps are all in vain,
Because even though I hear voices,
They just laugh at all my pain,
So maybe I'll just lay here,
And keep breathing through the hurt,
Maybe if I fall asleep,
I'll wake reminded of my worth.
Brittany Smith Dec 2017
She once met a prince,
Who filled her with lies,
False promises and love,
Until the day that she dies,
She believed for a second,
Every word that he said,
Until she realized his words,
Were not written in red,
And though love is not perfect,
Some things must exist,
He should have protected her heart,
But most men can’t resist,
The temptation of females,
Who fill them with lies,
There was a princess at home,
With tears in her eyes,
She chose not to fear,
To change the name,
Of the prince in her story,
And put an end to her pain,
There is beauty inside a woman,
With scars on her heart,
It taught her that true love,
Will not tear her apart.
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