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The X-Rhymes Sep 2022

Jack gave the air a biting chill
the ground a thin white shroud
while icy mist curled in tendrils
and swathed his form in clouds

then puddles turned to milky glass
his breath, it's said, could freeze
the paths he makes a risk to pass
and skeletons from trees

on TV news this work he’d do
was clearly advertised
as weather maps from green to blue
were reacclimatised

all signs of warmth Jack Frost suppressed
with every step he’d take
each living soul he met he pressed
to shiver and to shake

all thumbs would then succumb to numb
and feet were primed to slip
like taps he made their noses run
and tremble would each lip

but soon enough the rising sun
would make it’s presence felt
then Jack would yawn, his work all done
and back to bed he’d melt

but that was then and this is now
his tenure will not cease
the price of gas will now allow
his hours to increase

not one to shirk the extra work
thanks to this corporate crime
these costs berserk present a perk
for Jack in overtime

he'll rap the door of old and poor
once their heat is denied
and freeze for sure to chair or floor
whoever lives inside.
Probably the best poem about Jack Frost you'll read today.
Unless you've read another.
The X-Rhymes Aug 2022

I fell under a spell
looking into her eyes
and I thought 'what the hell'
holding on to my cries
as I fell to the deck
with her teeth sinking in
to the side of my neck
where the skin was most thin
and she drained off my tanks
'till my legs felt like lead
then with no word thanks
there she left me for dead
yet I couldn't help yearn
as I lay on the floor
that should my strength return
I might see her some more
since I'd had such a blast
while I slaked her of thirst
she would not be the last
and thank God, not the first.
Vampire poem number 3.
The other two were better.
Well, one of them was.
The X-Rhymes Aug 2022

the dark magic crept
when spells were heard spoke
and while some folk slept
you found yourself woke
that's when your eyes set
on who you should hunt
from those alphabets
you heard back to front
and those who couldn't
speak in that code
all those who wouldn't
walk down that road
or who'd missed the joke
and felt undermined
were just the right folk
you'd set out to find
so their stress increased
as soon all around
they saw how decreased
became common ground
and you ran them down
until they were gone
drove them from your town
until there were none
with old sorcery
so easily talked
that left hard to see
how your tongue had forked
developed this knack
of making sound right
how magic, once black
was now magic white
then what someone did
was change all the text
to keep from you hid
the ones who were next
so now you don't dare
to speak a **** word
until when they share
which spell will be heard
what will they incant?
what witchery bring?
and what if they chant
a spell you won't sing?
you'd best take a look
and make double sure
you're not on the hook
since no one is pure
and make sure you've checked
all your points of view
since their next suspect
is most likely you.
Unpopular opinions rendered in rhyme #2.
The X-Rhymes Aug 2022

when finding a ten
you feel so alive
it's not the same when
you've just lost a five

the sun would have shone
if you'd had fifteen
five up but five gone
with envy, you're green

I know what you'll say
a half empty cup!
at the end of the day
these losses add up

you cannot ignore
the lesson, it's plain
the deficit's more
than any net gain.
Don't phone.
The X-Rhymes Aug 2022

magic spells
through mystic words
spoken well
and yet sound slurred

meanings known
are not what's heard
plates get thrown
and pots get stirred

peace and love
are now deferred
hand in glove
with threat conferred

calm and still
as once preferred
to hate and ****
is now placed third

don't know when
this change occured
free speech then
now costs incurred.
Unpopular opinions rendered in rhyme.
The X-Rhymes Mar 2022
'farewell to the lost'
hear someone assert
how 'death has a cost
that's counted in hurt'

then offerings tossed
in handfuls of dirt
and crosses when crossed
leave mud on my shirt

but I do not cry
don't bawl and don't rave
no tears to supply
don't have to be brave

that would be a lie
no face I to save
I only stopped by
to spit on your grave.
I do start off with good intentions.
The X-Rhymes Nov 2021
there’s no nerve he won’t wrack
when reflected in glass
and he’s there looking back
from the windows I pass
turns my calm to unease
with his smell of ill health
he’s the walking disease
who's infected himself
and he sits by my wife
eating lunch with my kid
like a part of their life
that is usually hid
and I watch them lean in
on each word he spoke
and he gives me this grin
like it's all a big joke
so I show him some anger
I let it all free
say 'hey doppelgänger,
don't doppelgäng me!'
and I shoo him away
like he has leprosy
not before he can say
'I am you, me and we'
now he’s lying in wait
while his power accrues
if I dissociate
then he’ll walk in my shoes
so I have to prepare
as he’s bound to return
any time, anywhere
that's the first thing you learn.
I remember this happening.
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