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Black Rose Aug 2018
is my only friend
is the only place I feel home
makes me wonder if there is someone else is
is almost everywhere
Black Rose Dec 2018
Colors that are changing.
Trees that are ageing.
Landscapes that are renewing.
Temperature starts cooling.
We all got caried away.
When we all see this on a beautiful
new day.
Black Rose Aug 2018
A couple years ago my friends told me this:
F is for forever that we will always be friends.
R is for the rest and calmed you feel with friends.
I is for the individuals that became one big group.
E is for the ego that we have.
N is for never that we will leave each other.
D is for dumb things we did.
S is for speaking to each other.
Sometimes I know this all a lie.
But that's only because you said
Black Rose Jan 2019
The things we love the most leaves behind the biggest hole when they go.
Our heart falls apart in thousands
and thousands of pieces.
When we start to love something
else it's painfull and
scary to glue all
the pieces back togheter.
We keep thinking what if my
heart falls apart again?
What if I can't find
somebody else to fix it ?
Maybe we just need to find
ourselves back again.
To glue ourselves back togheter.
Black Rose Jan 2020
You see me, how you want to see me.
You judge me, how you want to judge me.
You think you know me, but you don't.
You don't see the truth in my eyes.
The lies that you believe, have made you blind.
I offered honest opnions and love.
Wich you threw away.
When you think you know a person, you actually don't.
Spend time with that person before you think you have seen all of them.
Black Rose Feb 2020
Fly away but don't fly to far
otherwise we won't find each other.
Get lost in your thougths and let me find you.
Fall down and grab my hand.
Let me save you.
Wander around in unreal places
for I'll be your map to guide you.
Tell your stories to me
for I'll be a great listener.
Let me protect you.
Let me be around.
Black Rose Jan 2019
The endless golden light
that flews into to distance.
The light that signals
persons to come back home.
Sometimes it seems to be
a thing or person that is
the light from the lighthouse.
The light is the thing that is trying
to pull you back home
So it doesn't loses you.
So it can keep loving you.
Black Rose Dec 2018
The only person I know the best.
The person I sometimes hates the most
The only one that truly knows me.
The one that knows my darkest
What if there
are no Me's in the world anymore.
Would anyone notice .
Or are that to busy with their own Me.
Black Rose Jan 2019
The painfull action I did.
I don't regret them in some way
It only made me stronger in
who I am.
I've learned many things
things I wouldn't learned if I haven't
made mistakes
Life isn't about the path you
It's about the path you
follow after all the mistakes.
Black Rose Aug 2018
The many, many movies I have seen,
just to escape the real world.
I focus on every line and every person.
They just all blend in.
When I watch it,
I feel the mood of every person.
I feel a part of me in every person.
Maybe I just live in a movie.
Black Rose Aug 2018
The words and the rhythm gives me rest.
They make me peaceful and calm.
They make me forget
my sorrows and my pain.
When I close my eyes
I only listen to the voices
I hear in my brain.
I just focus on the words and the rhythm.
Black Rose Aug 2018
I feel the drops on my skin.
It's cold but it gives me a warmth.
They fall from the sky,
thousands and thousands of drops.
It makes me want to fly.
High above the ground.
Where I left al my sorrows.
Black Rose Dec 2018
The painfull words that cuts
my skin like a thousand knifes does.
The empty feeling that
remains after the sharp words
have left the mouth of the
person that wanted to hurt me.
The lessons I learn from it and
remind me I need to try to
stay brave and strong.
Sadness is maybe the
only thing that supports me.
Black Rose Dec 2018
The little sparkling lights
High in the sky
They watch upon us
Hoping we could fly to them
We are jealous of each
We want shimmer and shine
And the stars wants to
be normal
Then they both realise
that both of them shine
and are normal
Black Rose Aug 2018
The sky is something I admire.
It changes from color to color,
like it's changing from mood.
The sky tells u a lot
If you close your eyes and think,
you might understand.
Black Rose Jan 2019
Time takes our memories
and slowely our lives
We'll fade away soon
Nobody to remeber us
We'll forget our pain
Our suffering and our sorrow
Maybe they will forget us
Black Rose Aug 2018
Water gives many things.
It can give life to plants and trees but also
to people.
It can destroy lives and nature.
It can change your mood like when it's
warm and play in the pool with friends
or like listening to the rain that can make you
Black Rose Dec 2018
The soft invisible weaves that
caries our souls to places
more beautiful that we could
ever dream of.
Sometimes the wind is angry
because there are no souls to carry.
So it destroys and break things.
Just because the wind doesn't
want to be alone while it travels.

— The End —