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Berry Blue Aug 2019
Girls girls girls
Paint the night & set off the new age with your moon lit luck.
I think your pink days are over and your dark days are getting closer & closer.
I think you might find peace in letting go of whats made you so tough.
That luck might fund you enough till times up.
Dress up and look towards the night.
You look nice in the moonlight.
Run into that grey darkness and paint soft strokes with your white brush.
That you may find love in whats made you sober.

Girls girls girls
You look nice under the moonlight.
Berry Blue Aug 2019
Walking above and below stars
So concerned with the constellations.
A life so night you dream awake and sleep to dream of the next day.
This next day tells the tale of a generation moved by art & agape.
Oh tell me what it feels like to be ordinary and world changing.
These ambient bodies build stairs to heavens gates and get 76% on chemistry exams.
These dream filled bodies break through barriers.
They jump over moons and order dairy free off kid menus.
What it might feel like to be ordinary and face the world.
 What it might feel like to both doubt and claim the world.
To touch the elements and not create disasters but phenomenons.
Today these minds are as free as the stars above and below.
Walk on them in clean white sneakers
Jump to them in ***** white sneakers.
Berry Blue Aug 2019
Drown me in a sea of clarity.
Let my lungs take in that which is forgien to them.
That they may fill and learn to be frozen.
No more breaths to confuse me
Nothing more to understand
Lock me in the ocean.
Tie me up in seaweed and throw away the key. Weigh me down with shells and let me fall deep.
That I may feel dead to that which once interested me.
A disinterested beauty with no motives or reasons
No storms or shipwrecks
Only clear waters ahead!
Let this clear ocean be the death of me.
Drown me because I know far too well how to swim.
Berry Blue Aug 2019
Gloomy summertime
The skies lied a hundred times.
Made me feel close to life even when it left the last time.
I think these purple and blue bruises feel normal now. These clouds hide the open space and make everything closer. How?
I think it's time to say good bye.
Even though I sit under the same sky.
The different views of love have shape-shifted the skies.

Did you know the real me?
Who knows the real me?
You'll recognize me in the love that cushions my goodbyes.
Berry Blue Aug 2019
Visit the holy city of Mecca.
Do not fall in love with the ocean that keeps you from it.
Earth not water
Dissolve into yourself and tell me about the things that make granite.
Count the minerals that keep it solid.
Dont go with the flow know where you are going.
Most of the time its opposite ways the current is pulling.
Let the current go out on its voyage.
Stay here grounded covered in dirt.
Ill start writing in the sand bc they wont write stories about truth.
She told me they dont write stories about you
If you let yourself drown they won't make literature about you.
It never works out the right way for earth just like you.
Earth like you reminds the current that its lonely
Earth like you reminds the ocean current that the water its made of wont birth life out of you.
Current said "To the bottom! Quick so I can swim up when you're forgotton and live a fluid life."
Dont go down there stay here be covered in your dirt.
Take pieces of him and be covered by mud.
Dig into the earth until you reach the holy city of Mecca.
Peace be what makes you solid.
Berry Blue Aug 2019
I cant find the right thing to say.
Oh what could be left?

Is it
This or is it that?

No that cant be right.
I never even met you
But with our permission they took you away.

All that is left
Untill we meet again
I'll keep looking for right thing to say.
Berry Blue Aug 2019
Error... try again
You write me love notes.
And I give you headaches.
You write me love notes.
I seem to not get it.
How can I feel the way that I do when you do nothing but love me for me?
You write me love notes.
And I make you regret it.

I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I do.

I love you even after the world ends,
after space cracks and bends,
after the ink runs out of all of the pens.

Please dont forget it

You write me love notes.
And I give you headaches.

I promise you I've only ever wanted to give the greatest love story ever known.

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