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Berry Blue Aug 2019
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You write me love notes.
And I give you headaches.
You write me love notes.
I seem to not get it.
How can I feel the way that I do when you do nothing but love me for me?
You write me love notes.
And I make you regret it.

I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I do.

I love you even after the world ends,
after space cracks and bends,
after the ink runs out of all of the pens.

Please dont forget it

You write me love notes.
And I give you headaches.

I promise you I've only ever wanted to give the greatest love story ever known.

Error...try again.
Berry Blue Aug 2019
Forgive me for the way that I am.
I am
I am
Blinded by the tree of good and evil.
Untill these thoughts let me be.
Until these eyes let me see.
I know nothing about what it means to be truly free.
A facade; this isn't me; help; stay away!
I am poison.
I am
The fruit of the tree.
Berry Blue Aug 2019
Pressed labels against the glass read
Chocolate, hazelnut, coffee, strawberry, and vanilla.
Two scoops of berry
Two scoops of coffee
Ice cream is sweet. Ice cream is fun.
I scream I love
Ice cream!!!!!
Its all just for fun.
With a hesitant voice and a warm hand
I propose to you
It might be time to leave the ice cream parlor.

Oh but
where would we go?
Soon we'll surely know
We'll go to a new place.
The safe place the one that burns real slow.
Truly, to warm and burn is much more exciting than to cool and freeze.
Trust me you'll like it
Nobody eats ice cream for the brain freeze.

Heat up your thoughts and we'll go on next door.
For here we'll get too cold.
Or maybe
its time to knock on the door of those who think they love you most.

How vanilla

I know what you'll say
"you think too much. stop it."
but I won't
I'll say
"you drink too much. stop it."
but you wont

If we stay promise me you'll pace yourself when you eat ice cream.
I'll add a shot of baileys for your liking.

Real talk
sugar aside
It's not power.
Its the rage of love.
Its the will to do.

Pace yourself when you eat the ice cream and focus on its sweet.
Tell me how sweet is too sweet?
BEAUSE i love you
i mean i love sweet.
October 2018
Berry Blue Aug 2019
I've been dreaming about the sun
as far back as one and two.
I've been redecorating my resting place for twenty-one years.
But a grave is a grave is a grave is a grave
no matter the time it takes
to masquerade
my brave.
I've never been brave enough to face the light of day.
I've lived by reflected light.
It easy to stare at the moon by eyesight.
How do I stare at the sun with eyesight?

you came
to me past twilight and watched me redecorate.
I planted flowers in the grave.
but a grave is a grave is a grave is a grave
no matter how many flowers bloom at midnight.
(None of them did)
What then changed?

I took off the mask and let you open the door
and now
The light from the sky floods my grave with a force of a million volts.
I am reminded of the time
I thought I would never run through fields of ultraviolets.
Today I walk out of my grave.
To the day!

To what should I be afraid?
My fields are shot with blue violets.
The roots rip open grounds
as buds blossom with violence.
To what should I be afraid?

Today, because of you,
a grave is not a grave.
Today, because of you,
I wake up to the sun.
I'm staring at the sun without eyesight.
I love you
I feel the warmth of sunlight.
To the boy i love
Berry Blue Mar 2019
I can't see past yesterday's failed sunny day.
Grapes need sun to drink or they'll shrink right away.
Today's price ain't worth the bottle.
Tomorrow is dead chardonnay.
Open the vineyard
I'll try another way
Look windward~~~~~~
I'll try anyway
Berry Blue Feb 2019
The clock strikes three in the linear timezone.
A build-up of true love powers the engine that keeps the train thoughtfully on straight tracks.
I can touch you here like creation.
I can taste you here at this station.
We depart from this time to the beehive stage.
With not much to claim but the philosophy of change.
The clock strikes free in the eternal timezone.
Heaven, hell and honey.
When I sit and stare at sticky eyes I am reminded that I am as old as I'll ever be.
It warms me to think we've been growing old together since we learned to breathe.
We've been alive together at the same ol' beehive meets.

buzzing buzzing buzzing
buzzing buzzing buzzing

Making heaven, hell and honey together
without the worry of the clock striking three.
Change will be easy for you and for me.
Berry Blue Jan 2019
David had a sling and rocks made of barium sulfate.
Fast and dense like that of a bullet.
David shot a gun at the Philistine pulpit.
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