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Jake Dec 2015
I only smoke when I drink.
Just like I only live when I think.
Just like I only love when I get on the brink of losing my mind.
So I guess that's not love then.
I know I've loved before, but I'm not sure if I knew then.
I know I love who I am and what I'm working to.
But I don't know if I'll ever love you.
I guess the beautiful thing is that I could.
I don't know if I want to though.
Because everyone I've ever opened to either accepted me.
Or ran away.
And the one thing I know for sure is I don't want you to run away.
And lately I've been really feeling like a good smoke could clear my head.
But I only smoke  when I drink.
And when I drink I don't think.
And when I don't think I don't live.
And to be honest that's all I really want to do right now.
Jake Dec 2015
Everything dies.
But in order to die you must be alive.
So as long as air still fills your lungs, be free.
Don't dwell on the rainy days.
Because it can't rain forever.
And if you feel like you're is trapped in a never-ending rainstorm.
Don't be afraid to ask for help.
Probably not from me though, because god knows I have no idea what I'm doing.
Jake Dec 2015
I don't want to be a thought on your mind.
I want to be a memory you can smile about as you're trying to fall asleep.
Jake Dec 2015
At midnight I drove.
No real intention of coming home.
While I was home though I thought I saw her.
I thought I talked to you.
Half the time I was so ****** ****** though so I'm not even sure.
Jake Nov 2015
People use Love like a drug.
To get high off of someone else like they were made just to pleasure you.
And too often I see innocent hearts taken and broken because they don't understand.
And I have to admit that I've been on both ends, and I can say assuredly nothing will ever stop it.
I can offer some advice though, if you could call it that.
Define yourself by your passion.
Not those who you are passionate for.
For you are not them and they are not you.
You are not two half's to a whole, but instead two whole's to a team.
Coming from a man who occasionally does love and drugs.
Jake Nov 2015
To say I'm stressed would be an understatement.
But then again who isn't.
Every person cradles their problems in their hands and their scars on their backs.
Often unaware that the person next to them caring a similar load.
That is not to say anyone's problems mean less than another's.
Just that everyone has them.
And sometimes people need help to carry them.
I have many goals in life, places to see, land to save, pieces to write, and people to Love.
But I will do my best to always be there to help someone carry a load.
Not because I think I'm a saint.
But because I've felt weight that I couldn't bare alone.
Jake Nov 2015
You took us from our beds so that we may heat yours.
An act which in moderation we were always happy to carry out.
But your greed was too great
Your burn what took a millennium to build.
So now we will burn your world.
And many of you will cast blame on us.
When the truth of the matter is the shame should be yours to carry.
Because you see hell was our home.
So when your world is covered in ash and smoke.
We will once again be home.
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