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Why did you do this to me?
Your the reason Im addicted to cigarettes
I'd become obsessed with you
So why did you make me so addicted?
Why did you carry on with lies and deceit
Why did you ask so many questions that night?
But why were my questions still unanswered?
Why did I want the time to rewind itself?
Why didn't you look at your phone
You didn't look at your phone all night
And it made me obsessed with smiling
Why did my body feel like it was on fire
When you kissed me with such passion
Pressing me up against the front seat window
Whispering "you look good"
Guiding your fingers through my hair
Why did I want to show off
What you did to my body that night
Why did you let me borrow
The scent from your sweater?
Why did you?
Why do people notice how you look at me
Why are you the reason time goes fast?
Why are you the reason I can't catch up?
Why am I falling for someone like you?
Falling for what you don't want from me
Why am I not good enough to be with?
Why am I not yours
 Nov 2013 BaileyBuckels
more than money,
more than intellect,
more than power,
more than knowledge,

it is the conscience,
that makes one a human being,

it is the conscience,
that makes one Love.

Conscience is Love.
Love is Conscience.

Love overcomes ego,
Love overcomes lust,
Love overcomes attachment,
Love overcomes greed,
Love overcomes anger,
Love overcomes fear,
Love overcomes death.

In the end,
Love hurts, Love is painful, Love is revolution,
this is when we get God.
Missed the ‘l’ typed the ‘r’
Clime became crime
Don’t think I strayed too far
It was in tune with the time

For man sees no harm
In Globe’s getting hot
If oceans rise changes the clime
Earth becomes a melting ***

More of rain more of drought
Heat and cold in excess
Earth’s heating up is not in doubt
It’s happening without redress

The rich they don’t feel the heat
Glowing too hot in wealth
It’s the poor who’ll take the hit
Scarce food will mean ill health

You may ask where’s the link
Between crime and climate
The answer is there within a wink
Scarcity drives up crime rate

Crops will fail when the globe gets warm
For we couldn’t forsake a motor ride
Didn’t foresee belching smoke’s harm
Cared not to take earth on our side

With little food to feed hungry stomachs
Not enough to sate belly’s growls
Folks will forage like the wolves’ packs
Will take to crime the innocent souls

As for me the seller of rhymes
Though they aren’t worth a dime
When hot climate breed lot more crimes
Surely will arrive my time

*The impoverished poet with his wand of poetry
Will roam the burning roads of asphalt
Singing his rhymes in tears of misery
Selling his balm amid tumult
Its a troubled impossible to try not to be in love
Its comes in cups and kisses
Bites and dishes
Love that swims through your ears, under your skin
Love that dances on your toes, pausing on the crook of your neck
Love that wonders about you when it goes to bed at night
It doesn't have to be a crooked smile in a book shop
Or the soft glances of the girl in your math class
Its the fire wood stacked with snow playfully draped
Old sneakers with laces brilliantly dulled
Bitter sweet chocolate on a curled tongue
It slips around you
It has no name, or age or sexuality
No background story
Nothing other than the moment you've invented right then and there
Its the love around you in your wool socks and your broken spine book
Love that eases your mind
Love that turns the tides of your thighs
It has no trouble with commitment
It has no accusations rooted in insecurity
Its the love in the way your sweater pulls around you
The way the sun kisses your cheeks
The way the wind burns your ears in the most pleasently burning way
The way your breath moves from your lips in winter frost

A love story for the ages
My lover asks me:
"What is the difference between me and the sky?"
The difference, my love,
Is that when you laugh,
I forget about the sky.
Had another sucky summer start school the day after tomorrow I know they're gonna hate me and a few people will go talk trash about me but I don't care I'm going to be true to myself and whoever can accept that I'll be their friend and yes I'm emotional and weird part of it is I have reasons to be and part of it is thats just me well here's my song/poem:
I'm dreaming a waking nightmare but I'm here to have fun haters and fans alike let's just hold on you have three choices give in and conform to the norm, become violent to yourself or embrace who you are and let out your inner star and let the mainstream believe what they please we all fall down on hard times let your rock and roll heart pick you up why hurt yourself anymore that's just making the negative labels seem true if your goth dress in the black but don't let hurtful words hold you back and lay in a coffin of suicide for those dumb prudes they don't get how you feel don't let them end your life fight for what you think is right and when your personal problems get you down on the ground and the pills are in hand scream the words you feel don't pop them trust me I've been there I've overdosed I've lost the ones I love I'm judged I'm just like you I get that no one gets it but I'm ready to hold on hell this isn't my final song we all have rockability don't be silly we're all loved,hated,judged and broken hearted whether your callled scary,deadly,weird or mentally ******* remember your not alone and don't you dare change remember you have me and many more who understand I know I know I'm just a kid on your computer screen but there's an obvious connection authority thinks they can change and conform you don't cry if they make you change clothes we all know how that goes know regardless what they make you wear or wash out of your hair you still know who you are and rock yourself even without those awesome threads when you have the choice dress the best as you let them make fun of you for your differences but don't look blatantly bad brush your hair and smell the best being teased for that hurts but it doesn't hurt to dress and be who you please in all the other ways be rad be crazy let go sometimes laugh at yourself don't always be lazy accept the unaccepted and do the unexpected never give in to the mainstream again and remember no one's a poser and even if you can't win your not a loser let the deaf kid listen to music if he wants just because he can't hear it doesn't mean he can't feel it in his heart your only what you answer to and just laugh in the haters,bullies,bosses and teachers face who think they're words can effect you you know what to do they just don't understand who you are and how you feel but be proud your completely real let your rock and roll heart pick you up even though thats tough or if you prefer post *******,thrash metal or more believe in that and feel those words no matter who calls them absurd or what nerd trying to go along with the herd gives a diar complaint remember that kids no saint and shrug your shoulders even if they're older you have to be bolder let your rock and roll heart pick you up and guide you show your pride and let the world think as they please your not alone if your friends have to be online so be that atleast their true to themselves if you have to hang with the ******* the bus with seizures don't roll your eyes you don't know what its like to be her let your rock and roll heart shout out your special! Rawr!Rock and Roll Heart
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