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You can forgive, not forget
Because the past never really dies
It fades away into awkward silences
And sideways glances
Just below the surface, hidden in plain sight
Things always end badly
Because the end only comes when something has gone wrong
Knowing this, I was still shocked to see you become
So cruel and callous a person
Without a **** to give for those you loved
+  +

Let us Walk together

( Do not be afraid )

Death is always here


I know you really want to fall in love

But perhaps we must put some things

Aside for awhile

The skies are streaked with ****** images

And all the children are weeping

All the Parents are hiding

In the sanctity

Of the most infantile of sound bytes


Even the basic premise of responsibility



We must walk and talk about the death that is here

We must not allow our humanity to wither

We Must not divide

Nation from nation

Brother from sister

We cannot allow ourselves to fall to fear or pride

To **** so that we do  not DIE



It is THE time!


Best to put somethings aside for awhile

And the terror of

These        Terrible        Days

The Great Masks

The love that grows
Only  in Vulnerability

Is hidden

The Light !

( the light dies and we die )



(The Great Masks )


Mommy and daddy dressed like



We are ALL in great danger !

(YES ! We know)


We know

The great Terror

 Mar 2014 BaileyBuckels
Josh Hall
Gambled all my luck,
Said "I don't give a ****",
Now I have to hitch a ride,
A couple bucks,
Now I'm stuck out here.
Now I'm trapped in my fears,
Haven't seen a single stack,
Since all my friends have turned their backs,
It's a kick in the ***,
Smoke the grass,
Step on the gas,
What I need isn't here,
Oh well,
Shut the **** up and steer!
Eat my dust you ******* *****,
You scream all the words that you don't hear,
And I'm not asking much,
Just steer.
You fell asleep I took the wheel,
Someone screamed "****** what's your deal?"
You're not real.
If they kick the **** out of me,
They'll kick out all the memories.
It's a kick in the ***,
So I'll smoke some more grass,
But the memories stay right here.
Also Originally a Song
 Mar 2014 BaileyBuckels
Josh Hall
Look back through all our broken hopes,
Our love was everything,
You showed me the ropes,
And it lasted such a long time.
So why, oh why,
Would I abandon this coke-line?
Naive and no sting,
Really nothing to bring,
And I'll continue to sing.
But you know how I wait,
Millennium for fate,
Just to find,
It's too ******* late.
So I'll haul my *** up to the higher ground,
You may scream right up the hill,
But it won't make a sound.
We'll both move on and I won't turn around.
I'm running,
To the high road now.
So if it's alright I have to go.
Wish I could stay,
But we're done.
So now I have to go
Just leave me alone.
I wish I could stay,
But we're over,
I'm phased.
So I'll run,
And I'll never stop.
Originally a song.
 Mar 2014 BaileyBuckels
Josh Hall
I am no poet,
I am a song,
I am a violence that is my own psalm.
I am a lyricist,
And I wish to post,
Something to raise a toast,
To my favorite inciters of rage and prose.
I have been taking time off of poetry to write songs. I write them all the time. I will probably be receiving flak for them being songs, but we'll see.
:: <<<>>> ::

Death is here

( so what? )

Pain is here

( so what? )


(((((     Now is your turn to say   ---   So what? )


Who is it writes the rules around here?

So if you feel like cutting yourself    ---   ?

Walk around bleeding !

If that the  way you reveal yourself


That it is stupidity & demeaning & self defeating

Goes without saying
But if that's you



Who IS writing the rules around here?


Demented cowards?






It is NOT sensitivity that marks our poetry






(( I know         ------       So what! ))

It's just a way to **** around is all !!!!
My writing can't always be filled with heartbreak and getting over loss.
Tonight I'll write for her, the one who helped me more than she knows.
Whether she views me as a brother, or as more than I friend I care for her.
I've said way too many things to her that I mean, than I meant to say.
If that is a good thing I will never know, but she may know if I asked.
She supports the way I think, and doesn't mind when I say my awkward thoughts.
I am writing for the one who gave me the strength to try to write a happy message.
I am writing because I don't want people to get the wrong idea about me at the same time as writing for her.
I am not the one who is always stuck in some rut that can only be escaped through helping others.
That is just the kind of person that I am.
I want to write music with the girl, and I want it to be stuck in my head to justify thinking about her.
I want to say all of the stupid things I can say before she asks me to stop.
I would like to make a friendship something more, even if that just means being a brother to her.
I don't want her to be hurt by anything anymore, and I know I can't do that but I have to try.
Even if every sweet word I say stings, it was meant well.
Even if I can't fix her broken heart, I can remind her that someone is there.
Would a song help if I wrote it, and not just any song.
A song about what the world has done, and any other inhumanities I feel hurt.
A song about what I feel to let her know that I care.
A song that is just for her whenever she wants to hear it.
I don't know what song I should make, but if I hit the right notes it could be what she needs.
Music won't fix a broken heart, and neither will making something just for someone else.
Giving someone the strength to find closure is what you need to do, but if you don't know how to give it to them they will hurt for longer.
Music is what keeps her going, so music will be the message to help her heal.
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