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BaileyBuckels Dec 2013
Stopped thinking
can't breath ,
so cold,
in the middle of the day
died from
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
So... I'm the open minded girl who speaks her mind and is hated because she has no filter. So here's what happened: Me, being me, walks up to this random guy i find vary cute and tell him. Now, two weeks later he starts talking to me. We both just sit with one friend by the library; Me with my best friend on the east side of the wall and him and his, i'm assuming, best friend on the west and the two just sit and watch me and my friend talk and laugh and fool around. And I really like him, on the occasions we have talked i have grown to like him but we are a grade apart, he is a sophomore and i'm A freshman  (but i was held back)  and i have aerobics the same hour he has gym and we pass each other in the hallways and he has this really cute flirtations he only uses when he smiles at me. I am rambling on like an idiot but i don't care, i want to get this off my chest. all im saying is i don't know if he likes me or is trying to be polite, I'm so confused!!! when i found out his name, it was sean
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
A reminder
you are
and I'm
is yours

A successful
breach in the
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
You turned my heart to stone,
Bleached it white with your likes
The indifferent mask that is applied to your face
is a symbol of how much you 'loved' me and
How much you 'really cared'
because if you really cared you wouldn't lie to my face
and wouldn't ignore me
you were my best friend
and my worst enemy
you couldn't find what you wanted in me and
what you did find wasn't what you expected
from me; you expected cheerfulness and beauty
but thats whats is not there, whats there is sorrow and bitter sweat
that was my mistake, to let you read that book
and turn those pages,
you should burn that book before someone else has the chance to read me
but you never will and you could never bring yourself to it.
This is really a mash up of how i feel right now because i have mixed emotions and don't really want anyone who personally knows me to know how i feel
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
On my page There is the beautiful words 'in a relationship with...'
You could insert your name here
But you never would
I'm not the girl that you would like
I'm not your type.

On that little four word sentence and those dots
puts my heart in a skip
I am afraid to click the 'see more'
and when I do my heart stops.....
And the name there is mine
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
Fat                                              Loser                                 ***
                      ******                                Emo                                                                 *****
                                  *****                                                  *****
      ****                                              ****
                         Goth                                           Lesbian                             Prissy    

Words do hurt people and nobody seems to understand this, Just because it is what you think doesn't mean it should be said </3
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
Privacy does not exist in a family of five,
And trust is earned.

when you are me you have neither.
And what you do have, its very little

Open doors
and Closed hearts
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