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May 2013 · 790
The week of rain
REAL May 2013
I am a

She is the

I have a heart of red roses
and eyes of purple lily's
a mind of wild flowers
and hands of dried orchids

I am a Flower

She has a heart of a warm lake
and eyes of a big sea
a mind of a deep blue ocean
and hands of cold rain

She is the Rain

I need the Rain
to live
to grow
Without Rain
I dry up
like my hands
and die

But she rains
on other flowers
and not me
and i am drying up
like my orchid hands

and i wait for her
to rain on me
May 2013 · 510
Beautiful Kissed Cheeks
REAL May 2013
Nibbles on my cheek
Will i Forget
The eyes
Of green

And the kisses of summer
Apr 2013 · 275
Lovely nights
REAL Apr 2013
Can you?
Will you?
Dip my heart in love?
Apr 2013 · 399
Perfect Winter Days
REAL Apr 2013
Oh,love the night
and wake up in the snow

Run through the days
Until the leaves turn green
Until her face falls in the summer moon

My white brain
white bones
nibbled in the break of dawn
While i see laughter drops
falling from the curves of her lips

The frozen river
turns to spring

And the fumes of my coffee
wraps me to warmth

Singing on the summer beaches
with her red hair sinking in my bones
Apr 2013 · 427
Riding in the fog
REAL Apr 2013
Fell asleep in the foggy park
Woke up to the sounds of her heart beat
With her head leaving a dent in my arm
and the grass ties us down

sun breaks through the leaves
and her warm body
moves ever so gently

We'll never forget
We'll never forget...

white clouds
travel through the sky
leaving us with a thought

We'll never forget
We'll never forget...
Spring mornings
Apr 2013 · 1.3k
Coffee Drops
REAL Apr 2013
Old Leaves
Burning lovely
                                                          ­                                                                 ­                  Oh,love
                                                         ­                                                                 ­                   Wrapped my bones
                                                           ­                                                                 ­  Disappeared in your beauty

The summers burning
Up the hill
With your hair
On one side
Of spring
                                                          ­ Standing far
                                                            O­n cloud floors
                                                          ­ With your sun warm hands
                                                          A­nd with your soft brown skin

Clocks faded
shaking my hand
till it went numb

                                            She opened
The ocean
                          Until it crashed on me

Till we meet again

Until we swim to the shore

Of relaxing

Mar 2013 · 363
Winter mornings
REAL Mar 2013
I always liked
Walking in snow
while it snows very hard

The feeling of snow sleeping on my black messy hair
and my pants frozen and wet
of  all the snow reaching up to my knees

While everybody stays under blankets
drinking coffee
staring at the falling snowflakes

i stand out
covered in snow
like i am waiting for some miracle

i guess am waiting for her
that girl to come up behind me
tapping my shoulder

gently turning my head
she'll be there
with her blue  crystal eyes
burning me

and we'll kiss
Mar 2013 · 548
I walk upon dark clouds
REAL Mar 2013
I like to see you shine
shine above the world
that had been dark
for many years
oh, how i love to see you

Theres no man
no man
that loves you
like him
so why am i here?
REAL Mar 2013
This cold and warm feeling

                oh how you shivered

oh how you shivered


With our legs landing heavily on the wet grass

With your hand

oh how we disappeared

in the cold warm night


Mar 2013 · 681
Nibbled Days
REAL Mar 2013
These sunny days
Oh, how they beat me down
Let's not go back
To the days
That made us tired and old

Come on let's run
Let's run right through the grass
And sing loud songs
And fall asleep
In each others arms

In these summer beds
Mar 2013 · 489
Who do you Become?
REAL Mar 2013
The sun Fell
Each step burning
The heat nibbles at my feet
And my bones
Buried under leaves
And you cold hands
Wrapped around me

Hanging over me
The drops of  melting years

Dreams becoming cold
Lingering words
Lingers on my mind
I have no choice now
But to hug my sins
That are driving me old

Memory's of that afternoon
Breaks Through like a wave
Escaping now
Disappearing now
old days...

Talk to me
With the sound of your teeth
Eating at my nerves

Wanting to breath
Under water,
Burnt liquid
Troubles my guts

Oh how i love
To see you glimmer
Over the city

Turning tight
Forever forgot
Fast alive
gasping for love...

Painting on your knees
Breaking your fists
Who are you?
Who are we?
Mar 2013 · 633
Lovely, Lovely
REAL Mar 2013
what a lovely night, to hear love songs,as my heart grows big and my eyes grow small, oh how lovely, oh how lovely your smile shoots across the sky

What a lovely night to hear love songs, to read love words, as love has hopelessly disappeared, as my heart keeps closed, oh how lovely, oh how lovely were these times when our soul was exploding inside us.

oh how i wish these lovely times would come again! come and crawl back into me, oh how i wish, how i wish i could touch your lovely face once more, once more on a winter night

Oh how I wish I could have hope, a tiny finger of hope, just send me a smile, just tell me a word, just give me a look to tell me everything is still possible.

still possible for my love,for my love to creep back into your heart,still possible for my lips to touch yours,touch yours...

Oh, how I wish this could be true, how I wish these words were yours, how I wish you whispered them in my ears, how I wish your words could vibrate my ears and my whole body and soul, like they used to do. Oh how I wish what you are saying wasn't a dream of mine, oh how I wish you were really near to me, oh how I wish I could tend my hand and tighten yours, Oh how I wish if I rose my hand it wouldn't only grab the air of my loneliness.

oh how i wish, how i wish you were by my side on this winter night...

But you're not. I'm walking barefoot in the snow, and tomorrow I'll be sick. If you had only been
** With the help of my dear friend Adèle**
Feb 2013 · 485
Beside the ocean waves
REAL Feb 2013
I get lost, lost like a star without it's moon
Lost when i stare into her crystal eyes
Green like the leaves, after a rainy hour
The summer
Blue like ocean disappearing off the horizon

The sun burned through the window
Onto my heart
I realized i have fallen
To deep
To deep

My Bones feel to numb
I feel to weak
When i
See her
Turning my eyes

Her smile
Oh, her smile
Get's me
Get's me
REAL Feb 2013
Am gone
am far away
this night
this strange feeling
crawling in my brain

another nibbled finger nail
another nibbled memory
this night
this strange feeling
making my heart pound

a cold night
a cold stare
i walk away
in the darkness of the white snow
oh, this night
oh, this feel

another summer night
spent by the fire
another summer night
spent by the fire alone
this night
this feel

i found myself digging a hole
in my wall
i found myself troubled by the moon
why does it shine on me
this night
this night

one morning
on a summer morning
i took a shower
boy, did i feel...
that feel
that feel
that feel of betterness
and bitterness drained away
down the gunky drain

on a summers afternoon
i took a walk
a walk in the field
on the painted green grass
there she sat
oh, this feel
oh, this feel
this feel of **alive
Jan 2013 · 412
Let me laugh with the sky
REAL Jan 2013
Even the deepest ocean's
has light
hidden at the back of your head

am crazy
they turn me
turn me
until i fall

come on, come on
smile now
smile for the sky

people often ask
were are you going...
to tell you the truth
no were...
am going no were
am just a typical man
finding something to fill this hole
buried deep inside me

maybe just a place were
the grass is greener
were the air is cleaner
and were the clouds are whiter

maybe just a place
a place...
were people smile
for the sky

hey don't do that
don't let your eyes
fall to the floor

just take and throw
take and throw that
that hides you from this world

there's that beautiful smile
now look up to the sky
and laugh
with the sky
Jan 2013 · 630
Toi,Moi le Lapin
REAL Jan 2013
One month later
you forgot so fast,so fast
now what am i
a man with no face
just a black silhouette hanging over me

My brain is on fire
am thinking to much
stop me
stop me
from caring for someone
who hates me

christmas is coming soon
the city will go to sleep under a white blanket
i'll stay awake
walking in the deep white snow
i'll walk up to your pink house
thinking weather to knock or not
on your door
and tell you with snow on my face
with snow on my heart
''i still want you''
Jan 2013 · 646
Cigaret fumes
REAL Jan 2013
My bones are wet
i'll go somewhere
were i'll never remember you
sadness just lingers over me when thoughts of you flow in
goodbye,goodbye am going to the moon
goodbye,goodbye thoughts of you they'll disappear like cigaret fumes
Jan 2013 · 4.1k
Moonlight Eyes
REAL Jan 2013
I remembered her face
On a winter night
Were my brain buried under snow of thoughts
what will i
what will i
When her eyes glow in the moonlight
When I hear her soft voice wrap around my ears

I’ll turn my hand into a fist and hide it in my pocket
Trying to squeeze the life out of my nerves
Oh, her beauty
Oh, her beauty
How it makes my knees shakes
Oh how it makes my eyes turn
How it makes my words turn into liquid

But each night
My thoughts melt onto my pillow
What will I say
What will I do
I don’t care
I don’t care
All I want is to see her moonlight eyes
To see her beauty
To see your hair running down
Her bright face…

One day
One day
I’ll see her again
Standing in front of me
Melting the snow under her boots

And I’ll be standing there
Nervous as hell
Forcing the bundle of words stuck in my throat
And my frozen breath
Escaping the dark

But then I’ll wrap my arms around her
And hug her tight
Until my frozen body heats up
And I’ll look into her moonlight eyes
Moonlight eyes
And I’ll say
‘’it’s been a while hasn’t it?’
Jan 2013 · 425
I was crazy and afraid
REAL Jan 2013
Old, alone
and sore

he packs his suitcase
and packs his torn leather shoes

he leaves
never gonna return

walking upon shore
it rains
dripping from his sin
and his glasses get lost in the drops

the water crashes against
and he runs his fingers in the deep sand

his teeth glimmer in the ray of the sun

a tap on his shoulder
a frail tap
oh so frail
Jan 2013 · 500
December mornings
REAL Jan 2013
i'll wake up today
i'll wake up  tomorrow
i'll wake each day...

i'll wake up  to  the sounds of cars driving by
i'll wake up to the sound of my radio
i'll wake up  a quarter to 11:00
i'll wake up to walk in the snow
i'll wake up to watch you walk down the same street
i'll wake up to  wish that i'll talk to you one day

i'll wake up to look myself  in the  mirror
i'll wake up  to wake up
i'll wake up to go back to sleep
i'll wake up to drink my coffee

i'll wake up  today
i'll wake up tomorrow
i'll wake up one day to say
''i woke up today to say i love you''
REAL Jan 2013
You push your weight on me
the weight, your world is breaking my back
how am i supposed to breathe
you can't see your suffocating me
i need an escape
i need to runaway
runaway, from the sins of your ghost

these days, these days
they never change
you continue to stand out in front of my door in winter
darling, can't you see there's no point
i'll never open the door
i'll wait till the snow takes you away

you still have a grip on me
let it go, let it go
to me you were my glowing moon
and i was your ever shining sun
now our love is gone
now summers gone and we've disappeared

your body has gone numb
is it from the tears
that hit the floor

you've pushed my head under water
now am gasping for change
dear, you can't hold onto to me forever
let it go,let it go

these nights end all the same
always end the same
you still wrap  yourself around me
Jan 2013 · 402
Square clock, square time
REAL Jan 2013
I've found a lie
buried in your face
am tired of digging it out

open the door to
the world were stars
are bright
and the sun burns through

take this road
through the woods
and through the clouds

let's take our life
and run away
burning all the things we knew

now take my hand
let's take our life
and run away
burning all the things we knew

now take my hand
let's go to the moon
it tells the truth

and let's never look behind

— The End —