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Zersrol Nov 2018
I'm confused
You could say
I'm in a disarray
Never on track
Always acting wack
I wish I could understand
But sadly
This is out of my hands

Better to be
Than not to be
Wish I could please you
Sadly I don't know how to
Tell you what to do or what to say

I'm no expert coming to your complications
So don't feel like I'm going to help.
You might as well ask the devil for help,
Because I just don't know...
I hope you enjoy...
Zersrol Nov 2018
I’m bored
And I don’t feel adored
Why isn’t he or she giving me hearts
To please my ego
Thought I was retro
Really I’m the amigo who deserves your love from the get go
Maybe I’m high Matience
Maybe I’m evil
But can you really blame me for wanting your love
As if it was food
To please my hunger

I may be no Katness Evergreen
But I do know my way around the arrow
To get the succulent love from your heart
I may be the devil
Wanting attention
But can you really blame me
For wanting your love
As if I was a vampire
******* the red
From your heart
Never to gain color
Because of my cause

I believe it was worth
Too bad now that you’re worthless now
Your heart has no blood for me to **** out

I may be considered heartless and inconsiderate
You’re not wrong
I look for others’ hearts
To fill the gap in my parts
What you think may be right but soon enough you’ll become worthless to my cause
So feel grateful I even considered you
As my supper
A never fulfilled super
I hope you enjoy
Zersrol Nov 2018
Day becomes night
Night becomes day
I rise
Then fall
My pride is strong
Later I’m self continous
And depressed

I raised my hopes
Instead I’m left with doubts
I can’t resist
The Scales always turn
Right or left
But never twist
So don’t try to twist my life around
Unless you want to make me cry
As you hurt me inside
I made this because my class was learning about mass and weight. I hope you enjoy❤️
Zersrol Nov 2018
Back and forward
Forward and back
I feel the sweet down my back
Always sad on one
Always happy on the other

Only in the middle
When nothing is moving
Back and forward
Forward and back

Emotions swing like a bat
The strings is what keeps me going
Hopefully they never snap
I’m being held by a thread
Only a matter of time
Until I’m dead

Back and forward
Forward and back
Soon enough I’ll go too high
Either in front
Or behind
Depends on which side
I swing far
For the rise

Back and Foward
Forward and back
My emotions are a swing
Always moving
In a pattern
Until I’m done
Good bye my swing of life
I Wish you forwell
I’m out of time...
I hoped you all enjoyed ❤️!!!
Zersrol Nov 2018
We sail
With the caravan
West Indies we go
The line that brought culture
To our homes

The pope commands
Spain’s spread
Across the land

Yellow, Blue and Red
The shield
The stars
And the abstract
And Colombia
The three countries of three colors
Neighbors in the land
Of Spain’s essence

Starting from East
Coming to the West
Claiming the land
When riches were command
Queen Isabella paid
And was soon repaid
With lands for home
For their country
Can expand the most

Voyages came
India was the destination
Confusion and desperation
They was sadly mistaken

Amerigo Vespucci
Was the man
Who confirmed this land
This land was named after him.
America was confirmed
To be the new land
Of a world so big
With high demand

Spain voyaged in the need of trade
Instead they discovered and claimed
Argentina, Bolivia , Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guetamala and Puerto Rico and the Three countries of three colors.
Conquistadors fought and soread across the land.
A search for the riches,
The queen did command

A beautiful language
From Spain’s influence
Romantic, sweet, and dramatic
The culture of so much history
Known around the oceans and the lands
Hispanic Heritage
Never forgotten
For how Grand
This is a rap and poem, I performed this poem on October 24 for my school play. They all enjoyed it but my father ofc, he is a tough cookie but that’s alr. I hope you all enjoy ❤️
Zersrol Oct 2018
Starting slow
Speeding up
Felt unreachable
Just my luck
The car continues off
As I follow with lust

I keep following
Taking detours
Out of trust
Soon enough I hit a hole
But wouldn’t  stop
Due to my stupidity

How naive I was
For believing I could catch up
Instead I should of went faster
Not to the car’s limit
But to surpass her with my pride

She was not all
All to me
Is me
Not her
And her silly games
Of cat and mouse

I have finally surpassed
Forgetting my Obession
Finally at peace
Not begging for her attention

My Obession is done
Now I may continue on
With my pride in mind
Never to fall for someone again
But that would be a lie
Lust will soon rise again
Even if I don’t want it to...
This part two to the Obession with the car, I have finally got over my Obession, now I may feel at peace with my depression no longer haunted by her presence. Sorry for not posting for a while, school has been quite a trouble. For all of you I will post a poem on oct 24 after my performance at my play. I will  narrate and perform my poem for all can appreciate and hear on this date. ❤️
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