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 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
I am sad today
Not because anyone died
Not because I received criticism
Not because I broke my television
Nothing like that

I am sad because my alarm did not go off on time
And I am sad that the lady at the bagel store
Did not put enough cream cheese on my bagel
I am sad because I could not find the right words
And because I smeared my pen on the page

It is always the small things
Because they slip between the cracks of the walls
That I had spent so long building
Walls that I built to keep back the things
That make me sad in the first place
So when you asked why I was sad and I refused to tell you why, it was because I was afraid you would think I was weak for letting insignificant things bring me down.
 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
Anon C
It will take my skin a month to heal
and I am scared of the results
I am scared
dropping like flies among poison air
going down it screams at me from within
how much can be lost
before a heart stops
an already weakened heart
physically, emotionally drained
continually trying, constantly losing
the gong chimes under one hundred now
tick tock.. tick... tock.....
clock face cracking
pale aura
brittle bones
weak inside paper skin
not much more can be lost
before becoming a pile of ash
scattering into the wind to be forgotten
Struggling to gain weight. Nothing works. I am not trying hard enough. Have had a heart monitor for almost a month now ( my skin is f*****d where it sits) and I am not entirely sure I want to know the results. Could be nothing could be something terrifying.
 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
I don't know why I love you at all
I might as well be in love with a wall
You're so stubborn my love
But its hard to ignore you
You're too stubborn
But I simply adore you
 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
Kiss me.
 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
I look deep into your eyes
Every second of my life they buy
You take my breath away
You make my heart sway
My soul and my body cries out
"Kiss me now" without a doubt
I lean to you and hold you tight
You wrap your arms around me
Without a fight
I pull back slightly afraid
You pull me closer. Much more brave
You lean to my and our lips meet
The taste of yours oh so sweet
I worry on how you think
If I am a small link
But you kiss me.
You kiss me.
 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
I find organic to be fun
Becuase there's a cute boy in my class
And I always have to be careful
Not to stare at that ***.

And my train of thought
Just seems to get lost
Between ionization of electrons
And very ***** thoughts.

I'm always trying to focus
With my very best effort
On the professor and lecture
My answers are always cohort.
When I get called on
The answers slip out
I'm never all there
But I never have to doubt.

I know they're right
It's all in my head
So bursting with facts
A plethora of premed

That's exactly why
I never have time
To ponder emotions
Or cry and whine.

I've got equations to solve
And solutions to mix
I've got labs to write up
And patients to fix.

So while I may like a boy
I know it'll never work
I'm emotionally bankrupt
And he'll take me for a ****.

Because I wont talk feelings
I've got anatomy to memorize instead
And I wont have time for long dates
Because I'll be studying or in bed.

So I wont ask for his time
Because I haven't any to return
I don't have any to give away
No free minutes to burn.
 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
Let your voice for once, listen to your feelings,
For words and tears wait for none,
Let those eyes be as silent as ever,
Else they might speak the bitterness of your heart

Yes I remember those sleepless nights,
And those lamps, that burned with your memories,
Yes those black crisp petals are still afresh with your memories,
As I can still smell the scent of love that lingered around you, within me,

Yes I still remember the sound of your steps under the storm of sunlight,
Narrowing towards me like the ripples of water towards the shore,
Yes I still smell the scent of love that once came with the breeze you brought along,
Now I realize, remembering and dreaming are not so varied after all.
There exists A Question.
A Question beaten down by
Scientists, et cetera.
A Question oversimplified,
Over time.
A Question under-appreciated
A Question too simply asked
Without preparation for the answer.
Without knowledge of its contents.
Without trust in its meaning.
A Question asked
But not fully perceived.
A Question as to what is
Rather than what it does.
A Question who's answer
Is as complex as its source.
A Question who's action
Is stronger than its being.
I love this question.
I hate this question.
But, I can only do my best to answer.
Because, after all, 'tis only
A Question.
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