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 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
Anon C
In a fit of rage you were
Breath thick with liqueur
A shotgun in his face held
Such anger could not be quelled
Screams of hatred impure
Naive, I jump in unsure
Now a gun held in my face
Unaware of the danger I brace
Shouts to move, nothing heard
Life I protect, I hear no word
Stop, just stop, this makes no sense
What triggers a crime so immense
A crime of passion you would regret
Put down the gun, you are the threat
It is not worth your lover interred
Sighs of relief, that night no boom heard
I don't remember how this ended so at a loss on how to end it other than as it is.
 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
Starlight, star bright,
All the stars I can see tonight,
Her eyes, they shine,
When she sees him and sighs,
Tonight they will know what it has been like,
With her standing in front of that mic,
Speaking her words to them all,
Telling her stories of fall,
About what they went through,
And all they got into,
About how she crumbled,
While they tumbled,
Her love just wasn't enough,
But she knows that life is tough,
When she cries herself to sleep,
She knows she won't sleep that deep,
Even though this goes on for so long,
She knows she must be strong,
But she can see,
This is how life is ment to be,
Looking at the stars saying,
*Starlight, star bright...
 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
I Imagine
 Nov 2012 Ayeglasses
I'm sitting at a wooden desk
A quill in a *** as black as pitch
And with feathers as soft as sea water
The desk with peeling white paint
Has drawers
With crooked silver sconces
To hold the candle stumps
At night, as I write
I use parchment, not paper
Stroking the rough, grainy surface of it
Waiting for my fingers to go numb
In front of me a window
Of warped and misty glass
But I throw it open to feel the air
As its wafts, heavy and salty
Past the curtains I've hung there
And clings to my face and neck
I pretend I am the sea
Clasping the quill in my hand
Freshly dipped into its ***
I write in thin, twisting letters
I imagine they are grape vines
Twisting through an orchard
Fat with grapes
Purple from the sunrise
And these letters make words
So sweet
I can almost taste the wine on my tounge
Beloved, do not linger in your old addictions any longer!
for i know what your capable of!
Your not the lies being whispered into your heart....your addictions killing you, and if you keep going it will soon take over your mind and your heart...
turned you into something your not... How much longer will you say thats your last time?.... i am jelous for you!
come back to me!
everyone has addictions....and if you don't you've had the temptation...i feel like this is true in everyone's lives..
For i say hear me!
doesn't it always get darkest before the sunrise?
The victory is ours!
Times of glorious triumph is ahead!
So rise up and declare happiness when times get rough, and circumstances say that your worthless, recognize that, that's the enemy, and cast out there lies.
Start seeing yourself from a heavenly prospective, NOT how your earthly experiences depict you.

Thats why i died on the cross for you,
thats why i took the crown of thorns for you,
Because i...wanted...YOU!
so you wouldn't have to be drowning in sin,
so you could live and not be afraid of the devils curses.
Thats why i said "it is finished"
I ment it...
sounds like something jesus would say:)
Unforgettable... the lyrics of Nat K. Cole play through my head.....
if only i could have seen her walk down the isle to that my what was supost to be a commitment...
I start to choke up and my eyes get blurred from the tears, violently approaching my weary eyes..
I wish i would have seen it. i wish i could have watched everyone rise from their seats, as my mother took her graceful, sol-um steps down the isle to her beloved....
i wish i could have seen his astonished face, with teary eyes from being swept away by her beauty.... Unforgettable....
I need to be near you,
dont give your love away.
use it all on me, if you feel the same...
cause boy i know i dont deserve you,
but i cant help but feel this way!
Everybody thinks somethin,
Someones always telling me what to think,
they say walk away, but i wanna stay... But
i can think for myself,
your just holding me back when i know theres more.
theres no point in fighting with you..
i dont need you, but i love you and you keep bringing me back to let me go,
just say you dont love me so i can move on, and love again.....
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