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 Dec 2012 Ayeglasses
Anon C
On my feet
no destination in mind
what an awful feeling
I have walked so long
with no thoughts
I am utterly lost
no one around
completely alone
as I have always been
my body is so weak
I can hardly stand
and yet still I walk
no end in sight
the pain of a lone road
what could be more tragic
the light that did guide
something of dreams
that which I do not deserve
so keep walking
do not stop, do not dream
dreams are for fools
or at least I think
do not cry
tears are for heroes
my feet are blistered
too far I have gone
still naught in sight
hope given and taken
the reality is
this world cannot be lovely
it is just too dark
I recede into me
I am done walking
I lie down at last
no more walking
I loved too hard
I died
I don't want to be another **** being tossed in the wind, yet I watch for the harsh winded souled to join... It's my loss, but I'm tricked to think that I have gained triumph, once again I fall into there traps, not knowing that while I was beig brain washed by alcohol, I was being taken over by dark spirits... So now I weakly crawl back to the father barley catching my breath, knowing I'm covered with shame such like a blanket threaded with lose... But once again he welcomes me back in to his loving arms.... To someone once fallen and captured..
After all those years, hiding my face from you,
...judging others,
bashing your character,
and letting sin drive my life...
putting my love from music and singing worship for you behind me...
After giving up on you....
all it took was one encounter from you god
to drop to my knees and relize what a deep lie i was living in...
that ive been a slave to sin for far to long...
that maybe ive forgotten who the grace God created me
to be and turned my life into *******...
the worst part is i became so blind for so long that i didnt recognize the Me ,
that God created me to be...
so i said God, after all the years i gave up on you,
and hid my heart from you,...
have you lost hope in me?...
God, oh God
is there anything you can do?...
He said,
all the times you bashed my name and gave up on me,
i love you the same as i always have...
and my joy was overwhelmed when you came back...
All the times you slipped up,
all the times youve turned your face from me,
i will never hide my face from you
... now its time, i can finally finish my work in you...
God will never turn his his face from me, no matter how many times **I** have given up on him and no matter how many times i turned and hid my face from him...
 Dec 2012 Ayeglasses
Emelia Ruth
Gosh, I love you.

I talk about you often.
I think about you constantly.
I gaze at the only picture I have left of you
that hasn't been burned, torn, trashed, or deleted.

I talk about how much of a **** you were to me.
I think about how you called me a lesbian and unattractive everytime I look at my hair.
I gaze at the picture of us as little kids, sitting together on your porch swing.
I think about how you're different from those days.
And I wonder about the things we might do if we ever see each other again.

Somehow after eight years, I'm still horribly in love with you.

It is probably a good thing that I can't see you anymore.
 Dec 2012 Ayeglasses
Anon C
Once envisioned, a serene fantasy
A fantasy once known well
Lost in the throes of ecstasy
A hopeful face in a troublesome sea
Alas, the sea is turbulent, deep, treacherous
And you can only swim down
Vision obscured the farther one goes
Soon all that will guide you is the smell in your nose
That hopeful face has grown quite dim
The air in your lungs is growing so slim
Soon enough you will join that which was lost
And it will be cold like a layer of frost
Without the face so long adored
You hit the insidious ocean floor...
Silhouette dancing in your mind of what was lost
Deepening into your layer of rust
Eroding into a bed of unrecognizable dust
For the air above you feel that lust
Alas, you cannot breathe anymore, air has run out
You flee from flooding thoughts of doubt
Attempting one last breathe in which to shout
You drown in the freezing water spout
As the final realization hits you
This is not what you've seen
All hopes shattered in a sorrow so keen
You're floating now, nearly drifting in doubt
Wondering will the pain ever cease, ever hush
The air in your lungs makes you silently blush
For even if you're gone, you're still truly there
Where you are is what was there
And that is where I will stay, breathing your air
A poem co-written with my friend Terrin Simbre IV on loss. Thank for taking the time. I had fun!
 Dec 2012 Ayeglasses
Llahi Fuego
“I loved you like a man loves a woman he never touches, only writes to, keeps little photographs of.”*
Charles Bukowski

Her soft, elegant lips
Form a happy smile,
A sharp contrast with her moist eyes.
A magnificent ruin.
It was her impassioned spirit that led them through
As they hovered on tiptoe
Into uncharted waters.
Sooner enough,
Innocent affection flowered
Into overwhelming passion.
The candle of love was lit,
And as it flickered
He was able to look into her eyes,
Not deep inside,
But just enough to see a reflection of himself-
Look at me. What am I doing? Is this right?
With that same light
She was able to look in his heart
And see him as nothing
But an apostle of pleasure.

She forever drifted off into reverie
And when shaken up from it,
She got up to chase a mirage,
Pulling and tugging and urging him along too
But he only made token efforts to find it.
And it finally made sense-
Those many, many nights,
Where there were more drinks and less lights,
And the grey plume of smoke from his cigarette constantly rose up and clouded his vision,
He only saw the real him,
Never the real her.
3:40 in the morning
the pain wakes me
I find myself clawing at the bed sheets
grinding my teeth
my mind escapes to some place serene
the first snow fall
the sunset
my love's eyes first thing in the morning
my body contorts....
I think of a baby's giggle
people dancing a number
chasing my friends at 11 years old down the block

I begin to shake
I think of soft serve on a hot day
sinking into a hot bath
kissing so sweetly in moments of tenderness
my father daughter dance

I get ****** back into the ache
I fight it
I dispell it from my mind
like a thorn in my side
Mind over matter
matter doesnt mind
pain the only reminder I'm alive
I must embrace this
 Dec 2012 Ayeglasses
My Sister
 Dec 2012 Ayeglasses
She will leave one day
I know it, I've always known it
But I chose to ignore it
When she turned eighteen
When she turned nineteen
She'll be twenty one in four months
And I'm still ignoring it
I used to imagine a day
When her wheezing old SUV
Would be stuffed to the ceiling with trophies
And duffel bags
The only things she had in her room
When she was twelve
I imagined hugging her thin frame
Cherishing the warmth of her stomach
And soaking her shirt with my tears
Then with a sad smile
She would squeeze through the door
And trundle on down the road
Her old soccer trophies glinting off the dull sunlight
That filtered through layers of clouds
And pine needles
But that day is not today
And she is still my sister
 Dec 2012 Ayeglasses
I can hear your rejection
I can taste your disgust on my tounge
I know I am an infection
But we all get infected when we're young
Can you sense my abjection?
Can you see the resentment in my eyes?
I know I am a corruption
But we all get corrupted before we die
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