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 Dec 2012 Ayeglasses
I’m telling you, it’s not about the inability to smile
or the bad posture
it’s not about the lack of appetite or the dark circles under your eyes
you’ll get to sleep soon
a good, deep, fresh sleep that’ll nurture you back to sanity
or at least gaiety  
it’s just today,
I swear you’re still beautiful and blessed
the mirror might be making a cruel joke on you
but that’s just today
you’re no rat, okay?
(hell, even rats can be beautiful, but I still do think you are much more heavenly and beautiful than a rat)
maybe someone or something gritty poked a pin in and it’s
draining you all out
energy all out
shine all out
sense all out
but it’s just today and you can get it back tomorrow
or the next day
(though, don’t put it off too long or else you’ll be swimming with the sharks - and I’m not saying you’ll be one of the sharks, more like plankton for a feast)
you’ll get it back
you will
and it’s not about failing to get somewhere or getting somewhere to fail all over again,
it isn’t about failure
it isn’t about success either
it’s just about breathing because sometimes that’s all you can do
until maybe you get that good sleep and can grin again
like you used to
 Dec 2012 Ayeglasses
My Doctor
 Dec 2012 Ayeglasses
I'd open with a Dear or Love
I think I'd say I love you
But the truth is not between your lungs
The truth is high above you
The days of late we have converged
Inside the smallest room
I'd glance at you and hear you laugh
Her face would bring me gloom
I've wanted to say this for some time
I've felt it even longer
But with each darkened day that falls
My lips become weaker, not stronger
I use this letter to save my lips
From letting certain secrets slip
And use my fingers to write you this
Though I doubt you'll read it
The thought of holding you to me
Brings me these pleasant shudders
But when I think to ask you for it
Only silence my lips sputter
You are all I've asked for
But not what I thought I'd need
I've never been one to follow
The rules I do not heed
I imagined you much different
But with still the same wonder
You're caliber of similarity
Has torn my head asunder
Your beauty has no ends it seems
Though you do not uphold it
You only show it when you sing
And it alights my spirit
I've know you all my life in dreams
My patience broken like a bough
If I told you, you might appear confused
And you might ask me how
I'd smile sweetly and sit you down
Then it would never be the same
After I said I'd known you all my life
But I had never known your name
THe righteous cry out
And the lord HEARS them
He DELIVERS them from all there troubles
The Lord is close....
To the broken hearted
And SAVES those who are
Crushed in sprit
A righteous man.....
May have many troubles
But the Lord
DELIVERS him from them all
He protects.....
All his bones
Not one of them will be broken.
Psalms 34:17-20
Perfect peace
 Dec 2012 Ayeglasses
She Tries
 Dec 2012 Ayeglasses
She tries to write
But her efforts are in vain
But now that she's written,
She will never be the same
So she will keep writing
And making us blush
Because she tries, but she's failing
She's trying to be us
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