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 Feb 2013 Ayeglasses
This is a heart that cannot be contained
But it's gone out of control and she's going insane
When they met she thought that nothing would change
But they've grown up and now nothing can be the same
 Feb 2013 Ayeglasses
Lyra Brown
i scanned the room and wondered silently how many of these people
would care if i died,
how many would come to my funeral,
what kind of things they would say about me if i
ceased to exist.

i sat by myself
watching them
all the handsome talented boys interacted with the other
handsome talented boys
all the dilettantes interacted with the other dilettantes,
and all the other people just
interacted with the other people.

they made it look so easy,
so comfortable, so almost fun.
so impossible

i became so far removed from myself
i could hardly breathe
i was watching the people and all i could think of
was how badly i wanted death
perhaps not literal death,
but i wanted desperately to **** the part of me that would never be like
the people,
the part of me they don't
understand. the separated

it's an illness.

so i sat alone in a bathroom stall waiting for the next musician to start
wondering when he would call me up on stage
so i could sing
and leave.
the stage is the only place
i feel at peace. i don't have to talk for them
i only need to sing for me.

they were everywhere, i was surrounded by them
i sat alone,
watching them
watching them
unable to complete a single sentence
or feeling
of any kind.
 Feb 2013 Ayeglasses
In the stands the crowds cheer,
It's what they do best.
And in class the professor lectures,
About the greatness expected for every test.

And at home the parents preach,
About the wrong that shouldn't be done.
And outside the officers enforce,
With their hands firmly on their guns.

But nobody ever teaches you,
How to handle the disappointed faces.
When you've gone down your own path.
Leaving the rest still in their braces.

Nobody ever tells you,
That the disappointment is rough.
That handling what can't be handled,
Is nonsensically tough.

So here I am to write it.
In hopes that it will be read.

In fragment whims of lyrical rhymes,
Incompetently attempting to ease the dread.  

Take these words and conquer.
Take them as weapons like swords.

So when they judge and cast their mockery.
Your arsenal of protection is what wards.

Let you be safe and sound during the fight.
And walk unbothered by those with selfish plight.

And journey till you reach the destination of choice,
Where freedom rings in the form of your own voice.
im so sick of screaming into my pillow, and banging my fist into my bed... making a reck of myself
so sick of playing stupid mind games to keep from thinking about it...
im so sick of acting like im okay with never seeing you....
so sick of trying to keep these tears from coming, and when they do
im so sick of hiding them behind closed doors
....biting down on my cloths so no one can hear me
daddy the only place i wanna be is in your arms....
i hate this.....
what will take this anger away?
so sick of not being able to write about anything else...
but you,
you don't even know this blog exists.
so sick of holding a grip on the poles of my head board that my hand goes numb,
hoping if i hold on long enough,
if i scream loud enough,
...cry hard enough...
that maybe i wont care anymore.
she said forget it, it wont happen... you'll never see him anymore then you do now..
do you not see how happy i am when im with him..
only one word of her saying yes could fix this...
nothing else...
and im so sick of it!
so i run....
run away
tell she cant find me
tell she forgets my existence
im sure it wouldn't be hard for her to do  
i run far away
i finally
become reunited
with you again.
ill run until i can jump into your arms
tell i can tell you how much ive missed you
and wonderd when i could see you again...
i would tell you
..that i love you
and i would never want to leave..
mom dont make me leave....
let me stay with my dad
ill be okay
listen to me
i need this
i need him, with me..
Between stolen kisses
The hits and misses
We create ourselves
this distorted image of what we
This façade to aid our acceptance
this thing we use to find any remanence
Of self confidence that has been ripped away
leaving our self importance at bay
Our own distortion of inner meaning
unable to see
we deserve
The nerve
Of ourselves saying we don't deserve
the best
and that we deserve everything less
than the most
it's not fair, how
being imperfect
makes you believe you're some how defective
and its not fair
when we get caught in a place with dont belong
with someone we don't belong
The only possible reasoning being
We accept the love we think we deserve
but you deserve the best
So accept it.
Clenching my fist
And biting down on my teeth
Wont ease the pain..
Not even the tears i cry for everythought of regret
Wont ease the guilt and amount of regret
I hold within me
All those nights staying up late talking sinfully to you
As you would say things back
I didn't want to let you go but I'm glad I did
I'm glad she caught me...
And I'm glad it's over...
That it stopped
It was so long ago but
What Brandon said hit dug deep into it all
Those sins I have committed... Guilt can't cover up.
And nothing ever will.
But knowing that I am forgiven by god,
Is the most born again fresh start feeling
And it's the most painful.
Because I don't deserve his love
Yet he shows it
And this sin I deserve to be burned for
Yet he took my pain and nailed it on the cross
So I don't have to drowned in regret...
The devil loves to pester me with guilt of it all
But I'm glad it's over
I'm glad it's stopped..
No matter how many times I get on my knees
No matter how many times I try to stop killing myself over it
It does not ease th pain
Lord forgive me
 Feb 2013 Ayeglasses
Infamous one
We never say sorry but get along
My family proud makes them strong
We are talking no apologizes needed
You apologize it's mistaken for weakness
So you learn to let it go
If you admit your wrong
They think they are always right
Only if things could be done right
Love family alway eve thought they bring you down
Closer to friends but in the end they are there for you
You might agree let them be
 Feb 2013 Ayeglasses
Have you found yourself yet?
The quest of defining yourself
Pondering on this ever puzzling existence
The want to be different yet fall unconsciously
Into a stereotypical group of foolish individuals,
Disregarding the simplest act of living
to master the act of solving the enigma that doesn’t exist

Have you completely ignored the certainty?
For a possibility that there is more
More to this than what already is?
Why are you hiding in the shadow?
This is it, you exist now make the most of it
Go out, live, define your own existence!
What is this desperation to belong?
Yet be different from the mass
Do you now feel cool enough?
To tag yourself as unique, educated, ENLIGHTENED!!

But hey, who am I?
Just another foolish ****
that doesn’t fit your definition of elite
Since I don’t go after the meaning,
Since I don’t think there is a greater plan
And am defining life in my own terms,
Not unique, just crazy!

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