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Parker Oct 2018
The key to my heart is hidden in her poems
The way you dance with words reminds me of how a soft snow can cover the ground
Cover the trash on the streets
Cover all the pains that have stalked me for far to long
The storm never ends though I'd gladly hold your hand as we watch the lightening strike fires across everything that has ever let us down
Will you paint me in your heart and never let it dry
Will you follow me into the dark when there's no guarantee of light
You are the only one who can make grey seem so beautiful
The only one who may laugh at a funeral and cry at a celebration
I want to wake up next to you until I don't wake up
I want to kiss your lips until my pulse runs dry and my dash is followed by a year 5 decades down the road
There's a picture hanging in some old forgotten house of two lovers jumping off a cliff into a black hole
To me, that is us
Falling for you is like opening my favorite book every day with a new chapter written
Like giving my change to the homeless instead of tossing it in a wishing well because all my dreams have already come true
There's something hidden in your poems
Something I've been searching for all my life
Parker Oct 2018
The songs of our time together are deafening
A month and a half after our divorce we now sleep next to different pulses
Why does the good echo stronger then the bad after it’s all said and done?
Why do your mistakes dwindle even though my decision to leave was more then justified
I’ve been walking a on tight rope for weeks and the void won’t leave me be
I hate the man you are attached too now
I hate the things you were able to do to me
Most of all, I hate the phrase until death do us part
I have to remind myself that you wouldn’t be with him if it was true that nothing happened those two nights he stayed over while I was away
There’s a calling in my bones to get on a motorcycle and ride until I forget your name
Ride like the devil is chasing me
Ride like and eraser will catch me if i stop
The sun is rising over our city and I remain in the dark
That’s all
Parker Oct 2018
2 pulses free to dance on the softest side of my heart
Parker Oct 2018
This staircase is endless and taunting
A rollercoaster with no straps
The lights in the building are all turned off except for the top floor
How long have you been sitting there?
All the billboards in this town are for injury lawyers
Yet no one will take my case
Is the traffic worth the tragedy?
The forecast keeps promising ran yet it never comes
I've been raining for weeks though
My streets are all flooded and the reflections in the puddle have been splashing to much for me to see who I really am
My thousand mile stare ends at a broken jukebox who's last song was one I never want to hear again
So much movement in this city that I swear that the perpetuating force is what drives my anxiety
Please just shut off the ******* lights and go to sleep
Go home!
How much longer must the house always win before you gamble your own home?
The parking garage is packed and your car has been at the same location for over a year now
It's a shame that no one wants to inform you that drinking gasoline will not make you feel full
It'll just speed up your heart until the flashing lights fade to black
and her eyes will no longer be your biggest concern
Parker Sep 2018
My fire burns a few thousand miles apart
I've been longing to express what's in my chest in person for far to long
Today I wear a coat of depression
Preparing for another lonely moon
Stripes are bleeding off the flag and the beginning stars are fading fast
My love, I long to replace your fake fireplace  
and the books on your shelf with my warmth and our stories
The sky keeps changing colors though I am remaining put
How much longer until I feel better?
The truest prison is surely in ones own mind
This cell echoes my mistakes and all the people I have let down
I stopped counting days once my walls were filled and time forgot how to use its hands
The fuse on my distractions burnt out not trailed by an explosion
and the tires on this man have become flat
If I could write a song that could relocate our homes, I'd play it until my fingers were bleeding and all the strings had snapped
Just maybe that same song could help stitch my halves back full and remove me from this fear of trusting anyone
My heart has beat more times then miles between us since I last saw your face.
If I would of taken a step for every beat, I would be back at your side tongiht
Running on heart-beats per mile is how I travel these days
I'm working on accepting so many corners right now that the only way I can sleep is in circles
That's what happens when you drastically change so many things at once
You find yourself frozen in the last place anyone would ever check
You find yourself searching through the remotes desert for all the puzzle pieces you let slip for the happiness of another
The winds are high tonight though I'm hiding under a rock
As Fall closes in, my sunshine seems further and further away
Parker Sep 2018
The bullseye has gained so many holes that it's significants has deteriorated
A billion specs and you chose me, for now
I'd give my left arm for a single rain cloud to be in my sky
Just so I cannot be the only thing pouring
A storm is inside and I'm afraid all that were on ships today will not be returning home
Your last words in a bottle sprung a leak and now know one will ever bleed a common pain
They dropped 60 floors in a elevator after the plane crashed into the first tower
The safety break kicked in at the bottem though the fire from the jet fuel under them, burned them alive
All a sudden my  issues seem so small
Why do butterflies hurt your heart my dear?
Why does your personality change with the color you dye your hair?
How come the only person I want to be next too is the one that's furthest away from me?
I'm stepping out of this car on the freeway in order to empty my pockets of quicksand
For a moment, the eye of the storm holds me with love
They say it's quite this time of year six feet under
That medication can help you
That it's best to find someone who loves you for you instead of looks
The church was filled with terrible people who believed God doesn't judge
How foolish of them
Your stepping stones are getting smaller and the crowd awaits for them to disappear
Parker Sep 2018
I lost your name is the ashes left over from a burnt-down life
They say it rains this time of year
No matter how much water soaks into the soil
nothing ever grows anymore
Spare me the lost dog posters and just accept the abandonment
The moon is howling back and I didn't purchase these sheets
I forgot time was glued to my wrist and far to much was wasted before I broke my hand in order to slip out of your cuffs
I've been told I wear a life jacket now
Something to keep me afloat when the world crashes in on me again
But dear, I long to rest at the bottom of the ocean
The silence and darkness seem inviting compared to the war thats been taking place in my head these past few weeks
The half moon was lost in a field that holds paint black nights
and somewhere much further away I placed my heart in order to protect it from my thoughts
Every so often a plane lands with it to remind me that love is the most important thing we can have
There's a flickering light in the distance that I'm missing
My compass only points in one direction and I'm walking with a blindfold on and headphones in playing the same song on repeat
No matter how loud the volume, all I hear is your voice whispering about a home we could build and a book we could share
I long to pause time whenever you're around
I don't think we need anybody else these days
The only reason I wouldn't pause it is because I need the rivers to continue to flow in order to follow a path I have yet to see
There comes a time in everyones life where they have to dance alone in dreams and pretend all the pillows next to them are the body of someone they love
I wear this empty spot tonight knowing the true test of time is held quietly in the notes on her phone and her perfume that I miss
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