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 Dec 2013 Aditi
Our bodies lie next to eachother
In such contrasting perfection
Your shoulder supplants as my pillow
Our lips touching satisfy my every urge
Each nibble on the neck acts as a reminder of why we are here
So practical and enjoyable
But you can see in my eyes, I wonder why.
My mind questions my bodies
And its desire, its yearning, in its simplest form, its want to be held.
Though- I am able to turn my back toward you, curl my legs to yours
and forget this question for one more minute.
 Dec 2013 Aditi
 Dec 2013 Aditi
I want you to come over and watch movies with me, and I wanna force you to watch Nightmare Before Christmas and listen to me sing all the songs, and I wanna drink too much mountain dew and order pizza and get half Canadian bacon *** you’re gross like that, and stay up until 2am, I wanna crawl into bed with you and listen to your heartbeat and breath as my lullaby, I wanna kick you in the middle of the night,  I wanna wake up all tangled in the sheets and your limbs, and I wanna breathe my morning dragon-breath into your face. I wanna complain when you say it’s time to get up, and hide in your neck. I wanna make you pancakes and eggs for breakfast.

I want you to kiss me until I’m breathless
I want to go four-wheeling with you, racing each other around
I want to make cookies with you and feed you cookie dough
I want to cuddle with you all day under an alarming amount of blankets and watch American Horror Story and Adventure Time and Bravest Warriors
I want you to lay down on my bed with your shirt off, all sprawled out, so I can really appreciate your body
I want to see how soft the skin on your belly is
I want to see what your collarbones taste like
I want to eat icecream with you, and I want to clean off all the ice cream on your lips…with my mouth
I want to kiss all over your chest and stomach
I want to kiss those little back dimples…the little dimples on either side of the base of your spine
I want to just hang out with you on a Mountain Dew fueled craze; you playing GTA5, me on tumblr until the wee hours of the morning
I want to fall asleep in your arms; for once, completely relaxed while touching someone else while I sleep. To be able to wake up again, in your bed, to see your sleepy face and sleepy voice
 Dec 2013 Aditi
JC Lucas
How could you have ever called what we had love?
When we communicated through text
And over phone lines
Phone lines that stretched across
Boundless expanses of desert
A string
Three states long
With a tin can on either end.

So I made you feel something.
Well let's be honest,
Is not an emotion.
Love is not a mood you can be in
(Although you certainly made it seem that way).
Love is lying naked
Trapped in one another's embrace
And shutting out all the noise.

Don't tell me you loved me.
Don't tell me that's what you call whatever that was.

What it was was sickness
Manifested in two teenagers
Saying "**** the world,
I just want you."

It was just teenagers being teenagers
Loners being sick

Do not confuse,
You made me feel worlds better
But don't call it love
'Cause love is not an emotion.
Love is souls dancing
And the space between two bodies
Don't even for a second tell me that's what you think that was.
Because it couldn't have been.

I didn't fall out of love.
I figured out what love wasn't.
 Dec 2013 Aditi
I remember every month you would get a haircut
because you couldn't stand the strands touching your face.
You blew it out of your eyes
and folded it back from your forehead
but you weren't at peace until it was gone.

When you left,
it wasn't entirely your fault.
I liked tomato soup while you liked chicken noodle;
you watched television in the mornings while I flipped through the channels at night;
I couldn't blame you
we just didn't work out.

Yet in this moment I am biking past your house,
it is late and I can see the television flashing through in the window shades.
It is when the house is out of sight when I start thinking of you;
the yellow dotted street line is your spine and I am tracing the curves with my wheels,
the leaves strewn across the road are your freckles and I am so lost
in a sea of your anatomy that I do not even notice the headlights.

They say before you die your life flashes before your eyes,
but all I see is the television through the window,
strands of me draped across your face,
and how at peace you must be now that I'm finally gone.
 Dec 2013 Aditi
C E Ford
 Dec 2013 Aditi
C E Ford
We stared at the ceiling as it blackened from the lights turning off,
and the air chilling with every breath from the A.C.
Inch by inch we moved closer to each other
because we thought it was what we were supposed to do,
but little did we know that with each nudge
our electrons were sending spark signals
way before our bodies even thought about touching.

Like iron and sulfur, we synthesized
moving into each other's lives,
and leaving our pieces behind us,
swapping stories and secrets
in the cover of nightfall
with roaring laughter,
while our heads made permanent impressions
on their downy and memory foam petals
in the garden of wishes
we created.

Constantly I was with you,
just as the shore is never without the sea.
I became your shadow,
and followed you to your room,
and back again,
through the drug cartels of Mexico,
to the blizzards that lie beyond The Wall.
You became my greatest adventure
and showed me what lay beyond the door
I was always too frightened to open.

You earned a doctorate in my mannerisms,
becoming an expert on each temper tantrum,
and each shining grin that you always brought about
on the gloomiest of Wednesdays
when I ran out of milk for my cereal
and overcooked your mac and cheese.

You embraced every flaw I had,
like the father welcoming home the prodigal son,
and came to love every scar I accumulated,
thirty-eight in total,
from the hordes of others,
almost too numerous to count on ten fingers,
that constantly left me with a sewing needle,
and a bottle of Elmer's glue
to mend from each tumble
of their careless hands.

Every jagged edge of mine that cut your palms,
and left nicks on your fingertips
was smoothed by the rough edges of your beard,
and through scratchy kisses
from chapped lips.
You became my greatest blessing,
as well as my greatest weakness,
so now I constantly crave your pale face
spattered with freckles
and beautiful laugh lines
that congregate around
the warmest brown eyes
I have ever seen.

And I thought I loved you then, but
it definitely was nothing like I love you now, because
now I wake up next to you,
I make both of us coffee, and
push open the curtains to let in sunlight.
And when I wake up next to you,
I don't hate Mondays as much anymore,
And when I wake up next to you,
I feel safe,
because through the valleys of your sleeping lungs
I found where I belong.
I found my home.
 Dec 2013 Aditi
 Dec 2013 Aditi
Let's excuse the "playing rules"
Let's put our fingers down and unclench our hands
Because this is nothing but fake.
I loved a girl once without touching her.
I'll put it bluntly..
I never spoke to her again.
I liked a girl in whom I touched and we still talk from time to time.
I loved this girl at the age of 14. And I told the girl I liked that I loved her. In which was fiction.
I told the girl I liked that I can't live without hopes I wouldn't be alone.
I told the girl I love "you can leave, I care more about you then I do me."
Never second guessing myself.
I wrote a poem about the girl I love the other day and realized that she's never coming back. And I am simply...okay with that.  Let's take the player names off my identity crisis because I'm
And hurt.
I'm not wearing your ******* name tag.
 Dec 2013 Aditi
Circa 1994
I'm thinking about you.
I'm thinking about lying beside you.
I'm thinking about the way you feel.
I'm thinking about the scratch of your stubble
against my palms.

I'm thinking about you.
I'm thinking about touching your mouth
with my mouth
and stealing your breath away.
I'm thinking about the way your voice sounds
in the morning
when it's clouded with sleep.

I'm thinking about you.
I'm thinking about the way we could play make believe beneath the covers.

I'm always thinking.
 Dec 2013 Aditi
when the wind blows south towards you, I send kisses to your third eye in lieu of my skin touching yours. I hope you see, that I wish to look at you in a way that makes you never think you'd live be better off alone. I still don't know why my vision blurred when you said you had never fallen in love.
maybe cause I thought you would love me.
when you described your type, I thought it was a letter for me, with the  "to:" form left blank.
I don't know what to think.

I love your hands, they are strong. I have traced all of the land snaking inside your palms. I love their size, and the way they make me feel. they have caught me, even with my flaws.
I think I hurt you.
but your hands do not answer me. they wander on my skin like the ravines on their joints. you have been around for so long. perhaps you are just a band-aid that I need to peel.
but there's so much stuck on to you.
I don't know what to do.

you kept coming and going whenever it was convenient.
you set a nomadic hut inside of my heart, you made it so intimate.
but what good is an empty tent?
you have a good heart. I don't want to fall inside your net, again. now you're back at camp.
you brought an empty envelope filled with irrelevant love notes.
I don't know what to tell you.

I love the static between our skin. I love when you breathe out, I breathe in. I love how eager you get.
you are helping teach me to trust again. I can show you so much.
I don't know if I should.

I have loved you for so long. you have given me the gift of your time, your smile. your kind words when I was in need. every time I try to give up on you, you only come back and catch me. you don't even try.
I'm in love with the taste of your name in my mouth.
I miss something that was never mine.
It's been so much time. you are still here: in my spirit, in my mind.
I don't know why.

I don't know what to feel.
I always know how to feel.
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