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 Jan 2014 Aditi
 Jan 2014 Aditi
I envy those who
Know the timbre of your voice
Just by memory.
 Jan 2014 Aditi
 Jan 2014 Aditi
I've never been one for burning books
But this is life
And these words char the paper they're printed on
And I think you need to burn your fingers to realize
You better turn the page.
Life is short.
Strike a spark inside your chest
And let it go off like a firecracker.
You might be arson in the morning, honey,
But you'll never be ashes.
Life is short.
Sometimes you've got to torch the house to find the foundation,
And sometimes the world's gotta burn you down to your backbone
For you to realize you've got one.
 Jan 2014 Aditi
When did I let myself trust
I thought sure I was just as far away
As ever.
But you never really know something inside out
Until you lose it
And it's the same with people.
You never really know what they truly are
Until you miss whatever that is.
I don't have friends.
I know it looks like I have friends
And a lot of you might even think you are among them
But I don't
I don't have friends.
I stopped talking to my friends.
I stopped way back two years ago,
When I lost everything and nothing could fix it.
And when seeing someone's face who wasn't her didn't hurt me terribly
It was still simply too tiring to have friends at all.
So I stopped talking to them.
Little by little.
They didn't wanna let me go.
Apparently I was pretty great or something.
But they did. They let me go
Because I am great-
At being persistent.
And I persistently pulled away.
And... that was that, really- I didn't have friends.
I had acquaintances.
I had a loose circle of people who I could talk to if I wanted
But who wouldn't miss me all that much if I suddenly bowed out of their lives.
I made a practice of doing just that-
Periodically leaving.
So nobody got used to me enough to like me too much,
Because I didn't have the energy to like them too.
It became that I only gave myself to love,
Not friendship,
Because when I lost love
Even the best of friends became completely invisible to me, hidden behind a haze of pain.
And I figured that must be a sign.
In a lot of ways, I don't do friends.
Or so I thought until today...
But tonight
Tonight I am losing a friend.
She is parting with hugs and promises to keep in touch
And I am sitting on my father's sofa crying
Because I don't remember the last time I cared about anyone I wasn't in love with.
How did I miss this?
When did I start making friends?
How many of them are there?
Will I even know before it's too late?
And why
Do they ever have to leave?
 Jan 2014 Aditi
 Jan 2014 Aditi
Go completely insain
Change my name
Cry a billion tears
Tell you that I'm here.
What do I have to do
To make you choose me
Over the boose.

I guess it always hard to choose
from the things that destroy you the things
That tear you apart
The the things that make you
You again

What is our goal in life
Why do we hate the ones that fall
Cause I stumble trip face plant
Life didn't come with a map

And emotions are full of cap
Follow your heart and you will win
Ha. I guess they didn't know what it's like to be me then
Because my heart protects the ones I love more than myself
I end up alone in a pile of hell
I try but I'll never be good enough.
*** I give up on love
Cause I don't know what to do
When I make a choice I always loose

Always look back.
Why did I have to act like that
My dad my mom they left
I can't blame them forever
I make my own choices
And have to face the weather

How dare all of you judge me
You have no idea what my intentions might be
You don't understand the confusion
The need to people please
You have absolutely no idea what kind of strength
It takes to be me
A hell alot of **** ups and misery.
 Jan 2014 Aditi
Holly O'Brien
Who am I?
Who am I?
A rebel? A hero?
A monster with blood and bones?
Not one of these things.
A little lion girl, maimed and alone.
A coward, needy and ashamed,
A girl trapped in darkness, begging for a light,
But all she could manage were stumbles through the night.

In the midst of it all, the struggle and fall, I felt my legs give out,
Weak and worn out, I lay in the pit.
For what shall I fight for? This hell? This ****?
Many gathered around and yelled 'you can't quit',
They rattled but could not touch, could not help, for they too are sick.

I heard a gentler voice in the crowd, and I wanted to answer,
But dropped my head in the mud,
With every effort, the pain just grows tenser.

In my heart,  I asked "Who are You?", "Where have You been?" I spat.
Still, You called my name, and cleared the brush and pitfalls so I could get up and walk back,
But I was trapped in a pit,  I was ashamed, without a thought, I sent You away,

Still, You came closer and knelt down to my level so that we were face to face,
"What are You doing?" I bitterly noted, when I saw that You reached for me,
I then swatted your hand and said, "No one tends to these scars, it's too much of a demand".
But you replied; "Not for me, I heal every wound with My love and My own right hand."
So I just sighed and gave into His embrace, what did I have to lose?

With Your hands on my back You picked me up,
You took my feet and set them on a rock,
You breathed into my heart and for the first time, I felt life,
You touched my eyes with your finger, and I saw heaven on earth,
You whispered to my mind, "You can trust Me, Holly.  I am the way the truth and the light"

And in that very moment I knew, I was reborn with the Son,
I walked to the mirror and saw a new reflection, a brave face with purpose,
A lioness who may inherent all of His kingdom under the sun,

And so, this is the end of a testimony, I run down a new road now,
With my hand in God's hand and a smile on my face remembering His first embrace,
Wherever I travel, even in the valley of the shadow of death, I keep a hand stretched out and a heart of trust,
Because My Lord never fails, and already He has conquered all things for us.

And now You're here,
My heart is at rest,
You crushed  my fears.
My life is blessed.
I found the savior,
Praise Jesus Christ.

I will serve you, great God,
For the rest of my days.
For what life can become,
Living for Amazing Grace!

Till kingdom come,
Till kingdom come,
Glory in the highest,
I lift up all praise,
I will love You forever,
My Lord and His Son.
Written about a year and a half ago. It was meant to be spoken out loud, there's a certain cadence I have in my head. Regardless, these are the words.
 Jan 2014 Aditi
I compose to you the following from the darkness of a room.
I inhale a deep breathe filling my lungs, releasing it out with an anguish as I mouth of thee.

He who turned this reality into a dreaming state.
Who taught my heart to dance to tip-toeing beats, synchronizing with his.
Who set fire to a friendship and gave meaning to the music I love.
Who raised the bar high and portrayed perfection.

I compile these few words for you from the darkness of a room that once witnessed the rays of the sun.
For he struck a lighting beam the day he entered; and warmth ran through my entire body.
Yet, I shiver now from freezing winds and my thoughts never fail to recall thee.

He whom I said my farewells to and guided outside the room
Who was steered elsewhere as I claimed it was charcoal and not a heating flame. Never knowing, it was the passion that gave blood to my cheeks, curves to my smile, and music to my beating heart.

And it was time to wake up once more from the land of dreams to a bitter reality.
Back to a world with watery eyes resisting to surrender, lungs gasping for each breath he once took away, and a heart that morns over thee.

He who turned me into a poet; writing for the freedom of a stolen heart.
He who parted me with a flare that's now there resulting burn marks; scarring me with memories.
He who embodied my "The One".
He who granted me the taste of perfection; who can ever match up to thee??

He who turned me into a poet... & I shall forever write about thee.
Every Subject is deeply fascinating;
some are lucky enough to have found Subjects with which they resonate.
Though, if you've not yet found a Subject that fascinates you,
worry not that there is none to be found;
simply persevere and continue seeking
that you may one day find such a Subject;
that you may perhaps make manifest
your truest of Passions
and that perhaps you, yourself,
may leave a lasting and beautiful mark
on this world.
 Jan 2014 Aditi
Taylor Rehsif
I’ve never found charm in speaking
words that you don’t mean
or falling over sentences
struggling with broken speech
the same way that I have never found home
in the body I call mine
that internal war I fight
between my heart and between my mind.

The world will never understand
why I tremble in daily conversation
I cause confusion in my thoughts
skipping over words in trepidation
But miscommunication then turns to judgement
without a second glance
and your lack of hesitation destroys me
tracing it’s steps into my one woman war

Well isn’t that just like your fears,
setting you up for failure?
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