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 Jan 2014 Aditi
Shubhanshu Gupta
I was looking at the sky,
it was dark like that soul of mine,
I was finding answer to the mystery,
mystery that leads me to misery,
who am I?
give me Sherlock to fix me by.

I take risk and the recess,
am I whole or been in pieces?
The sinners bite me everyday,
I forgive them with a smiling face,
and they bite me again,
bound by this chain of love I crawl,
and forgive them all.

There's something I can explore about me each day,
how good can I be even my people betray,
Is it healthy of me in this mean world,
or have I left myself open to the hell's gate?

I often break and I build myself up,
like a robot that's supposed to work.
At the end of the day, I'm in a memory lane,
from sober to insane.

Need my Sherlock to fix me by,
explore the 'Mystery of my Life'.
 Jan 2014 Aditi
Angela Herzig
 Jan 2014 Aditi
Angela Herzig
Water mixes with blood
As you try to wash it all away
All of the pain you feel is self inflicted
And you can't see that you cause your own hell
You choose to be unhappy
And you think that you are making your own way
But really, you are following what others have laid out for you
You refuse to see those who really care
And you are blinded by the lies
You trust the snakes and spiders
And you strip yourself of your wings
You have the power to rise above
Fly love to a better place
 Jan 2014 Aditi
Katka Kinjowski
The sun glowed on us when our paths first crossed,
Far from home we grew close, closer still;
Laughter filled our days, and moonlight our walks,
As we talked amidst an October chill.
But quickly new feelings came into view.
Is our friendship becoming something more?
Your confusing words are not the old you,
In your eyes—is that a glint of amour?
I wish your true feelings you would express;
I silently debate mine when alone.
Mixed signals abound, and “us” I *****:
Is it friendship? Or have your feelings grown?
I will be here as you figure it out,
Platonic or beyond, I'd love no doubt.
 Jan 2014 Aditi
You don't belong somewhere
You don't belong with someone
And right now
Your life is grey and white
Not too dark and not too light
But I'm telling you, darling,
Don't let your life be newspaper clippings-
Born, Married, Died-
In cheap grey ink.
When you cut your ties and discover every color of your sunset
You won't have the patience for anything less than breathtaking.
I'm asking you not to have the fear
To settle for less anyhow.
I'm asking you to risk for you
To be selfish
To try the stormy seas instead of sitting in the harbor because
You are not a two car garage with a beige house attached
You're a castle, stained glass windows throwing rainbow cut outs of stars on all the floors.
You are not a November drizzle,
You're a summer hurricane.
Even if you never choose me
I'm begging you not to let your love be mediocre
Not to let your life be.
I'm asking you to go for what you deserve
Instead of what you fall into by accident.
You deserve the moon and the stars,
The sun and the planets.
You deserve the richest, loveliest of lives.
Find your adventures, find your passion.
Just cause it's here
Doesn't mean it's good enough.
Don't let your life be newspaper clippings
In some old scrapbook under a bed.
Don't let yourself get caught in a practical, faded existence
Just because it seems like the safe thing to do.
You are not grey and white,
You are every spectrum, like a prism,
And it would be a crying shame
To let this life
Contain you.
 Jan 2014 Aditi
Shubhanshu Gupta
I'll always hold your hand,
the one I've always wished to.
I wanna make that moment grand,
when I don't wish to be bold and just hold,
your hand like a lover of fairy lands.

With every breath I take in,
your thoughts just crave in,
the center of gravity you've become,
please come, and hold my hand like a lover of fairy lands.

I can never feel this until its you,
every second its eternal and so new,
can you stand? on this flying mat of Alladin,
hold my hand and  let's dream of paladins.

We'll hang out on Mercury,
be the couple of the century,
I'll hold your cosy hand,
and love you like a lover of fairy lands.
 Jan 2014 Aditi
Who Cares?
 Jan 2014 Aditi
Just because, I'm Insecure you tell me I'm Pretty.
Who Cares.
Just because you tell me I'm Pretty doesn't make me,
Who Cares.
When I'm on my death bed.
From Insecurity.
Who Cares?
 Jan 2014 Aditi
London Time
 Jan 2014 Aditi
Your days pass so quickly
To me
Barely there
And all of a sudden it's tomorrow where you are,
And I am still waiting back in yesterday.
But I am learning
Overseas, over here,
To love you without fearing you,
As you prove to me day by day
That maybe there won't come the morning
Of the last day you ever write me back,
And maybe you will not forget me,
And maybe you will not want to.
I am gun shy
But every day you make me feel
A little less afraid.
All it takes is time to comfort me
And how odd that it should be London Time
(Already ten o'clock and dark
Where you are
Before I've even sat down to dinner.)
When I spent months fearing
These coming months.
 Jan 2014 Aditi
 Jan 2014 Aditi
It's gonna get colder when you leave.
The ground will harden
And the trees will sleep
And the world
Will wait.
Underneath the snow,
Will wait.
The wind will search for you in every face
Biting and frantic
But find nothing,
And in despair crack across the ground like a whip
Stirring up little ghostly eddies of ice crystals.
The snow will catch the branches and drag them down
Why the silence,
This year?
None of that summertime laughter
To light up the ice and make it sparkle.
The days will pull darkness around them like a thick coat
And slink by
In a hurry to be elsewhere,
Still too long, and too strange.

And then
Just when we've all almost given up,
Winter will soften, just a bit.
The rains will come, like a good cry you've been holding your breath against
For months,
And the snow will wash away
And the ground will be ugly and scarred,
But bare at last,
And the land will begin
To bloom
In anticipation of your footsteps there.

The sun will hold its line in the battle against the night
For just a sliver longer every day.
The first flowers will shoot up through
The last little patches of snow,
Light green and fragile.
The world will wake
Yawn and stretch,
Is she back yet?
Is she here?
The cherry blossoms on the tree in my backyard will unfurl
White and delicate and frothy on tough, leathery branches
And we will all see that maybe
Everything is going to be alright
After all.

Is she back yet?
Is she here?
And summer will stroll in, laughing,
The moment you set foot on this soil again.
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