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You are touching me, babe
Making me your willing slave
You are ******* me slow
Telling me what I want to know

I watch you strip and tease
I will do whatever you please
I love those things you will do
What you do to me, I will do to you

I taste you there, and you sigh
I am kissing you there, and you cry
Around my neck you move your hips
For you know where my tongue slips

You are sitting on me, taking me fast
You are moving on me, making it last
You know exactly what I am begging for
Because you know I can not take any more

I feel the sensation your body sends
You want some more, the loving never ends
Making me want you all through the night
Come make love to me babe, it feels so right
copyright Chris Smith 2010
 Feb 2014 Aditi
Anna Belle
 Feb 2014 Aditi
Anna Belle
Siting at home alone
all I want is to feel your hands
all over
your beard tickling my chest
as you rest your head.
I haven't gone a signal day without the thought of you
it never seems to amaze me
the way I long for your touch
She never seems to give a ****
just an old has been that cant get over the past
I can't deal with any bit of you
Just once I'd like to be gone.
 Feb 2014 Aditi
My Dead Body
 Feb 2014 Aditi
Do not weep over my grave
Do not waste your tears and lilies
Do not clutch at the hand of your almost lover

Do not read a eulogy
Do not pretend to have liked me
Anymore than you were forced to love me

Do not have a party
Do not celebrate my life
Do not force my memory

All I ask is take my ashes
Away and to the sea
And bury me below the waves

Do not waste your life to miss me
 Feb 2014 Aditi
left behind
 Feb 2014 Aditi
You left me, but parts of you are still here
That smile of yours stuck in my head
Your scent is the air I breathe
Twinkling eyes still shine bright in mine
Your embrace all over my skin
The hands that still could fit into my hands
Your lips touching mine permanently yours only
The favorite things you say, is the one that I can only utter
All these things about you, I've got it memorized
Just in case one day you'll leave me
And of course you did
 Feb 2014 Aditi
Was there ever a time when lovers sat outside of windows and played lyres,
Or were those only stories dreamed up by romantic minds-
Too daring by half
But still not nearly daring enough to do the things they sang about?
If I threw pebbles at your windowpane, you would tell me to go back to sleep.
Darling, what is that? How do you love someone, nowadays?
With roses and chocolate,
Or is even that too much, in modern times?
What is this casualness, a...
I feel.
And I would stand outside your gate all night and sing to you,
Had you a gate and had I a voice.
But this world is... different than I expected.
And I don't know how to love you, it's true.
"Make me a willow cabin at your gate
And call upon my soul within the house.
Write loyal cantons of contemned love
And sing them loud, even in the dead of night.
Halloo your name to the reverberate hills
And make the babbling gossip of the air cry out, Olivia!"
-Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, Act I, Scene 5
 Feb 2014 Aditi
 Feb 2014 Aditi
You only know what I want you to know,
as the fondness I feel for you is carefully hidden,
in the dark, small chambers of my heart.
Perhaps I have smothered my affections too much,
as you do not know how much I truly and utterly
need you in my life.

I put up a good mask, because it is easier to be someone else
than deal with the pains in my own life.
I have never allowed myself to lower my façade,
because I do not even know who I am without it.


I am lonely.
I am afraid.
I am needy.

I am scared of losing you.


are my warmth.
are the sparkle in my eye.
are the sighs that coat my lips.

You and I will never be.

Because I am a coward.
A coward who is scared to love you.
 Feb 2014 Aditi
 Feb 2014 Aditi
Some would say I have the dignity of a queen,
The affections of a man,
The heart of a child,
The righteousness of a rebel,
The daydreams of a poet,
The bitterness of a *******,
The restraint of a soldier,
The faith of a zealot,
The cleverness of a thief,
The sorrow of a widow,
The stubbornness of a youth,
The doubts of a skeptic,
The weakness of a fool,
The humility of a freak,
The joy of a survivor,
The weariness of an old man,
The suspicion of a king,
The strength of a proud woman,
And the passion of a lover.
You tell me
Where I belong.
 Feb 2014 Aditi
When I was seven
I asked my aunt how she knew that there was a god.
She told me
To go wait in the car.

When I was twelve
I asked my teacher
Why so many cultures that never intersected
Thought their gods wanted human blood.
He told me
To go sit at my desk.

When I was fifteen
I asked my peers
If they thought heaven and hell
Were manmade.
They told me
To talk about something else.

This is not a world for questions.

Last week I asked my friend
If maybe this is hell
And we are being punished
And we fear death because it is our release
And we are not meant to have that until we are broken.
I asked
If maybe instead
This is heaven
And this is the best we will get
And nothing is ever so simple as
Or evil.

She told me to stop asking questions
That scared her.
 Feb 2014 Aditi
 Feb 2014 Aditi
I will love you so much you won't trust yourself with it.
But you are kinder than you think,
And if you do trust yourself, neither of us will disappoint you.
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