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atticus wilson Aug 2020
They won’t leave my eyes
No matter how much I want them to
I want them to streak my cracked cheeks
So that I can forget the sorrow that caused them
I want to forget why I need to cry
But no tears appear
No matter how hard I will them
So I sit here
Wishing I could cry
atticus wilson Jul 2020
Have you noticed that the ones wearing a mask
Avoiding leaving the house
Not talking to people
Are the ones who need to?
We haven’t left
Save for protesting against inequity in our world
Because we need this to be over
We need to be able to leave
Without worrying about harming those around us
We are the ones that never talked
That now have something to say
We are the ones that never went outside
That now want to experience the world
We are the ones that need our friends
That now can’t talk to them without a ******* phone
We are the ones that need help
That we can’t reach
We put on the mask so that this ends
We seldom leave so that this ends
We keep minimizing our lives so that you can live yours, but you can’t do the same?
I always say “equity” or “inequity” instead of equality and inequality because equity means giving help to those that need it, where equality means everyone has the exact same help. Some people need more help than others
atticus wilson Jul 2020
You remember two years ago?
That movie day we planned
The one that quickly changed from day to week to month?
The one we planned to do that summer
Before the dreams
Before the ugliness
When we were just three misfits that fit together
Firedrill karaoke singers
The summer yoga masters
When did it all fall apart?
When did we go our separate ways?
We used to be so close, so why did we drift apart?
What ever happened to our movie day?
atticus wilson Jul 2020
I never have a steady stream of inspiration
I rarely see things worth writing about anymore
But every now and then
I look at the stars and wonder
“What if..?”
I can never get the italics to work properly on here. Too bad
atticus wilson Jul 2020
“Make a wish on a shooting star
And it’ll take it beyond the horizon”
I only wish I wasn’t alone
atticus wilson Jul 2020
I wish I had someone
Someone to hold and share a blanket
As we look up to the stars
atticus wilson Jul 2020
Months ago, though it feels like years, I told him of three dreams
Dreams that should've been forgotten
Pushed back to the darkest recesses of my mind

I had wanted to talk in person,
But the world went to ****
so I put it off
Until I decided I had to tell him
Typed in a note on my phone I sent him all three and said
"Read this... I need to talk to you"
After that I saw him in class every once in a while
but he always ignored me when I waved

Now an awkward pall hangs over us
He was my first friend at a new school
And now he won't say a word to me
So I guess that note was goodbye...
I just saw the note in my phone and it reminded me of this. Each dream is still fresh though, like it happened yesterday in real life.
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